Out to lunch原來是在說人神志不清?Take a hike原來不是行山?8個罵人不動聲色的英文 | IELTS 9分 + DSE 7科5**狀元 | Melody Tam

Published 2023-12-31
🌟雅思課程熱賣中 - 第一章節免費試讀!🌟
IELTS Writing Task 1 全方位奪分精讀 (Academic): mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-writing-task-1/
IELTS Writing Task 1 全方位奪分精讀 (General): mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-writing-general-…
IELTS Writing Task 2試前必備衝刺精讀: mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-writing-task-2/
IELTS Speaking終極應對精讀: mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-speaking-intensi…
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IELTS Listening 速讀全攻略: mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-listening-intens…
IELTS 網頁入口: mteducationielts.com/course/tenses_elementary/
DSE 網頁入口: mteducationhk.com/course/tenses_elementary/
12動詞時態精讀優惠組合 (初階 + 進階) - IELTS入口: mteducationielts.com/product/tense_combo/
12動詞時態精讀優惠組合 (初階 + 進階) - DSE入口: mteducationhk.com/product/tense_combo/
Melody Tam資歷:
- 17歲時第一次應考雅思 ( IELTS ) 便取得滿分9分成績
- HKDSE 7科5**狀元,包括中英文科均4卷5**,選修科 (Biology, Chemistry, Economics) 分數大幅度拋離5**的最低要求
- 一級榮譽畢業於香港中文大學修讀環球商業學 (Global Business),總GPA達3.9/4.0,曾獲得多個獎學金及入選院長嘉許名單
- 曾於多家金融機構及投資銀行實習,尚未畢業已獲大型美資投行聘請為全職投資銀行分析師 (Investment Banking Analyst)
Instagram: melodytamhkdse (education) / melodylmtam (personal)
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp (admin): 852 9780 1112
#IELTS #DSE #英文學習

All Comments (21)
  • @dannywong8727
    讚Melody小姐英語選才精采,我補充:You're all wet = 你藕嘅。You're toast = 你死啦。Out to lunch =蒙查查,烏瀡瀡(讀烏 sir sir)。What were you thinking? = 你懵咗呀?。Take a hike (American English) = Go away (British English) = Get lost (俗語滾開,躝開!)。Use your noodle = Use your head = Think about it = 你諗吓。
  • @luckylion6092
    Hi Melody, 預祝你2024工作順利繼續美豔動人😊多謝你嘅分享,希望你個channel愈做愈成功🎉
  • @wisergo8219
    今次嘅講解十分生動有趣,而且非常之有用。 抵讚!
  • @rolandchia3805
    1. You’re all wet 2. ⁠You’re toast 3. ⁠You asked for it 4. ⁠What were you thinking 5. ⁠Use your noodle 6. ⁠Take a hike 7. ⁠You’re lemon 8. ⁠Out to lunch
  • @dannywong8727
    Why use noodle to mean head? Doug Rice wrote in Quora: The noddle (often the nodle) was thought to be a part of the head, possibly a bone toward the back. If we look at the OED, in a manuscript from 1425, we find "Sche smytes hir-selfe in þe nodel of the hede byhynde." and in an anatomy text from 1548, "A bone of the hinder part of the head called the Noddel of the head." The slang term 'noodle' for the head, which pops up in a dictionary of criminal slang from 1914, is thought to possibly be related.
  • @julielook6005
    I have been living in Toronto, Canada for half-a-century, graduated college and worked with blue chip institutions during my career. I have never, ever heard anyone use the phrase "you're all wet" either in Canada nor in the U.S., not on TV, nor in movies. If any of your followers were to use the phrase, the other party would likely be stumped, speechless. Rather, one might say "are you serious?" or "that's totally unrealistic" or "that's ludicrous" or "that's absurd". Comments aside, you do have excellent intonation in your enunciation.
  • @kevinyang4539
    "Out to lunch" 可以這樣解釋嗎? : It can be used informally to describe someone who seems absent-minded(心不在焉,或神遊出去了), not paying attention, or acting in a way that suggests they are not fully engaged or aware of what's happening. Example: "During the meeting, it seemed like he was out to lunch. He didn't respond to any questions."
  • @user-iu1bl7jy3s
    Hello Melody, 你拍的片真十分精彩,希望你新的一年可以拍更多更好的片😊😊
  • @Thisisfun0
    Hi Melody. What a refreshing feeling watching your video on New Year's Eve! As always, your presentation and lessons are superb, and I really admire how you skillfully switched between multiple roles. Job well done! May I suggest a topic for your next video, please: How to praise someone subtley. For example, is it ok to say you're as sweet and appealing as an apple? I wish you a fun and happy new year! See you in 2024! 🎉🎊☃️
  • @jojoyywong1070
    「神志不清」係「成語」。 神指精神,「志」指 「意志」,並非智力。 「神智不清」並非成語,只係坊間用錯別字,[習非成是]亂來而已❗
  • 今日的課題內容很好,讓我認識特別的英語,避免出醜。Thanks a lot!
  • Hi Melody, 好喜歡你講呢啲日常用語. 有趣味性又實用. 得意的角色扮演. 👍🏻 仲欣賞你嘅presentation (the best compare to other similar channels that I watch) ie 左手邊解釋, 右手邊比例子, bottom有埋個time stamper. 容易follow. 我諗到可以再俾意見嘅就係: 如果有2個句子examples, 可唔可以考慮講第2個example嘅時候, 保留第一個example響上面? 因為咁樣同時見到2個examples (or even more examples) 响同一畫面, 做screenshot時for future revisions 會方便啲. Thanks. 🙏🏻 Keep up your fantastic work! Love it!!
  • @Kindaichi83
    Although I’ve never heard anyone calling someone a lemon, my guess is that it derives from the term “lemon law”, which is a law meant to protect consumers when their purchases (e.g a car) turn out defective.
  • @chengherman4034
    係英國讀遏多年書 仍有不少係唔識 即使識 由妳講出嚟都特別有趣 相信妳教英文一定好生動
  • @hailuntan9284
    You asked for it - 這句話會很 offensive,因為有攞景的含義。所以不能隨便用,隨時會翻臉
  • @siriliaw3397
  • @Another_AR
    hi melody今年学咗好多有用嘅生词 其实我都用您影片学广东话😽happy new year 新的一年祝您越来越好~~
  • @user-od4ry7te1n