Domestic Abuse Survivor: "He smacked me in the face with his GUN" (TW)

Published 2022-01-18
TRIGGER WARNING: Contains themes of domestic abuse and violence which some viewers may find disturbing.

This is Shanen's powerful experience with domestic abuse and violence. Shanen shares her story which goes into graphic detail about the way her abuser violently and mentally abused her.

But fortunately, Shanen's story doesn't end in tragedy, Shanen goes onto say how she along with the support of the police managed to secure a conviction against the perpetrator, which she states was an empowering journey to freedom. We couldn't be any more proud of Shanen for sharing her story, which will no doubt go onto support many people experiencing domestic abuse and violence, and will reaffirm that the journey to freedom is always possible.

If you are in an abusive relationship and fear for your life or are in an emergency situation please call 999 (UK) or 911 (US) in the first instance.


CREDIT: WarriorKind.

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All Comments (21)
  • I'm glad she got help. Unfortunately, the trauma never goes away, and the justice system does not work adequately.
  • @kcourtney6826
    I once dated a guy who was very possessive and was always accusing me of flirting with other guys , fortunately I ended the relationship early on because I wasn’t in love with him and wanted to date other people.
  • @AP-nx6xo
    I knew my abuser was going to be hard to get rid of the day I met him. Red flags. He eventually batted my house down….. holes in the drywall … windows smashed out… all appliances and furniture destroyed …. I was hiding in a motel. The police had heard a voicemail from him and they told me to get away from the house before it happened. Had I been there, I would be dead. He did 2 years in prison Still afraid of him. I’m afraid to be in a relationship now. Make a plan. Get out before you lose your self or your life
  • @sharonellis8776
    She is such a brave girl. No person deserves to be treated this way. xx
  • Surviving an abuser, is a feat in itself. My fear of him, my fear of losing my kids,my fear of living in a country that wasn’t my birth country, the guilt of wanting to leave him,but didn’t know how to get out safely…..I could go on,but this is not about me,it’s about this beautiful woman surviving this man! I’m so glad she’s alive! It’s horrifying to live in constant fear,knowing you most likely won’t get out alive.took me awhile,then of course it got violent,but for 7 years after getting out,he still ruled our lives,with money,with threats,with knowing I had no extra money,to force a divorce…..the threats,the violence,he hatred in me grew. I survived,my children are beautiful adults with healthy families of their own,and they thank me for getting them out,yet kids never stop loving a parent ,no matter how awful they are. But he is not a huge part of their lives,because they are adults he can’t use them as a weapon to control me,and the relationship for them,is a very superficial one. But he still tries to tell lies about me, 35 years later! It causes pain, it’s causes stress,but his power is no longer there. Once they saw,who he really was, they limited the contact,and would never leave one of their children in his care. He has no interest in his grandchildren,and I’m so happy I no longer have to look over my shoulder. His inner demons, has shown through to the outside,he looks a good 20 years older than me,and is a miserable human being,with a wife who thinks that’s all she deserves. He is not really abusive with her,because she lets him dominate her fully. Thank Gid they never had kids together,because a leopard may try to hide their spots,but they are always there, just underneath the surface. I’m proud and so supportive of any woman who gets out, gets her children out alive! There is life after,but the scars are forever.
  • @eloisemarie5219
    Learn the signs of abuse. Tell everyone at the first sign of abuse and leave saying nothing. Don't trust your family and friends who are mostly clueless about abuse. Get professional help. Leave no signs of where you're going. Call your job and tell them why you can't come in. Use these videos for what not to do. Be safe!
  • @katiejo6066
    I’m sorry that this is happening. You didn’t do anything to deserve this.
  • @jodifloria6647
    I'm waiting final divorce paper from my spouse. He would fly into rage at any small thing . He hit me kicked me black and blue . I kicked him in groin to get him away from me .. I went to work with bruise over my eye .. stupidly I told people i hit my head in cupboard . I finally got fed up Bec I didn't deserve it and I left . I'm alone and will always be .
  • Am very happy to see this video pop up i have been in similar situations and am glad to see U reach out to us all. I just want to say go girl U totally got this 🖤💯😘
  • You guys must interview really well or something because all these videos hit me in the feels. little key words and experiences she had reminded me of my own story. Shes brave!
  • I pray you are never bothered by that monster again!! Life is difficult enough without someone (who claims to love you ) abusing you! May God guide your healing and your life path.
  • @elliaurora825
    I love this channel as it does get a lot of people watching & knowing there's a way out & someone will be waiting for you patiently until You want to take that step & take control of your life again & you'll be able to see & do what You want now, I'm so pleased you did this video & hopefully you'll help Hundreds more to leave & breath again. 💜 X😎🐘
    Perverse emphasis on "GUN" when it should be on "He smacked me". Lets responsabilize inanimate objects for human actions, surely a very clever and productive move.
  • I was in a domestic abuse relationship I keep thinking to myself I deserve this that’s why I stayed with him or I was scared to leave him cause he told me if you leave me I will kill you and he put a gun to my head. I stayed him for two years but then I met my husband we been happily married for 13 years.
  • Bless your heart. . ❤Physical and Verbal Abuse has LIFE long affects. . Thank You for sharing. . It takes alot!! To share ABUSE!! MAY YOU HEAL. . AND FIND TRUE LOVE AND KINDNESS !!❤😢❤😂