A Choir of Angels (Music Slowed 800%)

Published 2012-10-05
The Sounds of Angels

With every sound stretched sounds become different and profoundly beautiful. With this track it was already amazing and I thought I'd give it a try and it turned out great.

Thanks for Listening!

All Comments (21)
  • @Madpencildust22
    One night after leaving my abusive husband with my new born and two year old, I was crying. I got on my knees and cried out for God to hold me and I kept saying it over and over with so much heart. My anxiety was so bad that I had panic attacks. All of a sudden i felt this peace just wrap around me like s mother holding her baby. It was the first time I ever felt so safe, secure, and loved. It was the most beautiful feeling in the world! I never forgot it and I don't care if anyone believes me because it was such a gift from God to do that for me. I'm a nobody and He let me feel His presence. I kind of cry whenever I think of it. How special someone like me can be to our God. What an amazing Lord that we serve. He doesn't make us love Him or bow down to Him because He's LOVE itself. I choose to forever worship and praise Him.
  • @ChristWithin318
    I was a non believer, lover of the world. Been into drugs and into partying for many years. One night 3 years ago I had a dream with Jesus. I heard a choir like this one when he started walking towards me. I've never felt so much love and peace in my entire life. It was very shocking. When I woke up I started crying. That dream transformed and changed my life forever. Jesus Christ is coming soon!
  • I remember getting into a very bad car accident with my parents, I was very badly hurt and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, my parents were out before me, but I had a bad head injury. The doctors said I died for 1 minute, but I remember waking up and seeing white flowers around me following with gentle singing I got up and looked up and seen angels greeting and smiling at me, then that’s when I seen him..Jesus, he told me it wasn’t my time because I was only 5, he told me to have a good life and to be positive.. he opened his arms and I hugged him and cried, I then woke up in the hospital crying because that’s the first time I ever encountered being in heaven when I was dreaming. Now I’m 15 and I now believe in him, thank you lord for saving me and my family. ❤️ To this day I thank Jesus and god for saving me and my parents that night, I get a little sad when I think of it sometimes but I know that he’s watching us, and all the people around the world.❤️
  • @Lightbodied
    Whomever is reading. I’m sending you love from my heart center to yours. I pray that you’re well or on the mend. I pray that you receive all that God has to offer you. God bless us all. ❤
  • @dianarose1168
    I wanna be in the choir section when I get to heaven.i hope we all make it home.
  • Heavenly Angels music is unbelievable... I crossed over 2 years ago and died for 38 minutes during which time I was in the arms of Jesus he showed me heaven and I heard this music only 10 times beyond what you hear now unbelievably I cannot describe the word how beautiful the choir was of thousands of angels... I was one out of a hundred that would survive the cardiac arrest I had and when I heard this just now it brought me back to then... So much we don't see because of life being so busy Jesus said to me it is not my time yet I have much more to do so all my loved ones my father my mom grandparents friends dogs cats all my friends are greeting me and happy that I arrived yet God has another plan and I am still here back to share this story never give up on believing because there is a greater Place Beyond this life when he calls for us keep your faith Keep On Believing
  • @since96
    Man, these comments make me want to run home from work and hug my wife and son. I’m forever grateful to have them in my life along with both my parents still. I’m forever blessed. Thank you God for this beautiful music and thank you for my life. Amen 🙏🏻
  • I heard a chore of angels singing yesterday in North Carolina, At first I was turning my head sideways a little, trying to listen better because I was like, “what is that?” Then it got clearer and clearer. I asked my spouse, “Do you hear that? Do you hear the angels singing?” He couldn’t hear anything. Then as I was starting to doubt what I was hearing, all of a sudden a beautiful new voice with even higher pitches of praise than the rest of the choir started singing. All the voices blended together, then separated, then blended again, and it was all incredible. Time seemed to stop and I could have stayed there listening forever. My spouse was intermittently telling me about the day, work, and normal stuff we catch up on each evening, and I just couldn’t bring myself to focus on anything except the beautiful angelic voices. Glory goosebumps. Praise Jesus!! He is the only reason I’m still alive. I love Him so much.
  • Hey, you. Whoever reading this, this is your sign. Everything's gonna be okay. You did not come this far to give up. I believe in you
  • When my dad passed away on 2/22/22 I prayed daily to give me a sign that he is in heaven. On Sunday, March 26, 2022 I got my answer. 2 beautiful clouds appeared in the sky above my house. They were so clear and large. There were no other clouds in the sky. The 2 clouds took the form of 2 angels. As the 2 clouds drew closer, the larger cloud transformed from an Angel to a heart. It was breathtaking. I know that my father is in heaven. Thank you Lord for letting me know that my father is okay and in heaven! ❤️
  • @joshpiper892
    I took care off my uncle in 2017 until he died. I heard angels in the background and it was so peaceful. Don’t be scared of dying, he’s always with you my brother Jesus Christ
  • To all those who need healing may God bless you and heal you in Jesus name. I've prayed for you all
  • @podersa241
    One day I did something nice for a homeless man and he asked to thank me with a hug. He was unusually happy and 6'6" so I was a little apprehensive but I did and when that man hugged me I look up at him and i knew right there and then that he was not a homeless man. This was an Angel. I know the homeless people in my neighborhood. This man I never saw again. But I will never ever forget that hug. It was pure love. He squeezed me like a child holding a new teddy bear for the first time. That was 10 years ago and I never forgot. I love talking to homeless people because they keep it real nothing to hide or to impress so you can even tell them your dreams because they will never tell. They also have very interesting stories. Ever feeling down. Get a couple of sandwiches , and beverages then sit down with a homeless person and eat. The best meal and great conversations you will ever have.
  • I had spent the day fasting. It was towards the end of my fast, when I came to the Lord in prayer. I was praying, ardently, from a place of deep despair, sorrow, and turmoil. Towards the end of the prayer, I began to give thanks to the Almighty, when I looked up and began to say “glory, glory…” when, in an instant, my surroundings faded away and I had a vision of myself in the clouds. It looked like the dawn with a pink and golden haze. To my right, I saw the arm of someone as if they were cradling me. My breath had left me, and I felt immense peace, but all around me I heard angels singing “glory, glory, glory…” Echoing my own praise for the Lord. I slowly came back to myself, the heavenly realm faded back to my own reality, and my breathing returned. I remember I blinked, and tears fell down my cheeks as I took a deep breath into my lungs. I know it was my guardian angel with me, and I know I heard my praise to the Lord being echoed in the Heavens among the angels. It sounded a lot like this soundtrack, except I could clearly hear glory, glory, being sung above the heavenly choir. Anyway, I wanted to share this profound experience like others of you have shared. May God pour out His blessings on anyone reading this.
  • @danzpax1111
    Lord God guide my sister who is under coma right now.. embrace her with Your love and peace. For whatever outcome it maybe.. we thank you for You know what is best. Amen
  • @frangipang1955
    When my beloved son died suddenly aged 10. God sent an angel to me. A beautiful golden light came and wrapped its self around me. I knew then, the greatest feeling of Love I had ever known. My mind and spirit opened up and telepathically I knew that my childs parting from me was only temporary and that, one day, when my time came to go, that he would be there to take my hand and lead me home. I felt such immense joy and the feelings stay with me to this day, 34 years later.
  • I truly believe I have heard angels once. I was a young woman of 19. I was not yet saved. I was agnostic. I was searching and looking at various religions but I had heard that Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me" John 14:6. As an agnostic, I was not yet convinced. But I had been praying. One day I was tired, in fact, exhausted. I had an hour to lay down between jobs. Not quite fully asleep but not fully awake. I had a vivid dream or vision. I was in a cathedral at the foot of a huge and beautiful staircase that spiraled upward. I could not see the top. As I gazed up, I heard the most beautiful clear and pure voices singing so like in this video. Those voices sang the words, "Jesus give us what we need. Jesus gives us life. " Then I was jolted awake by my sister calling me that it was time to leave for work. I did not fully understand at the time, but yet I knew those were angel voices. Looking back I now understand that was Jesus reaching out to me. It was not long after that I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I was so glad I did. That was 37 years ago on October 17th of 1986. If you are searching for truth, friend, please read John 3:16. To any and all who read this I wish you peace, clarity, and rest from your weary journey. 🤗
  • @trishad4509
    Approximately five or so hours after my dad passed with us all by his side, I woke to hear the most beautiful choir music singing loudly in my ears I went around the house checking TVs and such tk no avail laid back down and tears of joy knowing as the song they were singing “god is welcoming his children back home” or something along those lines. I have heard one other time since that morning, but truky feel I was blessed beyond measure given the opportunity to hear such a calming reassuring choir sing for my dad as he walked into those gates. ❤️