5 Signs You're a Writer

Published 2015-08-25
A fun vlog on five common characteristics of writers. :)


Ten Indisputable Signs That You're a Writer (blog): bit.ly/10_wr

5 Ways to Become a Better Writer: bit.ly/1hCmSmJ

Are You a Writer?: bit.ly/1IGAx6c

Do You Have to Write Every Day?: bit.ly/1JuQ1ud

So You Want to Be a Writer? (blog): bit.ly/1PM9NlV

Can You Lose the Ability to Write? (blog): bit.ly/1h8x0mj

On the Romanticization of Writers (blog): bit.ly/r_WR

Why I Don't Like the Term "Aspiring Writer" (blog): bit.ly/aspirew


Writability (aka my blog)! avajae.blogspot.com/

Twitter (where I spend way too much time)! twitter.com/Ava_Jae

tumblr (because pictures! and inspirational thingies!) avajae.tumblr.com/

Facebook (where you can like me)! www.facebook.com/AvaJae

Instagram (because more pictures!) bit.ly/avagram

Goodreads (where you can add my book to your TBR shelf)! bit.ly/BtR_

BEYOND THE RED pre-order links (where you can buy my book)! avajae.blogspot.com/p/books.html

All Comments (21)
  • @Crypto_Ghost1
    One sign that you are writer. You came to watch this video.
  • How to know you're a writer 1. You think about writing stuff 2. You think about how to write stuff 3. You want to write 4. You read things that people have written 5. You write Nice
  • @masquerademage
    Dude I'm legitimately always daydreaming. It's not good for my grades but that's alright. :)
  • @midnightat3am
    I realise that I talk to myself A LOT when I'm doing something and my mind is somewhere else so maybe a subconscious part of me is just always wanting to narrate and write even when I can't write my own reality 😂
  • @spillikyn9128
    I have tried to write a book but I got writers block and my mind would constantly fantasize about the ending so my book never made sense.
  • "If you write, you are a writer, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" These words should be set in golden stone.
  • @lcorner8202
    "How can I describe this?" I don't do that....i start narrating myself
  • @sofiabenzo6651
    “If you write, you’re a writer. Period” THIS IS ON PERIOD
  • @Riema505
    your books are soooo clean and neat they alomost look untouched 😍😍😍
  • @alinasophie746
    You're a writer if you add mental dialogue tags to everyday conversation 24/7. "Morning, you want some coffee?" (Mom said) "Yeah, sure." (I replied)
  • @mtails1425
    Writing is actually my passion thanks to my character's unique style I always spice up my vocabulary to make the story more interesting for readers I always check for errors when I'm done writing and I recently made a new character named tempest and I actually have 7 characters
  • @ahyeah2770
    I can't believe I didn't stumble on your channel sooner. Now I'm binge watching.
  • @LilyMeadeBooks
    This morning I accidentally added ten minutes to my workout because I was brainstorming and forgot to stop!
  • @nearh.2532
    I find it really weird but I have this draft that I saved on my computer, and I recently read it, somehow I was entertained. By my own work. What does that mean?
  • @Trusteft
    "When you are caught in a rainstorm, how can I describe this?" "When you get a paper-cut, how can I describe this?" "When you are sick and feeling miserable, how can I describe this?" Sounds like depression to me. Good video.
  • @angelstarfire
    Maybe I'm not a writer since I have only 3 signs and I don't write I just dream. I really want to get into writing because I just want my fantasies to come out on paper but I'm too lazy and I get stuck a lot plus I stuck at writing - my grammar is horrible. <~ trying to improve grammar though
  • I always loved writing. I've kept a journal for a number of years. I've kept writing my thoughts, experiences, ideas and things important to me in my journal. I've never realized it until recently how much I want to write a book. I always called myself "an aspiring writer". After today, thanks to you bookishpixie I'll say "I'm a writer". Enjoyed your post. Will look forward for the next one.
  • @jxnasp3920
    Lol i think i have a crush on a character i created myself
  • I write in a diary. I write WHATEVER is on my mind, from how my day went to little short stories I made up. Does that count?