Destroying the House map (Rainbow Six Siege)

Published 2016-04-06

All Comments (21)
  • @israel6104
    Yo chill out the neighbors are complaining
  • @metallic4888
    All the destroyed walls,floors,Windows, and everything else really shows how much work Ubisoft pit into designing these maps. Credit where credit is due.
  • @KingDuken
    "Sorry, hostage, for blowing up your entire house."
  • @panzerdk4147
    So he launched 99999999 grenades and didn't kill the hostage, while my team only needs on to it :\
  • @kurt_g4069
    They should add this as a sandbox mode where you can go in any map with unlimited operator abilities and just practice and see what's destructible, maybe even have the ability to add in enemies and practice different situations?
  • @kannagata5926
    how tf do they sleep?! the fuckin bed's made of explosive proof material
  • Getting some repairs done on my computer, should start uploading again soon.
  • @DaDangerDog
    I think there should be an operator called "Cinema" who has microwave eyes who, before the round starts, pops a heap of popcorn and the other teammates have the option of eating popcorn and giving each other compliments instead of sending their drones in. Of course this would only last the 30 seconds before the round starts, so to further Cinema's effectiveness he would constantly yell encouraging things to his team mates and discouraging things to the enemy from a safe distance. I would choose Cinema EVERY TIME. also, he has a Fatman from Fallout.
  • @11FOXHOUND11
    Doctor: "I'm sorry Ash, from all those grenade explosions you have permanent hearing damage." Ash: "What?"
  • @TheCcrack
    never knew about the gap on the stairs you can destroy to see the pool room buck has a new purpose in life now
  • @coder928
    there should be an operator called uwot and everytime he gets shot at he dodges the bullets with Michael Jackson dance moves moves and his primary weapon is a headbutt
    I think the house is ready for renovations
  • @The_Red_Narwal
    You should do this with hibana and just put X-kairos everywhere and detonate them all at the same time.