Cowboy Bebop: The Movie - Spike vs Electra

Published 2013-04-29
Reuploaded in Blu-ray
Music: Clutch - The Seatbelts

All Comments (21)
  • @kylewhitacre916
    "I'm talking full on watermelon in the thighs level carnage"
  • @airi8505
    “I love the type of woman that can actually just kill me”
  • @x_machina192
    '' I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass '' this has to be one of spike's best lines
  • I love how Spike can make a fight look utterly one sided just by smiling, even when it’s clear he’s running for his life.
  • @spehizle
    I'm sorry, is nobody going to point out how Spike was attempting to blend in by...sweeping the fucking wall?
  • @Quinntus79
    I'd say that Spike and I have a similair taste in women, but the truth is it would be incredibly difficult to find a woman who couldn't kick my ass.
  • @hellokev6645
    That little "Oooh" when he finds out that she has some fight in her is flawless.
  • I love how she doesn't mindlessly shoots everywhere and miss the shots but instead carefully aiming it which makes it a little realistic
  • One of the things I like most about this is that unlike a lot of anime protagonists, Spike is making it up as he goes along. He doesn't have some mega-advanced nuclear psychotic 115-step plan to make it through security and get the whatever. He just like. shows up in a janitor's uniform, gets caught by the first person he sees, and then has to improvise from there. It's very in keeping with the spirit of the show.
  • @azzameentv
    That "En garde!" with half a mop, always cracks me up.
  • @clydesdale1775
    I think Spike's VA was phenomenal. The way he giggles when he pokes or trips up the lady really sells this fight and his personality. Its refreshing to see a fight thats not entirely anime grunts and cliche dialogue.
  • @ES21007
    The most important question: Did the coin land heads or tails?!
  • @yagirl2124
    okay but props to the animators holy shit…. the detail put into the fluid and swift motions of spike and electras movements are fucking amazing. i truly feel like this is one of the best anime fight scenes, which just goes to show that you dont need flashy lights, powers or characters to make a good fight scene. just smooth animation.
  • @thepowerofIandI
    You just don't hear voice acting like Steve Blum anymore, damn. He was 100% there in the show.
  • "Y'know, when I left the house today, I was thinking 'Damn, I really hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway.' And here we are." -This Guy, in the Gianni Matragrano Cinematic Universe
  • @GoBoomYay
    1:57 Steve Blum just jumped up on the list of my favorite voice actors ever.
  • For all those complaining about Spike cleaning the wall by sweeping it, It’s actually a quick technique for dusting high lettering plaques from actual Janitors. When you're doing a quick clean through a hallway and a ladder isn't available or necessary, a quick few swipes of your broom dusts the letters just as effectively. Otherwise you get dust build up on top of the names/locations and that doesn't look good for the building's sanitation.
  • @cmm07r
    "I love the kind of woman that could kick my ass".  Best line ever from him.  I wonder, does that mean Julia can kick his ass?
  • @Ragitsu
    CGI animation can't touch this.