Why Can't India Compete with China? @visualeconomiken

Published 2024-07-17

All Comments (21)
  • @annonygui5513
    I have an indian coworker and a chinese worker in my company.. the indian guy constantly talks about how he can improve the code others wrote and do it better but has all sorts of excuses when deliverables are due.. he was eventually let go. The chinese guy, you won't hear from him but when you do, the job is done with due diligence. Such a reflection of both countries at a micro level.. if I had to bet money on one I pick China any day. Action >>>> Talking
  • @user-bt8cu2tu1q
    While Chinese are proud of companies like BYD,Huawei, DJI, Hikvision, etc., Indians are proud that ceos of Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc., are Indian.That’s why India is falling behind.India is never change, Entrenched bureaucracy and corruption from the British colonial era have never been eradicated. Recently when DW and BBC were talking about a wedding in India costing 320 million dollars and discussing the gap between rich and poor in India, Indians thought it was jealousy! I am Chinese and every time I see India optimistic that they are the next China, or after a border conflict that India can easily beat China, to be honest, the Chinese are very curious about where this "confidence" of Indians comes from, China's GDP in 2023 was 17.88 trillion USD and India's GDP was 3.48 trillion USD,Don't they know how much money $14.4 trillion is?Maybe yes maybe not,Indians just have "Confidence".
  • India's population is 1.45 billion, while the total population of Europe, with more than 45 countries, is about 740 million. Compared to India, China is a highly homogeneous country with 90% Han Chinese population and 80% of the population speaks the same language, Mandarin. The most spoken language in India is Hindi, spoken by only 43% of the population, and this includes dialects like haryanvi, Bhojpuri. Standard Hindi is spoken by only 27% of the population. India is subcontinent functioning as a country.
  • @anurag92223
    India not only puts hurdles in the way of foreign investment they now also are taxing out of the 1.5 billion people the middle income 3% of eligible income tax base at the rate of 30%. So all the highly skilled high earners are leaving India for a better quality of life. The govt taxes like the Europeans but provides facilities like the Ugandans. Probably worse than Ugandans no offense to Uganda. Worst air quality, worst hygiene, no or shit public healthcare, overflowing public transport system, corrupt broken infrastructure, power cuts, water shortage, more than 10% inflation in urban areas while you play almost 45% taxes on all your income. If you want to start a business, pay a corporate tax of 25% and other kickbacks to local politicians. Its a dog eat dog dystopia. The government just cares about the GDP growth not the GDP per capita growth, the former can be flaunted in front of uneducated, unemployable, hyper emotional, hyper religious voters. I wonder how everything is still working and India is still growing.
  • @sbramp
    Amazin insight at lack of public service, which seems large but is infact abysmally small and highly corrupt. The legal system is the slowest in the world by a country mile.
  • @passby8070
    If you want to see why India is not China, just visit both. You can even compare 90s poor China to today's India, China was poor then, but not chaotic and messy as even today's India.
  • @user-cy3ce1gy7o
    Why asking this in the 1st place? It should be can india compete with bangladesh
  • @dwijfouzdar1377
    The corruption is a given in Indian system .... 1. Every officer from patwari, tehsildar, sdm to collector and Commission are indesissive they would prefer not to decide anything and let any matter remaining pending till they are transferred and would only pass any order if they feel it's safe for their job and too after taking bribe to even do that. they would take 2 years to decide anything and in that too the entire action would be filled with corruption leading to further Litigation. I think every time an order is passed 2/3 orders end up in further Litigation ....
  • There is a famous investor in my country that lives in China most of the time and always talks on TV about China and how Chinese are efficient but also dangerous in his view, when asked about India he responded that he is far less worried because Indians are like us. 😂
  • @Evolution__X
    For outsiders to know the extent of corruption in India, Recently, A person faked 'Physical disability certificate' to get into an higher level Administrative service, Powerful position. I mean, how can you fake a physical disability?? People see through that in broad daylight. Yet through corruption she was accepted. And also recently national medical entrance exam was also comprised and list goes on.😭
  • China is not a competition, it's a success story for India to learn to be as rich as America.
  • @prembagui7104
    Contrary to popular belief in both global and Indian media, Modi's loss is rooted in economic performance. The economy is growing at its slowest pace since India's LPG reforms, a trend mirrored in the GNI. This economic slowdown has been a significant factor in shaping public opinion and the election outcome.
  • @richardlo4867
    And this guy believes the claim that 100 percent of the households have electricity....sigh. Then goes forward with a skin deep so-called analusys
  • Can usa compete with china ? Did england competed with usa !! Wtf economics is not zero sum game 😂
  • @user-iz2ff3nh3d
    I worked at a medical packaging company in northest Philadelphia for 12 year's. They hireed 5 people from India. One man packed bad work and thought he was saving the company money because they could find some use for defective product. The recall of the contaminated products caused a multi million dollar law suit against hospitals that operated on patients. 2 died from infection. He didn't care that they died. He continued to defend his decision. The company closed and moved entire operations to Wisconsin to avoid anyone following them there.
  • @nijadbahnam9859
    One description of India is Modi is the emperor of a Holy Roman Empire that is neither Holy , Roman, or an Empire . In Brief , governing India is a headache.
  • @Arnouxvaze
    You mentioned that only Canada and Norway are so generous with maternity leave. In Hungary during the first 6 months of maternity leave (CSED) the mothers get MORE money per month compared to when they were working. They can stay home up to 3 years. Companies are obligated to employ them after the leave ends. During 6-24 months of the leave (GYED) they still get decent money. During 2-3 years (GYES) the allowance is very low but mothers can still stay at home.
  • @IanGruin
    paper tiger? They dont even have toilet paper. and you want to talk about making a tiger out of paper?
  • @Kaif08610
    Because China is an export oriented economy, whereas India is a services based economy. The good thing about export oriented economies is they can provide jobs to large swaths of people, whereas IT services only creates jobs for the educated upper class. And in order for you to have a strong export economy, you need to have infrastructure to get your products to port to be exported. Because China has a strong central government, they can build roads, infrastructure, ports, electric grids, power plants, sewage systems with very little impediment. India has too many different parties to appease at the federal and local lvl before they start building due to its democratic system. With good infrastructure and a large willing labour force, foreign investors and local entrepreneurs were more willing to set up factories in China. This partially explains why India's economy has lagged China's.
  • @sachin2842
    no one banned English in India 😂 its north find itself hard to learn it dont say wrong things just don't say anything 😂