WALK (part2)

Published 2012-10-03
NOTE: Due to YouTubes upload limit I had to break the video into 2 parts.
This is part 2.
Watch Part 1 here...   • WALK (part1)  

In October of 1992 a group of friends, all of us in our early 20s, decided to have our own film festival. We all went out (none of us with very good equipment) and made videos and then got together one evening and shared them with the group. This was the contribution from myself and Dennis Hall. For the 20 year anniversary I figured I'd share it with the world.

The entire thing was shot on a C-VHS camcorder and all the video editing was done with the camcorder and a VHS format VCR. The sound was edited in using my home stereo system plugged into the VCR. The whole project took us about a week to shoot and I edited it together on a Saturday (took most of the day).

I figured I'd better get this thing transferred to digital before the old VHS tape completely degrades to nothing. As it is it has already suffered a lot of damage. Of course, the original film had a lot of very choppy and poor edits as it was due to the equipment I was using.

The statue that Dennis is carrying throughout the video was something my roommate had on the shelf. I never found out where it came from but we nicknamed it "Jamaican Elvis" and gave it a starring role in the film. The concept of the video was originally to do something odd in public and catch crowd reactions of bystanders. Although some of that concept made it into the final production, the video kinda took on a life of its own once we got started. It ended up being more about the travels of Dennis and Jamaican Elvis through random places, starting at Lake Mead and ending up West of town near Redrock Canyon.

There are some interesting things in this video. We shot scenes at McCarran Airport and at Hoover Dam that you could never do today with all the security. There is a scene shot on Fremont Street with cars still driving up and down the road (where the Fremont Street Experience is now). And the one nighttime view with the Las Vegas lights in the background was shot on what was then a dirt road at the edge of town...Durango, between Spring Mountain and Desert Inn!

Anyway, 20 years later and I still love watching it! Reminds me of good times. Hope you enjoy it as well.

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