Words From a Former Smoker- Dealing with Nicotine Addiction

Published 2016-02-09

All Comments (21)
  • Cigarettes and alcohol addiction actually destroyed my life. I could remember several years ago after divorce with my husband which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
  • After 45years I gave up smoking. It's been three weeks since my last smoke I'm 59years old in a couple of weeks. It's not easy😓
  • It took my mom's death to kick my ass to stop. She was a lifelong smoker and suffered from congestive heart failure which her doctor said her smoking was a contributing factor to her heart issues. After she passed I just quit cold turkey and never looked back. I had smoked from the age of 11 until I was 23 and was a pretty heavy smoker. I have been niccotine free for 12 years now.
  • I smoked for over 50 years and one day I just decided I was not going to light up another cigarette and that was 5 1/2 years ago and
  • @Analbert1414
    What a speech, I am former smoker too (3 years clean) and I could feel the enthusiams in your words. Good for you. Good for us.
  • @BoneDryShart
    Awesome vid. I smoked for almost 30 years now I'm 10+ days into cold turkey quitting. I feel great and this story is inspiring.
  • @jsg1469
    I’ve smoked for over 20 years and this is the most inspirational video I’ve seen. Everything he said hit home.
  • @n136h
    Thanks for sharing this. resonated a lot. Day 8 done, smoked from 1986 to 2018
  • Thanks for your inspiring video... I have been a smoker for the last 32 years. I quit on 3 April 21,It’s a huge challenge and struggling with it... I hope to hang on... Cigarettes are the worst thing man invented. I hope to be like you and be proud to say... I am a non smoker!
  • @LV-426...
    Somebody suggested to me some years ago I try the combo of whiskey and cigars. I was drinking occasionally up until then but never really smoked. (Had tried a few times cigarettes, but nothing major). Either way, so the first time I had the combo I kind of enjoyed it, but it wasn't that cool. Then the second time, I definitely appreciated it more. And then a few more times down the line (this was all during a few months period), I was really starting to get into it. The combination of a good whiskey and a quality cigar was really starting to get charming for me. I remember, one evening, when I was just planning to hit it again, I suddenly realized that if I don't stop the cigar thing RIGHT now - I will get addicted to it. And then one addiction can lead to another and then I would really be in trouble. After that moment I had never had a glass of whiskey with a cigar any more. In fact I haven't had even a standalone cigar or any nicotine products at all. Watching your video here makes me think - damn, that was a good decision that evening.
  • Thank you for this video. I'm on day 4 of not smoking and I needed this. My craving is so strong right now, but I don't want to smoke anymore as I believe smoking is contributing to my anxiety and I need that feeling to go away.
  • I quit smoking for four years and stupidly lit one when my twins were born. It took hold of me again and I'm sadly back to square one. There are times when I smoke that I'm in disbelief that I let this addiction wrangle its way back into my life. I've set tomorrow as my new quit date. I've done it once, I can do it gain. Best of luck to everyone trying to quit this revolting habit.
  • Thanks for this. It's been exactly 8 days, seems like such a little time but in my head it seems like an entire lifetime. You don't realize how evil smoking can be, it was created to solve a problem that was created by nicotine in the first place just coz some fart wanted to make money😒 I constantly remind myself that I was not born with a cigarette in my mouth so why's this so hard? Then it hits me, smoking has been a part of my life and such a big part of who I am for over 15 years so of course it'll make me feel some kind of way, I need to be more patient with myself. This is really hard but I know it will be worth it. I now watch videos like these each time I crave for some inspiration and it really works. Thank you sir for sharing your experience with us. I genuinely feel that if I could go 8 days without smoking then I can see this to the end and I can do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!!! And that feeling, I will remind myself of each time I want to light up. Good luck to those who are on the same journey and to those who have never smoked before, don't ever start, it's never worth it❤️
  • I had my last smoke after work last night been smoking over 43 years im 56 now im actually doing pretty good strong and healthy but i know its just a matter of time thank you for your talk i completely relate to you. Im just so tired of that voice in my head constantly warning and nagging me to stop it . Wish you well!!
  • @amitgokhale6578
    quitting a cig is very easy...just dont light the cigg but smell the unlit cigg...over a period of time tobacco cravings just fade away...
  • Just quit today. Wearing a patch. Been smoking a pack a day for 21 years!!! You won’t quit unless YOU WANT TO. I know that this time, I finally want to!!!! Pray for me
  • @EIH4009
    So relatable on so many levels