Widowed after over 40 years of marriage, but not abandoned by Jesus' great LOVE. T. S. Dismas NDE

Published 2022-02-18
Near Death Experience of TS Dismas who had died in the hospital for over 10 minutes talks with Vince Pizzolatto who lost his wife Flora 2 years ago, to a sudden brain aneurysm. Vince shares how he had a conversion when he was a young man and then he met his wife Flora, who also had a spiritual awakening. They had a happy, adventurous and creative life, raising 2 children and grandchildren. Vince is comforted knowing that his wife's soul is still alive and that God LOVEs her soul.

Vince and Flora invented Shatterblade Shears and Vibration Water Sharpening and Hairdresser Advice to Hairdressers, facebook page.
#God, #NDE, #Afterlife, #Heaven, #Jesus, #Death, #Psychology, #Philosophy, #Love, #Suicide, #Loss, #Mental health

All Comments (14)
  • @UserRandJ
    Vince, I'm Jake, hi. My wife and I have been married for 25 years, and she has a career as a clinical psychologist. About 5 years ago, there was something amazing that happened. Rebecca was asked to fill a colleagues shift at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, and see a psychology client called Richard, who was not Rebecca's client, but her colleagues. Richard did not show up for his consultation, and Rebecca was concerned, and tried to telephone around to locate him- and it was a Wednesday. Later it was found that Richard had actually ended his life on Wednesday, and Rebecca and her other colleague were told the sad news- and her and her colleague went into a room and immediately prayed for Richard and his soul.
    Then on Saturday, Rebecca got a phone call from her mum, and her mum asked Rebecca " do you know a guy called Richard?" And Rebecca answered " No" , because she did not know any Richards, and she definitely had not told her mum about the client who died- in-fact due to confidentiality can not tell others anything. Rebecca's mum then said " well someone called Richard has asked me to tell you that he is okay, and has been in heaven for 3 days, and he says he knows that Rebecca and colleague had prayed for him, and to say thankyou for praying for him, because it helped. He said to say he is well and he is happy , and thankyou." Rebecca's mum is a Christian lady who is as straight as an arrow, and lovely- she somehow has always has had these amazing connections, and dreams. I thought you might like to hear that mate.
    God Bless, Regards Jake & Rebecca
  • Oh Vince you are so blessed to have been there for Flora, I was not able to be with my Mike Whalen he passed, I love you my friend, miss you.
  • Flora was a force of God, her light shone brightly, you know her grace was from God, such a beautiful soul.
  • My husband died 1 year ago tonight. He entered eternity and that is beautiful. 365 days later I'm still broken. It seems like this happened yesterday and years ago which is altogether painful. NDE'S with Jesus interest and help me.
    Prayer's always !
  • Mr Dismiss,
    Your testimony confirmed a lot of things I have been pondering. Thank you ! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦
  • @rhondawilkins_
    I, too, was WIDOWED after 25 years marriage in October 2017.I wouldn't wish widowhood on my worst enemy! There is too much STIGMA attached to losing a spouse and becoming a widow.Everybody that once cared 0acks up shop and leaves !My husband Keith fought stage 4 colorectal cancer for 3 1/2 years and I was 24/7 caregiver.
    So, walking an almost 4 year cancer journey, being a fulltime caregiver, then losing a spouse after 25 years marriage~ WORST event to ever happen in my life!
    I went into complicated grief from the TRAUMA.I wanted to DIE myself.
    Thankful YESHUA never abandoned me...ordered my πŸ‘£ footsteps, became my husband , and a Father to the fatherless to my 3 kids.
    When life gets tough, JESUS is the only one who will never leave you or forsake you.I miss Keith everyday but I've got to finish my race here on planet 🌏.
    PSALM 91
  • Beautiful testimony of love and faithπŸ’• Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ
  • I have that same MVP with regurgitation. For years I just thought the pain was just trapped gas in my chest. Well after a 5 hr Nuclear Stress Test the cardiologist gave me the results. I definitely wasn't expecting that diagnosis. Hopefully I'll never need surgery to fix it. Crossing Fingers 🀞🏼
  • @maryanndarr8057
    Vince, you pray to God, and He will take your loneliness away. I enjoyed your interview
  • @beautruex7012
    Just watched! Great πŸ‘ video! I’ve been watching ALL your content! Very interesting 🧐 and entertaining. God Bless bro 😎
  • @stortilouis38
    I was in a valley also when Jesus came from the right part of the sky