Palworld Sucks

Published 2024-02-28
in this video i am a month late to a topic.


So, back in 2021 when my videos were even worse then they are now, I made a quick little video about a game that had received some publicity from a couple articles that mentioned the comedy of combining a certain other franchise that I won’t mention just quite yet, and. While a lot of the coverage surrounding this game was predictably about the comedy of starting up sweat shops in a survival game with cute little creatures, I decided to actually look at the developer’s track record of games made up to this point. Considering their previous track record was an abandoned card game with middling reviews, and an abandoned early access game that shared shocking similarities among assets and trailers with Palworld, I took it as a sign that this early access game was going to release as a buggy, broken, mess. Regardless, I would buy it day one, because of course I was going to.

In the time between my video and the year 2024, a lot of things happened, namely Palworld getting delayed from 2022 to 2024. In that time the developer seemingly changed quite a bit from what the trailer initially showed, from overhauling the cartoonish look of the world, to adding a lot more pals and fleshing out the systems in which they interact with the world. Come the beginning of this year, I remembered Palworld was set for release, and I prepared to play it and record it, expecting a mess of a game like I had described earlier. Suddenly, the gaming community was inundated with news about Palworld from people who had gotten early access codes, talking about the game and hyping people up for it. And then the game released, and sold a million copies in no time, then 2 million, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 ,8, NINE-TEEN MILLION PEOPLE HAD PURCHASED OR PLAYED THIS GAME. This game set records for concurrent player counts on Steam, and nearly dethroned PUBG for the concurrent player count record.

Nearly overnight this indie game boasted sales numbers that rivaled the franchise it was seemingly parodying. When it comes to other monster-catching games, no one had truly come this close to Pokemon.

All Comments (21)
  • @Stryxo
    Apologies for being like, a month late to the topic lol. I’m back (actually this time for real). If I don’t upload within the next 3 weeks you’re legally allowed to harass me.
  • @killerbug05
    0:32 know this is a nitpick but ofc they're the fucking same shot, they're referencing the same shot from the same source, Akira.
  • About the food, its about restoring sanity and speed. They fill their hunger bar faster and will get back to work faster.
  • @c0baltl1ghtn1ng
    To be fair, the devs are being honest about the Early Access part. Only a couple days ago they did a big update with new pals, weapons, and a new area, and a few weeks before another update with a new mechanic. They're keeping their word about the updates, slowly but surely, they even told us to go play other games or touch grass if we get bored.
  • @GodzillaEnjoyer
    "Rarely, I might be able to find a lifeless town." yea because THE TOWN IS DESTROYED
  • @thatcat_
    Can't wait to see the comments on this video.
  • @sardinee4564
    Bro the comparison at 0:33 is an asinine point, they're both a reference to an iconic and highly copied shot from Akira 1988 of a motorbike slide and countless media have call backed to it.
  • @Rpground
    What exactly is wrong with a game being fun for the sake of fun anyway? Rare any game these days just wants you to sit down and have fun. Even the devs are chill and are like "Just have fun, if you stop playing we'll be here if you want to come back or not."
  • Hilariously, the most recent update patch just started addressing 'being mounted on wildlife sanctuaries causing you to not become wanted', so that portion of the video was dated literally the second the video uploaded.
  • @DivineJuni
    most fun slop puddle I've played all year
  • @Bonezy1001
    00:33 is famously an Akira reference that’s everyone has used
  • @logjitzu
    taking a moment to appreciate the completely unnecessary tracking on the text at 7:55. hell yeah.
  • ive got 30 hours of playtime and have notices very few bugs and im still enjoying it a lot, all of the gameplay mechanics flow nicely with eachother, I just think the game wasnt for you.
  • @3dsfinn
    Most interesting rage bait ive seen in a while ngl
  • @Logtut
    Hi, I'm just here to explain food. Glad to see another Stryxo video. 1st, the best food for your team is honey. It doesn't spoil and you can get a ton of it with a single bee pal. 2nd, please don't run around with 1hp. You become a 1-shot by most aggressive pals/people/raids/hazards/falls if your shield can't handle it. It stops you from wanting to do anything the game would like you to do + unhinged gamers will then blame the game for killing them when they die from the weather. For cooking food, though. They come in levels based on what you use to cook them. Raw food - basic and just stops you from going down to 1hp Campfire food - restores pal sanity, which keeps pals in top condition which means working faster, taking less breaks, not stress eating or sleeping through the day Cooking Pot food - Some actual buffs for you and your pals that increase stats and can slow sanity and hunger depletion Electric Kitchen food - It's Cooking Pot+ better stat increases and most slow hunger or sanity depletion. Getting better food is pretty important when you have a pal that requires an entire middle school's worth of food to feed cause they will 100% eat all the food if they stress eat.
  • @LargeGamer1
    FWIW I've definitely gotten my moneys worth out of it. I've paid twice as much for games I've played 1/10th of the time I've played Palworld. Although, that's more of a statement about how AAA games suck now moreso than that Palworld is some amazing product. Yeah, Palworld has issues. Plenty of them. It's buggy, it's glitchy, it feels like a budget indie game. However, as somebody who enjoys survival crafters (can't even begin to tell you the amount of time I've dumped into Minecraft over the years), it scratches that addictive itch amazingly. If you don't like survival crafters, you more than likely aren't going to like it. Which is fine.
  • @HarleyAMV
    Technically right, but he also kinda misses the point. "Palworld isn't the Pokémon you want" true but Pokémon isn't the Pokémon you want these days... "There's no reason to do anything" isn't that true for every game ever? Sometimes you have to decide to have fun.
  • @korokseed1619
    When this game first came out I only saw a bunch of Pokémon fans being mad at its success and now I’m only seeing Palword fans being mad at criticism. The shift is kinda funny