Nujabes - Perfect Circle Homework Edit (Instrumental)

Published 2015-12-04

All Comments (21)
  • @alexcandido579
    makes me feel like searching for the samurai who smells like sunflowers...
  • @atomichero5423
    5Β°clock in the morning, my alarm clock is waking me up. I get up, wash my face, brush my teeth and brew me a nice cup of coffe. Play this, and start doing my homework, then set off to school. Every freaking morning. Nujabes is helping me so much through my life. May your soul rest in peace. β™₯
  • @ML-xk5ge
    Hello guys, for those of you who saw my previous comment about my thesis progress...For some reason I couldn't find the original comment anymore (so sad!), but I would like to share with you that I have successfully submitted my PhD thesis last week (March 11th 2021) after a tough three and half year journey. I am glad that I shared my progress here and I hope this can encourage some people, you've got this! Thank you! Btw, does anyone know if I can get the original comment back? I remember when I was editing it yesterday and it showed "returned error" and suddenly everything disappeared when I refreshed the page.... it had all my updates about the thesis for the past year.. edit May 17th 2021: I passed my PhD defence!!! edit July 14th 2021: thank you everyone for your kind words, I am still revising my thesis based on examiners' report, and also looking for a job at the same time, hopefully I can find one soon. edit Oct 17th 2021: Hello everyone, hope you are all safe and doing well! It has been five months since I passed my PhD defence and I would like to share with you some of my recent life updates. It has been a tough five months for me, both physically and mentally, revising the thesis wasn't as easy as I expected and I've been feeling really stressed over life in general. I've recently moved to a new flat after a whole month of house hunting, started working on couple of research projects on top of revising my thesis. I thought passing the defence was the end of the journey but apparently it is not. I have to constantly remind myself that I will not leave without what I came for. But it is tough. I'm seeing a therapist next week and I hope this will help. I always try to post positive updates here but I also would like to be honest with my internet friends. My deadline of revision is next month, I will let you know how it goes. edit Feb 21st 2022: Happy new year everyone! I hope you are all doing great! I just saw a comment notification so I thought I would update my recent life here. As of last Monday, I've finally received the approval of my PhD thesis from the examiners! The revision process was long and painful, but I'm glad that it's all over. To be honest, I didn't feel any excitement when I saw the email, it was too traumatic and I don't want to look back. I'm still waiting for the final result letter and those admin paperwork to be done, then I guess I will be done with my PhD forever. Over the past few months, I read a lot of people's posts about how they powered through their PhD journey. One person said that "S/he will not leave without what s/he came for". I resonated with this a lot and it motivated me to finish the last bit of the push. I thought I would share it with you :) For next steps, I'm currently working on couple of interesting research projects, trying to take a break from the PhD hehe. I will keep you guys updated! Thanks for reading my updates and leave your comments. Internet is indeed a magical place. Stay well :) edit March 15th 2022: hey guys!! It's been exactly a year ago since I submitted my PhD thesis (submitted on March 11th 2021), and I am finally DONE with my PhD!! Received my final result letter and booked my graduation ceremony (this July!). While I'm super happy that this is finally over, there remains some uncertainties - I've been working part time on some research projects and there have been a lot of changes to the projects recently.. Overall things are getting better, but I still feel a bit lost. I hope these will all clear up soon! edit Dec 9th 2022: Hi friends! I hope you are well :) Thanks for those of you who asked me about my recent life updates, which reminds me that I haven't posted one for so long. But better late than never, I guess? So life has been really busy after graduation (did I tell you that I attended my graduation ceremony this July?) - I moved to a new city and started a new job in the summer. A lot of new things to learn, but it feels good to start a new chapter! The past two years have been really tough, I'm grateful to have this space to rant about life and thanks for listening =) I will keep updating here if I have anything new to share. In the meantime, please stay well and happy holidays <3 edit July 14th 2023: Hi guys, I thought it might be good to do another update. It's been almost a year since I started this job and it's been going well. I'm planning to take some time off next month so this month has been a bit crazy. Also I just had my 30th birthday last monthπŸ˜„ edit Dec 19 2023: Hey everyone! Hope you're wrapping up the year on a high note. Can't believe 2023 is almost over. It's been a crazy, hectic year for me (hence the lack of updates on this site), so I'm taking a chill three-week break from work. And guess what? I just snagged a ticket to a Nujabes tribute next year! I'm super excited for this and I will let you know how it goes :) Happy New Year and I will try to post more updates in 2024 ;) edit March 16th 2024: Hi people, hope you are all well? Just thought that I'd update a bit more on this site. As said earlier, I went to this Nujabes show last month and it was so fun, maybe I walked passed by some of you there hehe ;) Life is going okay, however I'm feeling a bit lost particularly about my career. I don't hate my job but I feel like I haven't been growing much professionally since I started. My contract is ending next year and I honestly don't know where next. Sometimes I'd wake up at midnight and feel so anxious about the uncertainty. I have been moving around since 18 and changed four countries before coming to this one I'm currently living in. It's been a long journey, and also a bit exhausting. Maybe time will tell. But who knows.
  • @ericv8343
    just when I thought I had heard it all... now im vibing. Nujabes forever.. rip Seba Jun
  • RIP Nujabes, still one of the best musicians to ever exist, and he didn't have to say a word on the track
  • @hobotim8656
    Legit you see nujabes in the title and you know it's going to fucking amazing
  • @jesusisrael6174
    1.- I feel a supersaturation of emotions 2.- Then I listen to Nujabes 3.- ... then only I exist
  • @paularawrs
    I love Nujabes. Heres to the man who has altered my world with his music. Rest easy, Jun.
  • @EdStar36
    I listen to this every night while doing homework
  • @Michael-ve6hh
    still remember listening to this at a coffee shop while studying during my first (ever) semester of college. rough year filled with all kinds of emotions, eventually dropped out of that program for being in it for the wrong reasons. successfully graduated in my current program june 2020! takeaway: education is never time wasted (it's a self-discovery phase more than the learning the theory in the books you read at school. of course there are other pathways other than going to college for self-discovery). listen to yourself, some days seem harder to hear but try and take a moment to listen to what it has to say. perfection is the enemy of good enough, doing your best is something to be proud of. acknowledge and be proud of the small steps because you've made it that much further than where you last left off. sometimes the only way to know is to take the leap
  • @giorgioyo
    It's amazing how such a simple beat can touch my soul so deeply. Nujabes had an amazing gift.
  • @nesir82
    Hopefully, I'll start university again at the age of 29 and hoping to do my homework while listening to this.
  • @came4861
    Elevator music my friends say, No! This is as close to perfection as we can ever get. im sorry your life had to end so soon, considering you've saved mine. its funny how much of an impact music has. Nujabes... Seba Jun... Thank you, And rest in beats.
  • @nacout
    perfect circle and city lights helped me get through so much back work for college, cant thank nujabes enough for the perfect study and work music for someone with adhd. rest in peace.
  • @__Nindo
    All i can say is Joey has some good taste in background music
  • @akutonu
    Holy shiz, never heard this before. I thought I had all of Nujabes albums