Linus Torvalds: We Don't Use Windows

Published 2011-11-10

All Comments (21)
  • @vladimir945
    "Daddy, can I use Windows?" - "Shut up and compile your kernel!"
  • @cgme7076
    He invented Linux and Git and he speaks three languages fluently. I’m glad we have him.
  • @OnajTamo
    Why would you use Windows if Linus is your family member? You have an error with Linux? Well there is one person that will certainly fix it.
  • @gmc9753
    "Linus, we have got to do something about our daughter. I caught her in bed this morning ...... using Windows. Could you imagine if the neighbors find out?"
  • "dad im going to Nick's house for the school project, we will just copy from Wikipedia" "Son get this pendrive, and install gentoo on his computer when he isnt looking"
  • @TaiFerret
    "We don't use windows." Isn't it dark in your house then?
  • @raz0229
    Robber: *tries to break in and searches for Windows* Linus Torvalds: We don't do that here
  • @CRogers
    2:00 - The actual answer (before that is two minutes of talking about Finnish vs. Swedish language for some reason)
  • @-long-
    When you watched 2/3 of the video and still waited for the interviewer to ask questions about "windows"
  • @avro549B
    Torvalds is one of the calmest, most balanced individuals I've ever met, especially in the computer industry. This is an example.
  • @AnilArya51
    Actually we don't need Windows and Gates in this Open world without walls and fences. Think about
  • @cinemint
    Am I the only one who, despite being a Linux developer, thought his talk about languages at home was more interesting?
  • @pt1200
    finally an interviewer who doesn't impose his own agenda on the conversation.. refreshing!
  • @Doomanoid1979
    I wrote all my degree work in Open Office, never used Word once, so I can agree with Linus here. It can be difficult to find Linux friendly printers though. My Epson all-in-one hates Linux, but it is a few years old and everyone used Windows back when I bought it.
  • @coompiler9029
    "Dad can I use Windows for gaming?" "We don't do that here"
  • @MichaelLockhart
    I think the issue about computers and school is not which operating system to use, but which document formats. If the school is insisting on using closed Microsoft formats (that aren't even compatible from one version of MS Office to the next) then you've got problems. But most schools I've spoken to don't care: hand in your assignment in something they can read, formatting isn't important. One teacher mentioned plain text! Another PDF. They all said not Word: we might not be able to read it.