Dialog and NPC interactions in Godot 3


コメント (21)
  • Great simple tutorial. I would love to see more bite-sized tutorials like this describing all the features and capabilities of Dialogic
  • @Vejitasei
    Thank you, want to make a simple visual novel and found your page searching for that. Will watch a few more of your tutorials and then give everything a try this weekend. Exciting times!!
  • @salarycat
    Great video to get us started, Thanks Emilio.
  • @dennnis_2675
    Especially for those who have problems with the fact that after the end of the dialogue, the pause does not turn off, copy my code: extends Area2D var active = false func _process(_delta): $QuestionMark.visible = active func _input(event): if get_node_or_null('DialogNode') == null: if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept") and active: get_tree().paused = true var dialog = Dialogic.start('timeline-1.json') dialog.pause_mode = Node.PAUSE_MODE_PROCESS dialog.connect("timeline_end", self, "_on_timeline_end") add_child(dialog) func _on_timeline_end(_timeline_name): get_tree().paused = false func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body): if body.name == 'Player': active = true func _on_Area2D_body_exited(body): if body.name == 'Player': active = false
  • @blt5569
    Great tutorial! Thanks! I followed the entire video and foundtwo things missing (or I overlooked them). 1) rename the timeline to 'timeline-1' and 2) make sure to add a 'close dialog' at the end of the timeline. In my situation I otherwise could not walk away from the NPC as the dialog started over and over again. Keep up these great tutorials!
  • Haven't started using this addon and I already love it! Adds a ton of functionality without having to worry about coding it all myself
  • Simple, straight forward and informative. Really awesome tutorial!
  • @RomanEmin
    Great tutorial, nicely explained and really useful.
  • Thanks for your videos. You are helping me a lot to excel in my game dev club where my team is the only one using godot
  • just got to use this addon, its really easy to use and very powerful. and it really upgraded my games! thanks!
  • Thanks for this video. Did not know about this feature. I have to try it in one of my next games.
  • This addon will make visual novels very easy to make too, and I think that's pretty cool!
  • Thank you for this plugin, really simplifies NPC behavior. One note: following this step by step with an animated 4-way sprite, the dialog gets stuck in a loop with the code provided and keeps retriggering the dialogue. The func unpause() function needs one additional line: active = false And that allows you to break dialogue. Keep up the good work.
  • Hi, I stumbled upon your addon by accident and it is awesome! Well done, I will follow you.
  • @rodrijopo
    Hello! I am starting to use Dialogic and want to know about the saving timelines functionality. Currently there is no mention of it in the documentation apart from the "start_from_save" function I really wish to know how it works and how to use it properly in my game
  • @xezzee
    5/5 simple to understand several unrelated questions raised lol.... as examples can I use several collisions to do different things like "damage" and how the hell do I make enemy spawn point smartly . . . oh well :D those are offtopic. love the GoDoT community and the tutorials people make <3 especially because GoDoT is so different imo than gamemaker and other game developping software out there :D