Obama shares the best advice he received from President George W. Bush

Published 2016-07-24
The president recalls Bush's words of wisdom -- including his advice to always use hand sanitizer: "If you don't, you're going to get a lot of colds because you shake a lot hands."

All Comments (21)
  • @KnialPiper
    Wow ... that Hand sanitizer comment by George W. takes on a whole new meaning today... good advice
  • I am always mindful of John F. Kennedy's response to a reporter shortly after the The Bay of Pigs fiasco. "Who," the reporter asked, Is responsible for this failure." Without batting an eyelash, Kennedy responded, " I'm President. I'm responsible." I knew then we had a leader.
  • @auntdeen6314
    Thoughtful, complex answers. Gracious acceptance of criticism. Acknowledgment of personal failure. Respect for political opponents. This is how a president should act. It’s sickening how far we have gotten from this.
  • @nznsi
    I miss this level of professionalism.
  • A president who could actually admit he made mistakes and had values we could be proud of! I miss him!
  • @narutohenaruto
    "Never misunderestimate yourself, Obama" - W. Bush, 2008.
  • Remember an America when the leader was thoughtful, respectful of the office, intelligent, well spoken, and wasnt the laughingstock of the world?
  • @Peter_Scheen
    I am here because I wanted to hear how a real president sounds.
  • I never missed George W. Bush for a single day while Obama was in office. Fast forward to 2020 and I'm dedicating that one 1980s ballad I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY. To George W. Bush.
  • @yaouG1
    One of the things that I like about Obama are his pauses and the way how he thinks before he wants to speak. Totally adore that from him, absolutely something I need to use often in my daily life.
  • @resnonverba137
    I am not American and I do not agree with all of BO's policies, however there is no doubt that he's a very good speaker. I also believe that he's a hugely genuine person. It's hard to believe how far American standards have fallen in such a short period of time.
  • what a graceful, decent president! can you imagine these words coming out of Trumps mouth? What a difference - Obama is top-class!
  • @sselemaNrM
    Trump would never admit to making a mistake. He'd blame it on someone else
  • @niming8388
    lol, he praised his predecessor. Such a rare thing.
  • @mtadams2009
    I often like reading the comments of each video I watch and I am amazed at the views of people. What I have observed is if a person belongs to a political party their party can do no wrong. I had voted for Bush and to me he was a disaster but some of my friends would defend him to the end. I was raised by a racist father and two of my sisters are raciest and they hated Obama and they would often say why but it was often thinly veiled racism. We live in very divided country and I only hope we can stop all of this fighting and focus on our common values, there are many and respect others views that are different than our own.
  • @andyclift6481
    Its disgusting that people go after obama this hard and refuse to hold trump accountable.