Sam Tortures Brennan With a Bird Trivia Contest He Cannot Win

Published 2023-03-22
Brennan knows bird facts...or does he? From the Game Changer episode "As a Cucumber", which challenges contestants to keep a low, steady heartrate in the face of increasingly stressful challenges, Brennan is asked to compete with Katie and Carolyn in a trivia contest that seems like it was made just for him: "Name That Bird"

Watch the full episode here:

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All Comments (21)
  • If getting birds wrong didn't spike Brennan's heart rate, Katie nearly screwing up on chicken TWICE definitely did.
  • @VivaLaDnDLogs
    I think Katie struggling with "chicken" TWICE is what did Brennan in, not the birds.
  • @fidget0227
    Im honestly shocked by Brennan’s accuracy even while being cheated. The Siamese Fireback IS a type of Pheasant. The Roseate Spoonbill and Maribou are part of the same family of wading birds. He’s able to identify characteristics and make legit good guesses even while being fucked with.
  • When Brennan said "Pretty happy with yourself huh?" I was fully expecting it to be the start of a monologue
  • @donaldoconner
    I love the look on his face when he is shown the first bird as he changes from smug grin to serious concentration.
  • @MaggieMcApple
    I don't know why, but Brennan saying, "That's a chicken again," and walking away is always what does me in here. He's too angry about it to even worry about giving Katie the answer.
  • @tripletoruses
    the funniest moment ever is katie's subtle "oh no.." followed by slight confusion saying "chicken"
  • @Ramschat
    "I knew it was a spoonbill" That must've been such a gut-punch for Brennan xD
  • @spenceduggs
    The way Sam says "That is a chicken, Katie!" Is the same voice you use to praise a toddler, and it cracks me up every time 😭
  • @Vi_Vi_1
    Brennan repeatedly saying "calm down" to himself has me dying
  • I love how Brennan realizes after the first one what is happening and spend the two minutes trying with every fiber of his being not to get mad, but still getting mad.
  • @bendubz9000
    The funniest part is that since this was filmed, Brennan has bought a board game that is based on bird knowledge
  • @romxxii
    "This was a test to see if I could make Brennan Face losing" -- a man who knows damned well how Brennan reacts to losing. We're onto you, Sam!
  • @ChrisGladis
    Watching Brennan's face just COLLAPSE when he saw the Siamese Fireback is still one of my favorite parts of this bit.
  • @Pinkfloyd0729
    Can’t believe Brennan didn’t recognise the Roseate Spoonbill. The clue is in the name.
  • @kris778
    I’ve seen this so many times and I still can’t decide if Kate nearly missing chicken twice was her fucking with Brennan or if it was genuine 😂
  • @Juice1984
    The fact that he was 2 BPM away from getting a point shows how hard he fought his natural instincts to adrenaline spike when he becomes hyper-competitive. Bravo to Brennan.
  • @CJ-Max
    I love how he says "calm down" in the beginning to not get himself too excited or amped for bird questions, but then it evolves into him saying "calm down" so he doesn't get too frustrated
  • @bob123789456
    As soon as Brennan got his first bird wrong you can see the realization on his face as to what’s happening
  • @Sam-Pereira
    Sam seriously saved College Humor. The past few years have been better than ever. A new golden age