What Is Happening in the Brain During a DMT Trip?

Published 2022-08-10

All Comments (21)
  • @LouisPetek
    I have taken a small amount of DMT every weekend for about 3 years. In small amounts it can give you unmatched gratitude, perspective and empathy for others. It can show you what you need to see within yourself and in the world around you
  • In my DMT experience, I saw swirling patterns and became a beam of light, meeting energy beings in a strange planet with fiery oceans and swirling skies. I felt connected to the universe, like I merged with a nebula. Coming back, I felt at peace and amazed, like I'd seen how everything connects.
  • Not sure how it all happened 10 years later now, but in 2013 my appendix burst and developed sepsis and I died for four minutes in the ER. Not sure if it was the natural release of DMT at the end of life, but I went from hating my job to passing out in my cubicle and dying, to quitting my job and having a whole new outlook now. In those four minutes I flew around the world and felt what it was like to be a cloud, a raindrop, a blade of grass, a leaf, and animal, other people, and even the wind itself, all at once, simultaneously. It “told” me “it’s all one” and “you belong here.” I was never one for remembering dreams, but ten years later I still remember that experience down to the second. It was like a memory of a lesson I hadn’t learn yet. It’s amazing to think I have no idea where the experience came from, but the message couldn’t not have been more direct and true. It’s all one- just be good. You’re a part of it.
  • @JoseLopez-tl3yt
    Psychedelic really healed me years back. These are great healing compounds! When used in proper context.
  • Everyone should have someone love them as much as Joe loves DMT
  • I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years, with so much anxiety not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms
  • @AlexEliotte
    Psychedelics is a tool in which the universe uses to connect with us, we understand without words We listen without distractions,we agree without arguments.
  • I’m a recovering drug addict. I was a functional user. I could blend in enough to hold down jobs for a year or so. I would do coke and speed on the weekends. I had a 3-4 month meth binge once. And then when I got my wisdom teeth pulled at age 29… I found the secret to life. Painkillers gave me energy, made me happy, and motivated me. And that went away soon and i was just left with a massive pill addiction. My point is that I’ve been clean off everything NOT prescribed to me. But I’ve been searching for answers and happiness. And I simply HAVE NOT found it. I’ve always struggled with death. Mainly bc Ive always questioned the existence of God and an afterlife. And this seems like it could help. I really wish Joe Rogen could hear my comment and someone could help me. I’m just beat down with my 8-5. No family to come home to. Barely see my kids. I guess this is it. This is it. But I’d love to see then”oneness” he speaks of. Bc I feel like I have a true heart. Even after all the shit I’ve been through. And there’s a lot more before where I started this post. But no one’s gonna read it anyways. Felt good to let it it regardless.
  • @kevinguy1499
    I used to have email correspondence with Rick strassman. He was insanely helpful in answering my questions. Going as far as to send me some of his research to help with my studies. I’ll always have so much respect for him for his legacy in the work of psychopharmacology.
  • @Brad_Pittstop
    I took a hit of DMT and suddenly, everything around me began to warp and shift. Colors blended together in a swirling vortex until I found myself transported to a new dimension. The first thing I noticed was the vibrant neon colors that seemed to radiate from everything around me. The second was the presence of strange, alien landscapes that defied all logic and reason. As I wandered through this new dimension, I came across a group of beings who seemed to be waiting for me. They welcomed me and explained that they were ancient, wise creatures who had been studying the universe for eons. One of the beings stepped forward and offered to reveal the meaning of life. I eagerly accepted, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder that was hard to describe. As I closed my eyes, I felt a rush of warmth and light wash over me. My mind was flooded with images and sensations that seemed to stretch beyond time and space. I saw the universe in all its glory, from the moment of the Big Bang to the present day. I saw galaxies being born and dying, stars exploding in supernovas, and planets teeming with life. And then I saw something else - a glimmering, radiant force that seemed to pulse with life and energy. It took me a moment to realize what it was, but then it hit me - love. Love was the start of life, because every life started with making love. It was the spark that ignited the flame of creation, the force that drove us forward, and the one thing that made everything else worth it. As I came back to myself, I realized that the beings were smiling at me. They knew what I had discovered, and they were pleased. I felt a sense of peace and understanding wash over me as I realized that the meaning of life was something that I would spend my whole life exploring and discovering. Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of everything. It's what gives life its meaning and purpose, and it's what makes every moment worth living. And as I journey through life, I know that I'll always be guided by this truth - that love is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
  • My experience with DMT was incredible! I saw every mathematical equation that ever existed, I lived the life of every creature. I was a dinosaur with an elephant trunk that lived on a planet with a blue sun and red vegetation. I heard colors and saw sounds. It was truly magical.
  • DMT changed my personality and my core views on our existence. I still feel the afterglow in a way, even years later. What an experience.
  • @freyadecker2718
    Psychedelics have the potential to make a significant impact on mental health issues like anxiety and depression. They've been incredibly helpful for me personally.
  • Psilocybin DMT, mushrooms and psychedelics, as a whole, have shown substantial promise as beneficial agents that can truly aid individuals grappling with mental health difficulties
  • @bernietoth
    I’ve tried DMT once and I can assure you it was THE most incredible, life changing experience. The trip itself may not be for everyone, but the “come down” really is for everyone. The overall feeling of the warmth of happiness, love, and gratitude is nothing short of a religious experience. I imagine its the closest you’ll come to meeting “God.” These are my words from my own brain. I understand I share these sentiments with Joe, but it’s highly accurate
  • @User-xw5mk
    DMT was my first ever psychedelic experience, did it in 2019 before the pandemic. It was a paradigm shift for me, sometimes I wonder if I broke time and landed in a different dimension; hence all the craziness in the world since then lol
  • @zarkos2313
    Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • I did a high dose of dmt 3 years ago, and I still think about it almost everyday. It was the single most amazing experience I've ever had and I will never forget it.