Published 2019-09-12
From the album DIVISIONS - out now
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Show me your insides

Show me your secrets

Show me what you desire

I can fake it

Show what you wanted

So I can be it

And if I bend just right

I can make it

I didn’t want you

I wanna watch you change

From a butterfly and into chains

Lay your heart into my perfect machine

I will show you what you wanted to see

Just a mirror till I get what I need

The reverie was not of me

You never saw nothing

Never saw nothing

I’m just a liar without deceiving

I’m just a broken clown

Make believing

I should’ve let you know you should’ve ran for cover

I'm just a parlor trick, a two-bit counterfeit

Lay your heart into my perfect machine

I will use it to protect you from me

I will never let you see what’s beneath

So good for you and good for me

We told ourselves we’re

Right where we ought to be

Even you know, even you know

This was all for nothing

Just a sad show, just an ego

I suppose though, as far as I know

We were both pretending

I suppose so, but what do I know?

Even you know, even you know

This was all for nothing

Just a sad show, just an ego

I suppose though, as far as I know

We were both pretending

I suppose so, but what do I know?

Lay your heart into my perfect machine

I will show you what you wanted to see

Just a mirror till I get what I need

The reverie was not of me

You never saw nothing

Never saw nothing

Lay your heart into my perfect machine

I will use it to protect you from me

I will never let you see what’s beneath

So good for you and good for me

We told ourselves we’re

Right where we ought to be

#Starset #PerfectMachine #Divisions

All Comments (21)
  • @torsades831
    "I'm just a broken clown" *cries in a society*
  • @vitoraraujo7781
    The best community,the best band,the best songs. STARSET IS JUST THE BEST.
  • @Exsol300
    It didn't occur to me until yesterday that this song is literally about the BMI tech in the Starset universe, how the BMI's "promise" to give the individual everything they ever wanted via synthetic pleasures. And another thing is the dynamic symbol of this track evechanging and swaying in the position of a pendulum to finally reaching its zenith in the shape of a heart lining up all three circles. The BMI's shape is visually represented by three circles lined up. This visual representation in this dynamic symbol makes me think the BMI is on the surface: hypnosis/suggestion but really at its core is pure subjugation and manipulation of the "heart" or in this case an individual's mind. Late night epiphanies are wonderful.
  • @jezz6002
    Starset can't do a single bad song
  • His voice when he sings "From a butterfly and into chains" is perfection. These lyrics are gorgeous.
  • @ToxicSkull0
    The fact that a lot of people have not discovered Starset by now is a pure crime
  • @jrc1396
    "Show me your insides, show me your secrets, show me what you desire... I can fake it". Sounds like the perfect machine represents the brain machine interface from Manifest
  • In my opinion the "Perfect Machine" isnt an object, its YOU. Or rather, the idea of having to shell your true feelings and emotions from the one you love. Lying to yourself and faking your emotions enough to convince both you and your partner into believing that you're both happy. In my eyes that is what makes you the PERFECT MACHINE. "I don't want you to see who I truly am, so here, pour your heart into this. It's not the real me, but we can PRETEND that it is so that we can both be happy" Sound like anyone?
  • @jezz6002
    Love and healthy relationships: hi Starset: slams table not on my watch! NOT ON MY WATCH!
    Dustin, PLEASE, can you release PERFECT MACHINE INSTRUMENTAL??? The best song EVER CREATED !
  • @jamestomlin5525
    Lay your heart into my perfect machine I will use it to protect you from me This, ga'damn this is too good
  • @mohawkcat
    1. Die for you 2. Perfect machine 3. Gravity of you 4. Frequency 5. Satellite
  • The animation is a Stick figure using really big binoculars. You can't unsee this.
  • @roshanfey
    "i'm just a broken clown" same dustin same
  • @flamehaze59
    "I'm just a parlor trick, a two bit counterfeit" - So deep