10 Hypercharges Which are Too BROKEN to Release...

Published 2024-07-31

All Comments (21)
  • @ferrangiu
    As a stu main his hyper should make his super knockback enemies
  • @JokerOnJack
    Don’t forget Sam, also. I wonder how the hypercharge will work for him.
  • Tara Hypercharge ideas -Her super lands instantly with no throwing animation to catch people further away. -Her super spawns in three shadows of her (Similar to Charlie's hypercharge) -Her super has a slight increase in radius and can pull enemies through walls
  • @Acerolarts
    Fun fact: Melodie, Larry&Lawrie and Lily hypercharge are already code into the game, they're leaked a few times ago
  • @Cutefish_YT
    Melodie's and Lily's hc has been leaked. Larry and Lawrie also has work in progress one but we don't know yet. Melodie's hc will make all her notes appear upon hitting hc botton. While Lily's hc will make her super bonuce off the walls and when she kills someone with her super, it recharges back similar like Fangs star power.
  • @lmr9693
  • @TitaniumBS
    Oh, now i can watch your videos even more, because when it should be quite i can just read subtitles, but when i watching when i'm busy i can just hear voice
  • @dino_brawl
    melodie hyper charge already has a hypercharge description, same as lily in thegame files btw. melodie hyper is she gets full notes when she supers and lily hyper will make her super bounce off walls and it will recharge super back fully if it takes the enemy down
  • @GGS_EquinoX
    With Brawlers like grey whose super is just attached and irremovable, they must just make it so that we can change the direction of the teleportation with the movement joystick, whole not broken, remember Grey is not a damage dealer or a controller, he's a supportive brawler Also most popular idea for stu is giving him the secondary effect of knockback again but to me it would be better of he gets his hc after 10-12 successful full ammo hits, and when activated, his super would be a 'Tap and Hold' function like Draco's dragon form, where holding down the super would give you a nitro boost which would be slightly faster than hypercharged crow during the duration of the hypercharge Idk man it's hard to understand but i can picture it
  • @Kacpi620
    As a gray main there my concept for his hyper: while in hyperchargre if gray teleport on enemy , the enemy will be teleported where gray was last time before super , like the gadget+super but much easier to do ,and also i think his attack no matter if it hit anything will split in + or x shape for around 3 tiles , like bonnie starpower but much better. i think thats good concept beacuse super can be helpful in some situations and his attack will be easier to hit since it will split and even hit multiple enemies. Each split attack would deal 50% of his normal attack.
  • HYPERCHARGE IDEAS πŸ’‘ β˜… CARL: (3,5 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:15% πŸ’₯:15% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 The radius effect is 35% bigger and break walls. β˜… STU: (20 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:25% πŸ’₯:5% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑Can knock back and deal 1000 damange β˜… DRACO (3,5 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:15% πŸ’₯:15% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 Shoots 35% more fire proyectiles in the same angle spread. β˜… TARA: (2 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:5% πŸ’₯:25% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑Her super is 25% bigger and creates an aggro shadow per every enemy in its radius β˜… GRAY: (2,5 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:15% πŸ’₯:15% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 Use a secondary portal that cab teleport teammates with him, the secondary portal doesn't dessapear like the normal one. β˜… MORTIS (3 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:5% πŸ’₯:25% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 If the super hit a brawler, the super will come back to him (similar to Crow's hypercharge) β˜… MELODIE: (4 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:15% πŸ’₯:15% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 Charge all her notes and a fourth extra note when she uses her dash (can't have more than 4) β˜… KIT: (5 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:5% πŸ’₯:25% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 Can use his super 3 times (if he uses it on a enemy, can't jump on the same enemy, and if he leaves him will lose the stun effect) β˜… LILY: (4 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:15% πŸ’₯:15% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 The super can acroos walls, Lily also can teleport if her super doesn't hit a brawler. β˜… POCO: (2 cycles) πŸ›‘οΈ:25% πŸ’₯:5% πŸ‘Ÿ:25% 🟑 The super is diriged in all directions (like Frank's hypercharge) for 5 seconds heals allies around Poco 1520 per second (the radius is the same as his super)