Buying A Miniature Poodle Turned out differently than expected

Published 2022-09-30
Buying a miniature poodle – what nobody told us

Of course, before Moki moved in, we thought a lot about what could happen and how he would behave. In the following we describe what we expected, but what didn’t happen at all and what completely surprised us:

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All Comments (21)
  • I had Poodles all my life & they are exceptional❣️ They're intelligent & loyal & easy to train❣️ They're devoted, kind & gentle❣️ They especially love children & adults❣️ POODLES are just a BUNDLE of LOVE 🐩❤️
  • In the example where you're training him to not cry when you leave, your partner should reward him as soon as you walk away and Moki is not crying. And you have to do small distances first and then increase distances. Always reward the tiniest of improvements. It's like when you're learning to handstand, you won't go straight into a handstand without leaning on a wall first, at least most beginners won't. Breaking things up like that is the most efficient and effective way to teach/unteach your dog a behaviour 😃
  • My miniature poodle is calm and loyal. I work from home. He is OK when I go out, no howling, perhaps he is mirroring my calmness. Love him.
  • @witch250
    Poodles are the best breed couldnt live without one
  • @ericaaubie860
    I had poodles all my life. They are so loving, smart, exceptional, intelligent, cute; and adorable.
  • @alexglanz7406
    Moki will train you both, as poodles are quite intelligent and will gently change your hearts forever. He is also very cute! Congratulations
  • @lisas525
    I had a tiny toy poodle-loved her with all my heart. I have to say she was the most strong willed dog ever! Not easy, but made me love her even more! She was athletic too.
  • @NS-xt5wv
    I have a Mini Poodle and she’s identical in her behaviors with Moki, especially the howling when you’re even a meter away and being excited about the walks lol
  • @mwkloh
    I have a 13yo miniature poodle Leo, with the same colour as Moki and he was exactly like your Moki when he was younger. He has matured and has his own idiosyncrasies. They love structure and so having a set time for eating, walking, play and sleep keeps them calm. Love poodles!
  • @rulu3345
    I have had many, many dogs in my life, and my favorite is and will always be the Standard Poodle. We adopted an adult male St Poodle many years ago, sadly we only had 12 years with him... he passed away at 14 years of age from heart disease, even when he was old he had lots of energy. He had the best personality of all the breeds I've had. And all the behaviors you describe of your dog he also had. We will definitely adopt another Poodle at some point.
  • @kimbibbs5700
    You Fur Baby is absolutely Beautiful!!! You made a very wise choice with a Poodle. A Poodle of any size, is going to have all the qualities you have mentioned and then some!! They are Highly intelligent, easily trained, and loyal to the nth degree!!! I have had Poodles all of my life, and I cannot imagine not having a Poodle to love each and everyday. Please do NOT try and break her from fussing when her Master walks away!!! The BOND between the two of you is not to be broken!!! She loves everyone in the Family, but YOU are her world!! Mine goes to the bathroom with me every day, all day. That’s just how it is. Usually ad long as they are in the same room with you they will be fine. But when you set down, expect to have your lap invaded!! This Dog is in love with you, and I pray the feeling is mutual!!! What a Beautiful and Wonderful Creature you have there!!!
  • @len9518
    We have one from a rescue, obtained at age 8 months, and we can concur with everything you say. She is super sweet and intelligent.
  • @marymunro1142
    I have a miniature poodle and he is a love bug. He is my constant companion. I just love him. He does like to come in from his walkies and piddle on the rug, but he is an old guy now. Enjoy your sweetie. Get ready for a lifetime of unconditional love.
  • I had a standard poodle. She was playful, loving dog with a calm demeanor and wanted to please us so she rarely misbehaved. It seems like you expected the worst which was a disservice to Moki. Poodle are so easy to train. If you had issues training, read a book to do it properly. Many when dogs do bad things it’s because the owners don’t understand how the brain of s dog works. For example, dogs don’t need three meals a day. One small meal and one large meal (dinner) 8-12 hours after the small meal. If Moki is stressing you out (you’re not having fun) you’re doing it wrong. Not dissing on you, just letting you know that you might have to crack a book to learn how to have fun doing the things you might think are work; like training. Training should be fun and games for you and your pup and he will learn quickly and retain it longer.
  • All my poodles needed to learn to be alone. I started with small steps. First the crate was where people were. Then the crate was moved to where the dog could see us but could not interact at all. Across the biggest room. Then the crate was moved to another room where the dog could hear us but not see us. Then the room door was closed. It's important not to reward crying or complaining. Ignore the dog until it is quiet even if it takes all day. Only release the dog when it is relaxed and quiet. Calmly praise dog for quiet. Do that often when quiet. The next step is to have the dog loose in the house. You leave without any comment. Stay on the other side of the door until the dog is quiet. Return and calmly praise dog. Then move away from the door to where the dog cannot see, hear or smell you. Return only when the dog is quiet. Praise the dog. Lengthen the time away. Never return to barking or whining. Never excite dog on return, but praise calmly. Eventually, perhaps over several weeks, short separation training sessions followed by calm returns result in the dog learning confidence and patience. I was able to train my needy schnauzer to stay home alone for half a day or longer without anxiety. But she never did well in daycare in an environment that was not hers and overnight away was always a problem. A housesitter was a better solution than removing her from her home when I needed to be away over night. All my other dogs were able to be away from home for a week at a time and they were fine. Too much attention makes dogs nervous. They begin to depend on you and crave constant attention. It's better to be calm, firm, insistent about your requirements and train in short periods, then lengthening the time you require a behavior to be accomplished. My household rules always were no dogs on furniture ever. Dogs sleep in their own bed in a crate. Walks are longer than 15 minutes for small dogs. More like half an hour twice daily. Short walks to the preferred "spot" are acceptable in between the 2 long walks early morning 6:00 a.m or 7:00 a.m.) and late at night (10:00 p.m.). Dogs are never rewarded for barking indoors. Dogs must sit and wait before food is allowed to be eaten. My dogs got play time with me when I interacted without training just for fun, but training sessions were all business. All outside walks were on leash and always all business, even when jogging or running. I puppy proofed my home and had a playpen but later I never put my collectibles away. My dogs learned what they could touch and what was mine. Even my cats learned what they could touch and where they were allowed to walk.
  • Such a brave dog. I love poodles. They are good friends, when you treat them right. Mookie is a good teacher too. Beautifull creature. Love his lust of being here.
  • @BritgirlTX
    Such a cutie! Love the coloring! ❤🐾🐾
  • @Ms777Lena
    I had pretty much same experiences with out poodle. She also had up to 6 accidents, slept through night from the beginning, also eats rather less than I would like, but she is not overly excited, adores all dogs but knows quickly if they aren't into it. She is never alone but is fine if one of us leaves. I think she would do good alone but I'm not sure.