Why is BO2 so Expensive in 2023? (RANT)

Published 2023-02-17
Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/sacramentolove_

Why is Black Ops 2 so expensive in 2023? Black Ops 2 is a CoD title that was released in November of 2012 on the last gen consoles including PC. Today in 2023, it doesn't fare well. Especially on the Xbox 360/Xbox Series X. It's full of theater mode infections, DDoS attackers, etc. Is there a reason for BO2 being expensive ($50) compared to previous CoD titles that were released around that time?

Newer CoD titles are sold for cheaper on the Microsoft Store on the Xbox. You can buy a 2 year old CoD game in the Xbox Store for $20 while BO2 (10+ year old title) is selling for over twice as much. Keep in mind that when BO2 released in 2012, it was being sold for $60. Ten years later, it's being sold by 10 dollars off. Doesn't make a lot of sense, especially if you consider the state BO2 is in in 2023. I won't go in depth but on BO2, you can watch a theater mode infection clip that will grant you a mod menu that can be accessed and used in public matches. There are many types of infection menus on BO2 theater mode, all of which can be used in public games. Players use this to further destroy this game, while ten years ago, this never happened on such a scale.

Over 500,000 players would log onto this game daily. Search & Destroy ALONE had over 150,000 daily active players on it. Now in 2023, the game is a ghost town which is not a shocker considering video games die all the time, especially after a few years. But there's not much left to enjoy in this game as we did in the glory days of 2012 - 2013. Playing public matches online with friends and staying up, playing casually, sweating in League Play, etc. Today in 2023, the only was to enjoy this game is by playing offline. Campaign, solo zombies, and multiplayer with bots is the only way because of the state this game is in now.

Beside the hacked lobbies, theater mode infections, unpopulated lobbies, etc, is the game worth it? No. It's not worth the $50 at least. Black Ops 2 should sell for maybe $20 on the Microsoft Store, maybe even $30. But $50 is just problematic and shows how greedy Activision is considering the recent CoD titles are not as good as they once were. Don't pay this much for this game. It is NOT worth it. Of course, the game sells for cheaper in places like GameStop. It's better to buy the game physically, not digitally.

0:00 Intro
0:32 Overview
1:25 BO2 in 2012 (BO2 in its glory days)
2:23 BO2 in 2023 (BO2 is DEAD)
3:30 Rant

Music used in this Video:
Oneul -    • 이러다 스마트폰으로 변신 (Tick ​​tock) : 귀여운 음악,...  

All Comments (21)
  • Even though I wasn't old enough to afford a Xbox 360 I always played in my dad's when I was 4 years old God rest his soul. Call of duty black ops was my first very Xbox 360 game as a kid and when I played it I was in love even though I never played multiplayer online but I played and played the campaign and zombie mode with my friends on split screen those were the days that I never wanted to forget it felt like it was my home. Then I started playing black ops 2 and that game was truly my home I had so many good memories again I was like 5-6 years old when I played that but that game was memory lane for me with me my friend all playing split screen always talking shit to one another always........ laughing I have to look back at black ops 1 and 2 just to remember my friends....... All of them are gone now either moved away or never heard from again... Now it's the year 2023 and I'm 15 years old and still never heard from them to this day I have been trying to find them...... Trying to find my family of friends to know that I'm welcome again. Love your vids Sacramentolove you always bring back memory lane of each video you do and all I wanna say is... Thanks
  • @Bushisan0
    Yeah I find that odd because at first it was like $19.99 to $29.99 and now $49.99…I wonder what is Microsoft and Activision/Treyarch are up too?…it is the most popular game and still have players playing it…
  • @Rydrslydr715
    The one thing I did notice is that after they rebooted the servers on Xbox is that it costs more in game stop compared to ps3, ps3 version still costs like 5-10$ where as Xbox at game stop and other retailers costs 35-50$. My guess is demand for the game now is a lot higher than it was say six to 8 months ago.
  • As much as I hate to say this, I don’t really enjoy BO2 anymore. I only really play BO2 for zombies now and to replay campaign, I really miss the old BO2 because I hold this game so close to my heart. I went to multiplayer recently and in not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, BUT 5 MATCHES THERE WAS A HACKER! In my first game there was a hacker on my team, 2nd game, hacker, on my 3rd game I had a hacker, but the hacker in my game was trash, I had thought nothing was gonna happen but I was teleported somewhere and we had all killed the hacker. Also my previous hacker teammate had joined the game I was in and killed everyone. I wish they would remaster BO2, and all the other old ones like MW3, it’s the only Modern Warfare game yet to be remastered. I just despise Activision now because they know about the problems with cod yet they charge fifty bucks for a game that’s 12 years old, charging 20 dollars for a game that released in 2003, yes 2003. I’m just done with the COD fandom now. I only really play it now for campaign so I can get the veteran difficulty achievement, thank you for reading my comment.
  • @jewski_boi
    CoD MW2 & BO2 are in my heart forever. I was a PC sniper
  • @DecadesRemain
    It's best to get games that are $29.99 and above, it's best to get them on sale. I got BO2, MW2, MW3 for $15 each.
  • @RedAlfie
    been playing bo2 since it came out with my brother and i agree with sacramento the price should go down in price its way too expensive and its cheaper to buy physical copies
  • Some lobby’s don’t have hackers well at least hardcore doesn’t but some lobby’s do the games so expensive because they think it will be popular again in 2025
  • The servers don’t even work. I bought the season pass just to find out I can’t even access content.
  • All I gotta say is, we all gotta save up for a good enough pc for plutonium. Atleast the mods on those games just chnage camos and textures. Not give you God mode and aimbot
  • @khidar_goat9872
    My dad bought this game, forgot about it on the 360, one day I installed it and started getting into it, I was little at the time so I used to play it, when my dad played I would uninstall it and in the night I would reinstall it, wake up and play for a few hours and then uninstall it again. He didnt like cod then but he lets me play it now. I purchased bo1,2,3 all over again just to bring back memories of my cousins and me play 4 player splitscreen ffa on hijacked and raid.
  • @Memedreamh2
    I remember bo2 and Bo1 went on sale for £11(idk how many dollars that is ) a couple of days after this video
  • @EpticityOG
    Golden era of COD was MW2-BO2 those 4 years revolutionized COD and the online gaming community. MW(2007) and WaW was the silver age of COD although iconic it didn’t blow up in popularity until MW2 when it began getting record breaking sales and online player count. I’m so glad I got to live that era of COD and best of all it was during my 4 years of HS probably the best time to experience those COD years so much nostalgia
  • @Saladzyumm
    I was actually lucky enough to buy it and the season pass for ONLY 30 bucks instead of the 100 a few months back
  • I only play campaign and zombies with my brother it didn’t felt the same like 10 years ago
  • @shleepysilva
    Probably why we haven’t seen nothing about the next CoD or any leaks, because they know it won’t sell now. 😂
  • Thanks for making a video on this issue I’ve also noticed it still cost 49.99$ even though bo2 has exploiters and less players it’s a lot better to buy it digitally when it’s on sale for 14.99$