10 High Fiber Foods to Help You Feel Full

Published 2019-10-12
This video will answer the questions:

1. What is fiber?
2. Why is eating fiber important?
3. How much fiber should I eat per day?
4. Which foods are rich in fiber?

Note on why I used dry measurements:

I used dry weight (instead of cooked weight) to show consistency of fiber content between the different foods that are often bought in a dried form (e.g. beans, oats, lentils, peas). You can dry foods to a consistent point (no water at all), but the cooked weights can vary quite a bit depending on several factors (e.g. amount of heat, duration of cooking, amount of water added, type of heat/appliance used). This variability in cooked weight, due to differences in the amount of water that is absorbed, changes the concentration of fiber. For example, with enough heat and cooking time, oats can absorb quite a lot of water. Depending on how the oats are cooked, 3 oz could deliver quite a different amount of fiber (more water absorbed = less fiber per unit of weight, and vice versa). I used dry weights to make things simpler and to demonstrate a more reliable gauge of comparison in the fiber content of foods that commonly come in a dry form.

Scientific Citations:

Slavin, J. L. (2005). Dietary fiber and body weight. Nutrition, 21(3), 411-418.

Marlett, J. A., McBurney, M. I., & Slavin, J. L. (2002). Position of the American Dietetic Association: health implications of dietary fiber. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102(7), 993-1000.

Music credit: bensound.com

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All Comments (5)
  • I'm on my own diet they invented. I sometimes eat 30 to 40 grams of fiber. I think it will fill you up better. But I always drink about 3 leaders of water A-day. It's not a bad idea to be honest. I have been more hydrated big time. I also lost 17 pounds in a month. I feel so much better I had so much energy I felt like exit jump over a mountain.
  • Thanks a lot Brandon for sharing this knowledge!I would surely include these in my diet. I cannot do a situp(crunch) properly. I go only half way up an fall back. What should I do?