It's happening Now! Space-Time Shift is Changing Us!

Published 2024-07-28
Learn to Activate your Self-Healing-Power:
This Video is translated from German to English. My intension is to help as many as possible in their transformation process.

highly sensitive, highly sensitive person, Unlocking blockages, overcoming fears, living authentically, solving problems, spirituality, personal development, doubts and fears, beliefs, healing through thoughts, inner feeling, spiritual cleansing, finding clarity, clear thinking, thoughts, shamanism, shaman, letting go, activating self-healing powers, feeling right, spiritual development, recognizing spiritual signs, Ralph Riedel, shamanic message, lifepurpose, soul path, soul purpose

All Comments (21)
  • @ShellKitz144
    I am 74 years old going through the stages of grief after losing my dear husband of 42 years over a year ago. Awakened, living alone, I am learning to find out who I am, how to make decisions alone. Grief can be a lonely road of uncertainty of who you truly are & what you truly want. I have experienced the Dark Night of the Soul & I accept we grow through these challenges. I am learning each step to trust, allow & accept that the Universe is guiding me by detaching from my old life involving myself in outside activities to find my path. It’s not easy in a 3D thinking world but I have faith my Guides will show me the way🙏🏻🌟.
  • I’m an old American guy almost 75 and so far I’ve experienced good health and vitality. About five years ago I made a serious ethical mistake that led to four months in jail and legal entanglements for the rest of my life. Losing my profession and relying solely on social security I am near the end of my savings and in debt as well. At 31 I had a kundalini awakening which introduced me to something much greater than myself. I have stumbled off and on my path since and interesting enough I made the biggest mistake of my life at the end of a spiritual retreat. The feeling prior to the retreat was that it would be a turning point in this last phase of this life. Intending a deepening in connections to community and my work in the world. Preparing to be present in a deeper open hearted way that I might work until my last day. Now I can’t find a way forward and each day I feel more disconnected from the human experience. Spend time in nature with my dog and cats. I have access to a long closed landfill that I have been clearing trails making it easy enjoy this beautiful open land. The work gives me a sense of connection to the natural world feeling much less like a ghost.
  • I am 70 years old. I have come to a place where the only way forward I can see is to sell my current home . It is frightening to consider letting my home go without a place to live. I also need to let go because it seems the only way I will be able to acquire transportation. My old car has failed after 20 years. I am trying to gather the courage to sell. I have been trying to find somewhere to go to but nothing has materialized. Sometimes I feel I am too old.
  • I'm having severe anxiety and panic about things going wrong in my house especially water related. I'm driving myself nuts and keep getting up in the night to check for leaks. The panic that I feel actually roots me to the spot and I can hardly breathe. I have now got my house on the market and am looking for a peaceful place with a large garden so I can rescue some neglected and unwanted animals and dedicate the rest of my life to caring for our precious wildlife - it is my hearts desire. I have been an animal rights activist and vegan for nearly 50 years, so I think, that now is the right time for me to follow my dream. Thank you Ralph, sending love from Wales UK 💖💚💖💚
  • @katrine2425
    Thank you! 🙏🏼 Beautiful story about the eagle. It’s so true. Love the shamanic way to understand life ❤
  • been through the dark night of the soul multiple times, some of us have a punch card
  • @Protesto2012
    We are getting rid of everything literally ! Old mind sets and physical and material things. Retiring and moving to another country. Fear has been present yes but we must trust and go on. Knowing we have the light and guidance inside. We trust all is working out in our behalf and it is!
  • @krobbins8395
    Yeah I know about the eagles mottling phase. What the eagle learns is detachment and to surrender control. This is how you become a great healer. I'll give a example of something that happened last year. A guy that lives behind me was outside talking to someone about their problems severe diabetes, very overweight, and migraines. I listened to intuition and it said drop this off to this person. I made something left it on their porch with a note and that was it. A year later THEY healed themselves. Weights gone, pain and meds gone. That is detachment and releasing control over circumstances. Then it's not the ego as the doer but the spirits that give guidance and you allow things to come to you not seek anything but being available and receiving guidance on life vs trying to get what the ego wants. Its time for me to do more outside of the internet so I can arrive where I'm supposed to be.
  • So true plus the fact we have responsibilities like children for example +difficult partner relationship feels like I’m thorn apart and stuck at the same time . Children come first and their safety so it’s the matter of choosing what would be less hurtful to them either way there will be consequences. Fear of not being able to provide as a single parent or a the main reason I have no choice but to acknowledge that at this stage of my life I am unable to act from freedom of choice for myself only . Everything you say it’s true and it is very helpful to people to hear and understand they have power within to make it happen who are in the position to choose and change from freedom of choice for themselves only . Sending love and blessings to all 🙏🏻❤️✨
  • You are such a gift to this world 🌎 🙌👌 I'm a spiritual teacher/mentor/healer as well. My heart fills with joy listening to your teachings in direct alignment with mine 💕 Thank you for fulfilling your prechosen life's mission 🙏 My experiences were directly in sinc with yours which is truly commendable seeing that not only did we make it, we came shining through brilliantly so that we can help the collective through their awakening journey ✨️
  • That exercise helped me to understand I really don’t have the love and patience. My direction is leading me to healing and helping people. What scares me is leaving the sanctuary and completly surending to an area where I have to shed my skin. And that direction forceses me to completly reset and follow a new way.
  • @puckie55
    Do you really have to achieve something in life? Animals live their life, some plants and flowers are simply their humble self, no beauty, no medical use and isn’t it enough for us to simply live? Thank you. Greetings from the Netherlands.
  • I’m right in the middle with you! 😊. This feels 💯 accurate as did your last video. Thank you for your courage. ❤
  • I shared this on my fb page due to the impact it had on me. Some people already look at me as a crazy witchy woman, so I throw these concepts out there to make others aware of our ever evolving world coming into the age of Aquarius. It's been 2005 since my awakening took place after my husband passed away at 51. I am now 70 years of age with life experience in ascending, recognizing I am a spiritual being living in a human body.
  • Thank you so much for this powerful and eye opening message. I definitely needed to see this at this time in my life. 🙏🏻❤️✨
  • very important questions; it’s a process for sure…. ( wow, in the middle of this comment while listening, this was exactly what you said). with clarity comes new beginning, when pain takes over, change is inevitable.
  • This hit in a very real way. I AM exactly as you described. The vision you speak of is my exact vision…I’m 62, and can’t believe that I find myself in the position I’m in. On the surface things are ok, but that’s just it.. I feel as if I’ve lived my life just “ok”. And for some reason “ok” is now not enough, and I know it’s not enough! I have no idea what’s next or what steps to take, but I believe within my deepest self that my true happiness and joy have not yet been experienced. Thank you for this message. ❤