I hate Overwatch (+ why I quit)

Published 2024-07-01
ʚ 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ɞ
Hey birbs! ^^ I've had this video planned for MONTHS. It's been something I wanted to talk about for a while now of why I have been avoiding playing overwatch lately and eventually quit (again). If you enjoy videos like this where I'm just yapping about myself for a couple minutes let me know and I'll try to make more content like this! I also tried to include pink mercy gameplay to celebrate the return of pink mercy (which I did buy the bundle :P). Anyways, enjoy!

Also here's the link to both of skiesti's mercy vids!!
   • skiesti's mercy tournament was... an ...  
   • THE MOST FUN I've had on Mercy || ROT...  

ʚ 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘕𝘢𝘮𝘦 ɞ
❀ Arni (Another World) - Chrono Cross OST ❀
❀ Arni (Home World) - Chrono Cross OST ❀
❀ Balamb Garden - Final Fantasy VIII OST ❀
❀ Breezy - Final Fantasy VIII OST ❀
❀ Thoughts Straying as Clouds - HOYO-MiX ❀

ʚ 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘴 ɞ
0:00 Intro
0:14 Disclaimer
0:58 My Passion (how I got into Overwatch)
2:29 My Passion (why I started maining Mercy)
6:16 My Passion (switching from xbox to mnk)
7:40 The Barrier (Overwatch 2 release)
9:30 The Barrier (how numbers affected my mental)
10:37 The Barrier (starting to take more breaks)
11:24 The Barrier (missing Overwatch 1)
12:55 The Barrier (not having fun with friends anymore)
14:18 Relapse
15:33 Relapse (entering a new environment)
16:07 Relapse (I stopped caring)
20:39 Present Day

ʚ 𝘛𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘯𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘈𝘳𝘵 ɞ
❀ Made by me! ❀
❀ 𝘎𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮(𝘴)! ❀

ʚ 𝘛𝘢𝘨𝘴 ɞ
#overwatch #overwatch2

All Comments (21)
  • ALSO sorry if like my mic picked up on some gross mouth sounds (idk how else to describe it) and if it was unevenly sound balanced I tried ;-; But I hope you all enjoy nonetheless and lmk your own throughts/experiences towards overwatch! I will probably still make some ow content from whatever ANCIENT left over clips I have!
  • @lamparo7028
    It sucks seeing so many small creators come out of nowhere all explaining their disappointments with the game
  • @acid7904
    I never got the chance to play overwatch 1, I was so excited to finally get to play 2. I think Overwatch 2 is one of the worst multiplayer games i've ever played.
  • I think the mainstream reason people don't like OW2 is the fact that 6v6 is gone. Because once you lose your one tank, you WILL be at a serious disadvantage and it's just not fun at all.
  • @_bomu_
    I feel ya on the love and loss of OW1. OW2 felt...off for some reason. It wasn't until recently I put the pieces together. Without that 2nd tank, every roll has to be a "shooter" more. I was a support main and it was nice being able to contribute to the match without having to aim well like you said. You can still get that feeling a little with Mercy in OW2, but everything else feels more FPS driven which I'm terrible at. OW1 was nice because you could still contribute to your team without being a McShooty master.
  • @xRichieeex
    OW1 was such a unique experience, you could play one character in OW1 for years and never get bored cause there were so many variables and situations to get into . Even with characters that have a simple kit, it allowed people who didn’t even have an fps background to express their skill in more ways than just raw aiming . OW2 killed this concept in attempt to make the game easy for everyone .
  • @zc8673
    I relate so strongly to your experience. The exception being that I only started with Overwatch 2. I genuinely don't know how the developers think that this game is even remotely okay. I have nearly 1,000 hours in Overwatch 2 and a good chunk of that is me just gritting my teeth and hoping that it gets better. The game I loved died a few seasons into It's lifetime, and even then it is clearly worse than the original. Even I can see that. Anyways, my life has dramatically improved since I stopped playing. I still think about the game nearly every day, and I'm genuinely sad that I can't play anymore. But Overwatch 2 is literally unhealthy for itself and it's players.
  • @spinnerleex
    Crazy how good my intuition can be when I predicted the game was gonna go downhill after Jeff left
  • @nowi9776
    OW used to be so good. I dont hate Overwatch 2, I just hate playing it if that makes sense. I had to uninstall it or get stuck in the cycle because its addicting but miserable to play.
  • @bed-bugg
    I hate OW but my timeline of getting there happened so much faster. I started playing OW2 around April 2023 after Lifeweaver was released. I had always been interested in the game back during its release but I heard how toxic it was and was scared to try but with OW2 being free to play and PVE being in the works I was excited to try. And then not only did I find out that PVE wasn't happening but Lifeweaver was considered a throw pick for awhile and even today isn't considered that great competitively and people still constantly make videos about how bad he is. He's the hero I joined the game to play because I liked his kit so much. I have hundreds of hours on him, more than any other character and yet just bc of how he's valued and his kit I can't even feel comfortable playing competitive without being told Im throwing. As such I ended up playing characters I was unfamiliar with in the beginning of my competitive journey and as a result I fell in rank really hard. I slowly climbed back up but I was so discouraged I just gave up comp immediately. What's the point of playing something if I cant even play the characters I like? I have long since muted all chats aside from group & whispers and I exclusively play QP now. But when a game feels like this what's the point of playing it? I've resolved to play through the Battle Pass on each new season but other than that I don't play. I've gone back to my WoW roots and tbh it's so liberating. Dying in WoW for the first few times actually gave me anxiety and I realized it was bc of OW. Mount farming and daily quests are so much more relaxing lol
  • @PandawanTTV
    It sucks huge when a passion dies. The thing with games is like it's usually some change that comes along and it feels like we were forced away.
  • @Cozmocleve
    I don’t really know any other shooting games like overwatch so that’s really the only reason I keep playing.
  • hey i hope you're well. i must say,this is a very good video. overwach for me is love and hate. im currently trapped in high silver/low gold because whenever i win a game i end up either getting worse teamates or i get rolled by the other team. ive put hundreds of hours into the game and ive gotten better,but the matchmaking system for lower ranks just doesnt help in any way. i look forward to seeing more of your videos.
  • I can relate to this video so much. It actually touched my heartstrings, because I like you find it so hard to let go. I've "quit" Overwatch several times through the years even with OW1 but something always brought me back. It's this thought that one day I might feel that excitement like I used to back in 2016 and fomo with the skins. A part of me is still holding out that 6v6 will return and that I'll be happy I invested my time and money if or when Overwatch returns to those glory days. I wanna play Mercy and Kiriko too, but feel like I'm at a disadvantage so often when I meet a Bap, Lucio or Ana. You know the game is in a bad place when you are "forced" to play heroes you don't want/like just to keep up with the rest of the players. As a support main what I always loved was feeling like I could lift my teammates, enable them to pop off. It just feels great when you get that perfect rez or ultimate and turn the tides of the team fight. I've always gravitated towards supports in games, and I think it's for this reason. The fact that you know they really appreciate having you in their team, that you got their back. When they fall, you are there to lift them back up. Also thank you for the Chrono Cross music <3 It is one of my favourite games of all time and hearing Arni Home world made me quite emotional haha :D
  • @orc3266
    Papa Jeff leaving Blizzard was a very-very bad sign for overwatch's soul, making bad solo tank experience in 5v5 format and cancelling PvE entirely proves it.
  • @MinkusTheCat
    Remembering Overwatch 1 feels like I’m remembering a close friend that I’ll never see again. I made so many incredible memories and it was genuinely the most fun game I have ever played. Of course, it had a it’s fair share of issues, but the community and fluid nature of the game encouraged teamwork and communication in a way I had never experienced before and have failed to find since. Elements of this still exist in Overwatch 2, but it just feels like a neutered version of the game I fell in love with. In retrospect, I don’t think the people making decisions about the game really ever understood what made it so great. It really bums me out that the game I fell in love with only exists alongside the memories I made in it - in the past and in my memory.
  • @jammyman7085
    I think the best way I can put it is that overwatch 2 just feels directionless and hollow with random change for the sake of change. Directionless in the sense of pointless character redesigns, time of day changes that ruin art direction, how uncohesive hero select animations seem now, the new ranked system, 5v5 and game direction as a whole. Hollow in how the monitization changes removed basically all forms of progression, the loss of PVE and any progression of lore, skins for the sake of a battle pass theme instead of things that fit the character. I know most of these things are "trivial" but the game has slowly ship of Theseus's itself into a compelelty different experience I want no part in. I guess that's what happens when most of the old dev team leaves blizzard. Comparing it to a similar shooter I love and still do Splatoon and how that series progressed foreward while maintaining the soul of the series makes me sad to see the state of OW.
  • @nodeable148
    my brother introduced me to the overwatch beta back when i was only 8 years old. i practically grew up playing overwatch and it sucks so much seeing a game you loved so dearly fall so far from what it once was.