Sunscreens Are Failing, AI Is Cloning Influencers & Jonas Brother Cancer Scare - Ugly News

Published 2024-06-30
Instagram - james_s_welsh
Nail Instagram - @neophyte_nails
Nail YouTube - @neophyte Nails

In today's ugly beauty news, we have to address the sudden re-rise of dangerous DIY sunscreen and why everyone on tiktok seems to hate using sunscreen. Coincidentally, celebrities are speaking up about their skin cancer scares, AI is now cloning influencers voices to sell you bad products and Which? have named and exposed multiple sunscreens that failed their UV protection test!

All Comments (21)
  • @WeAreASecret
    diy sunscreen: go outside, find mud, imitate the animals and rub all over until cannot see skin, repeat as needed
  • I'm 64 years old, and I grew up going to the beach. Born and raised in Louisiana meant we also had fishing camps and we would be on the boat all day in direct sun. My mom would put some Coppertone on us at the beginning of the day and never reapplied. Thankfully none of us had skin cancer, knock on wood. I also rode my horses all day, almost every day. Then I grew up and read about the harmful effects of the sun. I started slathering sunscreen on and staying out of the sun as much as possible about 20 years ago and I won't go back to baking in the sun all day. I have a few sunspots and I can't believe it's not worse to tell you the truth. WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN people! It's so easy to do and it just may save your life.
  • anti sunscreen is just... we got enough skin problems as is, lets not let sun damage run rampant now too
  • I started wearing sunscreen religiously after a friend died from skin cancer at 27. I will always wear sunscreen for this reason.
  • @jenniebeann
    I think it's shocking that you are unable to do anything about people using your image and edited videos to advertise their products. Hopefully something will be done in the future to stop this.
  • @londonmellow
    oil as sunscreen. like actual oil? they make it so easy for the sun to roast them 😂😂
  • As an Australian, almost every person I have met over the age of 70 has had skin cancer removed and these are people that just gardened outside. Some places here hit UV index of 15.9, coconut oil won’t cut it
  • @TheDevilChrno
    As a paper color skin toned gal, I literally screeched "NOOOOOO" out loud at the idea of homemade sunscreen. In the summer I keep a tube of sunscreen in every single
  • There is skin cancer and there is melanoma
my mother in law had a weird mole, she asked her doctor about it (at my request) and he said it was nothing
she later went to a dermatologist and she knew immediately it was melanoma. Removed it then and there and she went back for the biopsy. Once melanoma gets into your lymph nodes, it can be fatal in as little as six weeks. Luckily hers was not fatal and she is just fine. She isn’t a woman that spent a lot of time in the sun, either. Please wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun at the worst times of day. People saying use what our ancestors used is ridiculous
we have destroyed our natural protection in our ozone layer
the sun we have now is way stronger than the sun was even 50 years ago, let alone hundreds.
  • @mrsgleek12
    That's it: I'm going to create a channel teaching people how to read research papers and go over "controversial" papers. I will be graduating as a Biostatistician soon and it kills me to see people acting like experts when they don't even know the research process or phases.
  • I’m the PSA for sunscreen. When I go to the beach, not only do I put at least SPF 50 on every hour, I wear a hat and sit under an umbrella. Why go? I still find it relaxing and fun to sit in the sand and watch the waves. And I occasionally get in the water.
  • @jojomarch
    OMG not Kiehl's finally proving their lab coats are the emperors new clothes with the spf comment...
  • Completely agree with the ‘cover your kids’ (and yourself) up. In Australia we have a slogan that used to be ‘Slip Slop Slap’ which has now changed to ‘Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide’ which stands for: Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, and slide on some sunglasses. My sister is currently in surgery getting skin cancer removed from her lower eye waterline. My cousin had the same surgery ten years ago. Wear sunscreen, please! And cover your eyes. Make sure your sunglasses have the proper protective factors and aren’t just aesthetically pleasing. Edit: RE: Sunscreens failing the independent testing. In Australia we have the most strict rules when it comes to sunscreen. Lots of popular sunscreens used overseas aren’t available here because they don’t meet our requirements. Or, if they are sold here their SPF rating is a lot lower. Something 50+ in America might only be 15 or 30 in Australia.
  • @MatMat-qi2rd
    Being fair skinned myself, I find it very easy to see sunscreens work. Because if / when I don't wear sunscreen I simply get burnt. But if / when I use it, I just do not. 👌
  • @monkeytoe0412
    I had skin cancer identified and removed at a skin check appointment I made after I started watching James' content. And I wore tons of sunscreen, but have spent a lifetime outside working on boats and received sun exposure theough my clothes. Wear real sunscreen everywhere!
  • @Aimztastic
    I also hate the “melanin will protect you from the sun rhetoric”. The sun doesn’t discriminate. I live in the skin cancer capital of the world. Suncreen is everything. They teach sun safety to children from kindergarten here haha.
  • @BeantownMrs
    I have seen someone die from skin cancer. Do not recommend. It is a painful way to go and to put your family through that...horrific.
  • @t-jane
    Homemade sunscreen 😒 the creators should be held responsibly
  • @Poemi10304
    Too many people don't put on enough sunscreen (it's supposed to be about 1/4 of a teaspoon, I believe) and don't seem to know that you're supposed to reapply your sunscreen every 2-3 hours, and after you've been sweating or swimming. Then they blame their sunburns on the sunscreen. đŸ˜„
  • @MissRedZelda
    Being from a country with literally no ozone layer (ok, Australia), the fact that there’s an anti-sun cream movement (and influencers trying to make their own without a hint of irony) blows my fucking mind.