Improve your Sleep – 5 Proven Strategies

Published 2023-08-13
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Are you looking to improve your sleep, fall asleep faster, sleep for a longer duration, and probably most important, improve your sleep quality? Then this video is for you.

We spend around a third of our lives in bed, so achieving good-quality sleep is essential. Poor sleep can contribute to or even cause a cascade of health problems, some quite serious. In this video we’ll share five very simple but proven strategies you can adopt to help you sleep and feel better tonight and every night. Let’s get started!

00:00 Sleep
00:18 Lucas’ sleep story
02:31 What is good sleep?
04:49 The truth about pop culture sleep advice
06:36 Five proven sleep strategies
06:47 Dark bedroom
07:09 Room temperature
07:39 Sleep schedule
08:16 Magnesium supplements
09:01 Best sleep positions
10:16 4:8 breathing practice

DISCLAIMER – sleep problems can be very serious. Severe sleep apnea, circulation, and heart irregularities at night can even be life-threatening. Please check with your doctor before starting any self-care routine.

* What constitutes good sleep
* Why pop culture sleep tips are hard to action
* 5 proven strategies to try
* Bedtime yoga breathing practice

Russell Foster – Life Time: Your Body Clock and Its Essential Roles in Good Health and Sleep
Matthew Walker – Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

* Join our YOGABODY Daily at-home fitness program:
* Lucas’ podcast:
* Main site:

Got a question? Please post down below.

#SleepTips #BetterSleep #Insomnia

All Comments (21)
  • @mmisia1024
    I can vouch for the breathing exercises. I developed insomnia very dramatically and very quickly about six months ago. I tried all sorts of tricks and tips to no avail. Added to that, I developed anxiety about going to sleep - trust me, you do not want this. The thing that finally got me back on track to homeostasis is meditation and breathing exercises. If I'm not very sleepy but it's bedtime, I will start sitting upright in bed; if I am sleepy, I will start directly laying down. I focus on my breath, always make my exhalation longer than my inhalation, and if my attention wanders, I gently return it to my breath. I wear a blackout mask and, depending on the noise level, ear plugs (if I do wear ear plugs, I might also listen to my own heartbeat and imagine the wonder of it delivering blood and oxygen throughout my body). This has worked for me pretty dependably. It has even worked on nights that I have anxiety earlier in the day (e.g., an argument). It is my own sacred time with myself. I also remind myself also how much I enjoy laying in bed, being cozy, and being relaxed. Last thing: I NEVER focus on trying to sleep, just on my breath. This helps me to circumvent the monkey mind.
  • @RonnieKaufman1
    You’re amazing. Down to earth, practical information that improves quality of life, in an easy to learn and follow
  • @NSGca
    Ty so much, as many can relate, once into your 40's or 50's you don't bounce back like you used to. ✌️
  • @cherierhynes8514
    Practical and the best part is I think I can actually do this. Thanks .. very thoughtful. Much needed for waking in the night.
  • @milesjohnson8927
    I do use 4 8 breathing. But ur video on triangle and box breathing was life changing! Thanks very much!
  • @KisutoJP
    Your transparency here is really refreshing!
  • @emil_rainbow
    Thank you for for 4/8 breathing technique. I find reading soul nourishing paper books for 10/15 minutes before lights sets the mood.
  • @PierreLaBaguette
    on the topic of prostate, Eric Berg says in one of his videos that low zinc levels are correlated with prostate problems; men with slightly lower levels have prostate enlargement, prostate cancer patients have even lower levels than that.
  • @davidratkai3067
    Finally you dont blame late night sleeping, just prefer to go to bed almost the same time. Thanks!
  • @marikalemay1218
    WoW! This video is excellent! Very well edited, structured, pleasant to listen to. Your voice is very calming too and your subject is well explained. I subscribe right away. Thank you!
  • @suzdupe
    Well worth the time investment to watch. As a scientist and a realist - and someone known to audibly groan when I spot lemmingesque retreading in the wild - I applaud your approach to reframing this topic. The fresh suggestions both make sense to me and demonstrate you value viewers’ time. Much appreciated! I do have a few questions. Three, to be exact. 😁 RE: Breathing exercise Was that ~15 reps? RE: Magnesium 1. Does it matter what time of day you take the Mg supplements? (Would be incremental and variable if met via dietary intake…) 2. I’m curious why you recommend the bis-glycinate form. (Improved bioavailability, maybe?) I know the last one is a bit weedsy, but I would genuinely find it helpful to understand your logic. I started down the counter-ion rabbit hole once before with a different supplement but didn’t find a resolution before my patience wore out. 🙃 Cheers!
  • @chris_g_vibes
    I am trying this right now before I go to bed( with a severe cold). Thank You YogaBody
  • @PositiveEnergy733
    Dear everyone, I wish you peace inside your soul. We are all light and all connected, don’t be scare, all gonna be ok. Your futur gonna be fantastic because you are fantastic. Thank you so much for your reading.
  • Awesome video!! This is SUPER informative! You explain things so clearly
  • @raquelrpj
    Love it as always! Real Yoga, for real life ❤
  • @Mr.Singhhh
    The thing that is affecting my sleep is overthinking leading to stress and that leads to increase of body temperature
  • @at-fj4tn
    This guy is wonderful...keep up good work...
  • @nathananderson8720
    This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 6 months ago about self development. Now I have 379 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.
  • @cheryl7784
    I hope you’ll consider doing more videos on sleep and breathing! Your videos are always very helpful. Thank you! 😊