Karmine Corp are ELIMINATED from RLCS | Is this bad for Rocket League?

Published 2024-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @kylepaus8429
    Ferra is the most professional person in the RL pro scene. Pure class by him taking on the blame and deflecting the publics criticism away from the players.
  • @Lethologican
    Most of the comments are focusing on whether it's fair for KC to play qualifiers or whether it would be fair for them to get to bypass qualifiers, but this is missing the point. The real question is whether it's fair for suhhh and Top Cougars to have to play KC just to qualify when other qualifying teams don't. Sure, KC lost this time, but 99% of the time any qualifier team is losing here even if they're better than the other qualifier teams. How is it fair or useful for qualifiers to be determined in half by who runs into the monsters first? If we want the best teams to do well, that also includes wanting the best challengers to qualify, and this format inhibits that. It's not like this is a radical suggestion. Tennis majors don't make every pro play in qualifiers. Football leagues don't make every team play relegation matches. Last year RLCS had top 8 automatic qualification and nobody died. There is some notion of achieving a presumptive level of performance. This gives some security to participants who do well, it gives qualifiers a next step to strive for, and it ensures that qualifiers are measured against each other to determine who deserves entry to the main event. It's better for everyone.
  • @Jaikip
    The ad before the video was some weird asmr ai bot telling me to break up with my girlfriend
  • I’d like to see auto qualification. However, rather than seeing the top 8 in season points auto qualify, I’d want it to be the top 8 from the previous main event. Then have the bottom 8 from the main event fall into a Swiss closed qualifier against 8 open qual teams. That way, teams are rewarded for a good performance, have consequences for a bad performance, new teams have a fair chance to make it, and still somewhat maintain consistency for which teams we see over the course of a season.
  • @metaggrit
    Variance can be a frustrating aspect to competetive play. I'm a competitive tcg player, so I understand this as much as anyone. And it seems like variance has too much impact on the open- quals portion of RLCS in this new format. I think there are a number of solutions to help with this: 1. Make Fridays a best of 5 double elimination bracket. 2. Make Fridays a swiss format where the top 16 teams advance off of a points based system. 3. Make Fridays a combination of 1 and 2. 4. Embrace the variance aspect of competition and have extremely high prize pools for the top finishing teams.
  • @the-method81
    Feer vs Jonnyboi 1v1 Showmatch - AppJack commentary
  • @dylon2372
    Losing to 3 lesser teams and still going to a major would be borderline favoritism. Maybe the bracket needs some tweaks, but so does KC.
  • @jamieoneill8327
    Always appreciate that you come at things from multiple perspectives and grounded in reality while stating your preference. I think a portion of top teams should get an invite (as long as the roster is the same) and the rest come up through open quals with a swiss/round robin style tourney to narrow down who gets the spots. Definitely think this all occurred because of a combination of KC performance - as well as their opponents - on the day AND format.
  • Having the top 8 teams of the season auto qualify into the main event is a terrible take. The season is 3 regionals and one major less before worlds. The stakes are higher than ever, and I feel that should be shown throughout the season by making it more competitive to qualify for lans and the prestigious worlds tournament. As a viewer, I have been very appreciative of the current format as it has been gatekeeping teams like Shopify, Dig, Top Cougars, and now KC from being able to have BAD weekends consistently and still being able to compete for these lans and subsequently worlds. At MOST, I think the top teams from the previous regional should auto qual for different days of the open qual weekend, ex) top 8 qual for saturday, and top 4 qual for sunday. If we had this same format 2 years ago, then the trash NRG team that qualified for worlds with 9-12th finishes and one top 4 in 6 regionals wouldn't have even had the slightest chance to even make worlds. Lastly, it's NOT a suprise, and it's absolutely NOT "lucky" that we haven't seen this more often. The top teams are still playing and beating the lower teams. Literally, every other top team is winning their games wheather its in the lowers or uppers against TC and SUH,, im so tired of the crying 😭
  • @VibesAreHigh
    They should do it like Tennis does it. They have rankings that are running all season and players are seated in tournaments, but then you have qualifiers prior to the tournament where you have a whole tournament of players who compete to make entry into the main tournament.
  • @xCNapo
    In league formats in other sports, good teams are playing 30-40 games until it is decided who goes up and down. Same teams play in a cup against higher and lower divisions with sometimes surprising results. Nobody ever said if Ronda beats Real Madrid, they belong in first division. If you're low and you play a big team, you are massively hyped and concentrated and might play the game of your life. There is no evidence though that you might be able to keep that level and concentration for a longer period of time, which the higher division teams proove over and over again.
  • @DNKitty
    Relatingwave with Endpoint was also one helluva underdog story.
  • There has to be a middle ground somewhere, maybe top 4 auto qualify and 5-12 play a swiss on Saturday to get the top 8 qual, then the bottom 8 get upper bracket in the double elim to allow new teams to challenge for the main event while giving the top 4-top 8 a chance to prove themselves
  • It's good to see RelatingWave still grinding since 2017 he's definitely one of the OGs which hasn't retired yet and here he is with his team defeated one of the best teams in RLCS
  • @thegees
    im completely fine with how it is rn, i like the chaos of open quals being a bloodbath because it's like you're playing against everyone who's also hit play like '800 in 16 out!!!'. but i would not be opposed to introducing swiss on final day as you suggested
  • @genericname8314
    My opinion is if you make it past swiss, either the top 8 or top 4 should auto quality for the next open's swiss stage. If they can make it that far, they should be rewarded for that performance it might also create opportunities for bubble teams because they won't run into the top teams during qualification stage
  • @thundabread318
    I have to think that yes - this is likely bad for the esport in terms of dollars. Big teams losing and missing out on playing in main events and lans does kind of directly translate to fans of those teams likely not watching and not purchasing tickets to events. Now I’m not advocating for big orgs getting handheld, but I do think that there’s a better format out there to utilize to try and mitigate the volatility for pros and the orgs they represent. And I think it would also probably benefit viewership and turnout directly as well.
  • @Merten5
    I agree that 32 to 16 should be two swiss brackets! It's a great idea!