How brain parasites change their host's behavior - Jaap de Roode

Published 2015-03-09
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The biggest challenge in a parasite’s life is to move from one host to another. Intriguingly, many parasites have evolved the ability to manipulate the behavior of their hosts to improve their own survival -- sometimes even by direct brain control. Jaap de Roode details a few parasites that can really mess with the mind.

Lesson by Jaap de Roode, animation by Andrew Foerster.

All Comments (21)
  • @NichoTBE
    im going to use that one in court one day.. "my actions were not my own, half the species on the earth are parasites."
  • @inkedseahear
    This is a horrifying topic, but the animations make it look so relaxing
  • @jonaza2105
    Yeah, it's really tragic; I was infected with Parasitis Procastinatis when I was a young child. It's really taken a toll on my life :(
  • @NoNo-nz2tb
    Me and the bois changing our hosts lives
  • @a-bird-lover
    What if procrastination was a parasite's fault? I would have so many excuses...
  • @Tippex_Official
    This video has inspired me to make a science fiction book about scientists discovering that every personality trait of people is from different parasites control the host’s brain. It’s an idea. Not specifically a good one but still an idea.
  • @AkidsukiLeader
    Poor Mr. Mouse was simply extending his polite salutations...
  • This could have easily became an Inside out thing. "Do you look at someone and wonder "what is going on in their head? That's where we come in. Hi, I'm Joy. I kinda run the place. Oh and that's Gregordian worm, plasmodium , rabies, ophiocodryceps, and toxoplasma.
  • @MuonRay
    These animations are hilarious! They really nail the whole notion of kinetic humor. Fact filled too. Very enjoyable content!
  • @amirb2899
    I am a veterinárian and have studied parasitology. The comentator made it more interesting than my genius professor.
  • Perhaps there's a parasite that causes you to click on YouTube videos until you're so deep into videos you're watching the weirdest things.
  • @Local_Seagul
    Thumbnail: meet the parasites My theater brain: meet the plastics
  • @DixonFrancoisJr
    My gosh, parasites are horrifically firghtening. In addition, Ophio-Cordyceps is the concept virus used in the video game called The Last of Us. Incredible and informative video.
  • @cal5401
    Dude this really solves a case I had way back when my cat killed a cricket. We were calm since it's was just a cricket but then smth literally wriggled out of it when my cat killed it too. I think it was that Gordian worm but we panicked and wondered how it came out of a cricket-
  • The cat sitting on the toilet scrolling through Instagram had me laughing so hard!!