Esports is Not The Model; is The People | Grassroot #Stormgate

Published 2024-07-06
Competitive scenes in gaming are sometimes reduced to the underlying quality of the game. If a game is terrible, it has no esport scene; if it's excellent, it will have one. This reduction is not entirely wrong, but it fails to account for what, to me, is the most crucial aspect of esports: the people who actually create the scene.

In this video, I explore the core philosophy that esports is about the people, not the overall model, specifically as it relates to Stormgate and other titles.

Stormgate Tournament Collective:

00:00 - Intro
00:49 - The Product, The Service, The Community
03:17 - Grassroots Esports
08:09 - Who to Turn to
11:32 - Esports is You, Me, & Them
15:10 - The Best way to Begin is by Beginning
23:56 - Above All Else, Be Patient

All Comments (10)
  • @Snoxtar
    I remember waking up at 6-7 am on weekend and playing with ~300 ping on TANC APAC, or staying around 2 am (before i fell asleep) to also play a bit in TANC AMER just to add that 1 more player to the bracket and contribute myself. I'm really looking forward to all upcoming Stormgate tournaments, no matter of their size, time or server. Keep up the good work with TANCs and everything else ^^
  • @jerryb216
    I like to think of the difference between community vs product as the difference between (some) speedrun communities vs the big esport events. Obviously some of the larger speedrun events are getting big enough to want/need sponsors and all that, alot of it is very small and just a big passion project. That's what makes a good scene in my mind, having a great time not really the money.
  • @3dartquest
    Can't wait for this game, finally new RTS!
  • @AHappyCub
    Esports is the worst thing to happen for game balance because pro players inevitably bitch and moan about every little detail to end up ruining the game for literally everyone else, Rainbow Six Siege is a good example of that
  • @hupsaiya
    Liked the video a lot. Unfortunately its a massive investment of time for an either unexpected, or no show pay off.
  • @sagacity1071
    If you make an rts to be an esport youll make a bad product. Make a great rts and people will be eilling to take it seriously.
  • @Yayadays111
    the game also needs to be interesting to watch, especially for big leagues, which it just isn't imo. They probably want to push it to big leagues so they can get more investors money or more public awareness. They pretty much designed and budgeted it to be a big game. Is it attracting enough people? Personally I think the hype is mostly gone now, the marketing screwed most of it up. Should have saved some money and focus on releasing a complete game done for PvP, instead of EA and live service
  • @Mymommy42069
    Most boring game ive ever seen the world has gotten lazy and no one has any creativity