TheChildrenofUkraine: A minimal view

Published 2023-02-19
My first vlog is about my thoughts of the plight of the children of Ukraine. This is not about the politics.

Music from
We Still Have Courage by Bonnie Grace (only used a small clip)

Graphics created through

My Thoughts about the children of Ukraine
By Timothy Thomas

I want you to think back. I mean way back. You know, fifty or sixty years ago for some of us. I am saying back to your early childhood.

Remember when you went to bed how nice it was to be able to fall asleep, no cares in the world, and just fall asleep. We normally would have nice dreams.

In the morning we would wake up, sometimes to the smell of bacon being cooked. And go into the kitchen sat down to fried eggs; or scrambled eggs. Sometimes it might be oatmeal, Cream of Wheat if you liked it.

Now, let us move forward to 2022. What if you were a small child living in a foreign country? Let us say; oh, I do not Know, Ukraine?

You wake in the morning; after 2 hours of sleep, because it took that long for the bombing to quieten down. You wonder how close the bombing is going to be today. You cannot go to school because it was destroyed last week.

Or maybe your parents woke you at 4 am to tell you to hurry and get dressed because we must get to the underground shelter.

This has been in my heart for some time now. I watch The Voice Kids International and have seen some incredibly talented children that were on there from Ukraine a few years ago. I wonder where they are now; or, even if they are still alive.

I saw two young Ukranian girls who have relocated as refugees in Spain. They have left some of their family behind. These are the fortunate. I am not ashamed to say I cried a little when I heard their story.

I have recently saw the 7-year-old Ukrainian girl singing “Let It Go” from Frozen in an underground shelter in Ukraine.

All they want is peace..................

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