Stalking Seal On Spring Ice- Part 2

Published 2017-11-02
Alaska Extreme Store:…

The second installment in this documentary series on the Netsilik Inuit shows a hunter's attempt to harpoon a seal. The hunter moves too soon and misses his catch. He prepares for a night vigil at the seal's breathing hole.

From the Netsilik Eskimo series
Production year: 1967

Credit: NFBC
License: Public domain

DIRECTOR Quentin Brown
PRODUCER Quentin Brown

Asen Balikci
Guy Mary-Rousselière

Richard Bergman
Ken Campbell
Ken Post
Douglas Wilkinson
Robert Young

Jacques Drouin
Elvin Carini
Michel Chalifour
William Gaddis
Jack Hirschfield
Bill Tannebring

Malca Gillson
Ken Page
Don Wellington

#alaska #alaskaextreme

All Comments (21)
  • @AlaskaExtreme
    Alaska Extreme plans to publish a lot of new original videos this year. What videos of Alaska would you like to see? Let me know in the comments. This is a new channel. Please consider helping this channel grow by subscribing. Thanks for watching!
  • @DocHoliday9224
    When life was simple. No egos. No politics. No inflation. Just being alive.
  • My mother taught in Nome in 1946. She recalls a school assembly where the kids watched the hunters butcher a seal. They wrapped up choice parts for kids to take to their grandparents. I taught school for 34 years and we never had an assembly like that. She revisited Nome in her 80s and the people were overjoyed that she had photos from those times. She left them with community. They were delighted to see pictures of elders they had never met, only heard about.
  • Спасибо!Очень люблю смотреть такие фильмы,где показывают народов Севера!Это люди - экстремалы,жизнь заставляет их прикладывать максимум усилий ,чтобы продолжать свой род,выживать в тяжелейших природных условиях!Герои!!!!!
  • Tuktu's mother is so kind and his father is the best hunter such a lucky kid ♡
  • @brakaner
    1967 damn, these people long gone but we still enjoy watching them . amazing footage! female looks so humble !
  • @viralhub3673
    This man is a hero. Works super hard for his family. I wish he had a youtube channel
  • This is the real deal, like a time machine going back thousands of years. I’d also like to see more about the frozen prehistoric animals in the permafrost.
  • @glengurung8812
    Wish I were an Eskimo...innocent and flawless just as God would have intended us....bless you all for making this historical footage....
  • @opnhed
    Absolutely brilliant filmmaking. Thank you!
  • @Randylayhe001
    Seal walks into a bar to get some drinks..the bartender says “what will you be having tonight?” The seals barks out “anything but a Canadian Club!!”
  • @druinjun5668
    gotta get me one of those duck napkins lol. love the vids. good info
  • On behalf on being a Inuk myself, thanks for the comments. We try to keep the culture alive. People still hunt and people still sew and people still make these stuff as well but only if we’re out on the land. I remember catching my first seal with my fishing nets, good times.
  • @Sionnach1601
    Amazing hunting skills to stalk SO CLOSE to that seal. Here we also were able to hear the hunter immitate the animal's sounds so as to further assuage it into relaxing. Very funny how the seals were looking at him for long moments, probably thinking: "Cousin Gilbert, we told you NOT to go eating all that pollock this year and stick to the Char. See how it has given you congestion!!" Haha!