Amber warning Storm Isha at High Willhays 80mph+ winds in the Hilleberg Nallo 2.

Published 2024-01-24
Storm Isha with amber weather warning for 80mph+ at High Willhays. First proper test for the Hilleberg Nallo 2, used double poles, delta pegs and triple pegged everywhere else. I was fully prepared for this and had taken all relevant precautions. I do of course realise this is not the “proper” place to pitch a tent, however I have the correct kit and experience to cope with it. This was a challenge for me and my kit, to see how I cope in deteriorating conditions and I never felt unsafe at any point.
The water coming in through the black vent material meant that the vestibule was unusable and through hanging my coat and gaiters behind it, prevent most of that water going into the inner, that being said I pitched the tent according to Hilleberg’s instructions. Apart from that, I feel the tent coped extremely well in 80mph winds, the winds did shift direction by the morning and was putting a bit more pressure on the main pole, if that hadn’t happened, I feel it could have coped with single poles.

All Comments (21)
  • Having recently got an Abisko Lite 2 I pitched it a couple of times in my back garden to get the hang of it before hitting the mountains. The forecast was giving it fairly favourable so far as wind was concerned. Needless to say the weather didn't play ball and ended up blowing steadily in the high 30's gusting to almost twice that, my practice in the garden was worth nothing and after almost 30 minutes of batteling i had to give up through fear of destroying my new tent. I'm so glad you posted the full pitching video and i have picked up some great tips from it, like pegging the pole guy lines before fitting the poles helps stop the tent from flipping over 😉 I truly appreciate the video.
  • The fact that the tent was still standing after that is a testament to Hilleberg and also you pitching it correctly and anchoring those pegs in. Not a chance of staying dry in that weather because of the pressure of the wind forcing water in and under the tent. I’ve sprayed some fabsil over some key areas of mine, including the inner, which helps in these conditions. Glad you stuck it out and took the survival bag with you. Well done, ATB Jiffy 👍
  • @Tominthetent
    you have some balls ill give you that. Crazy 👍
  • @david-pascoe
    Fair play, that was properly minging! Hilleberg make fantastic tents and they do stand up to such bad weather. I once camped in sustained 85mph winds and didn't get much sleep that night. But it was dry, the rain must have made your night much harder. Thanks for making the video. 🙂
  • @_Hold_My_Beer_
    That was like watching 'The Blair witch Project 2 - Storm Camping' - You nutter... good watch tho :)
  • @theclaverman
    I’ve yet to see a Hilleberg which doesn’t leak through the ziplocks in bad weather. It such a shame for such otherwise extremely good tents. Hilleberg make some of the strongest tents money can buy, but it does not matter how strong a tent is if it fails to keep you dry during the storm.
  • @citizenwolf8720
    Holy god, that was some nasty conditions. Feck me. I'm surpised the tent stayed up. I wouldn't have gotten much sleep due to worry that the tent would fail. Fair play to you.
  • @garynesbitt5078
    Hey Rowan that was savage. Definitely one of the best storm camping videos I’ve seen in terms of not only wind but rain making it even more challenging. I was very impressed with nallo and I will add the vestibule guy line to mine. Although I don’t plan to use it in those conditions I would use my Jannu for such strong winds but sometimes you can get caught out. My friend Tom Heaney had a nammatj and I don’t believe it would do any better than nallo in those conditions - a bit more spacious but you can double pole nallo as you did and would be a lot stronger with that and still lighter than single poled 10.25mm pole nammatj. The pitching of tent was great to see and always so difficult in those winds, so fair play to you. There is a video on toms channel of me pitching Jannu in 40mph wind. It’s easier with clip system to build from ground up but the pressure on poles comes when fixing the final clips as wind pushed tent fabric which deforms the poles and can really stress them. All tents have their limits! I too like to push the limits of my equipment as long as you are prepared and have an exit plan it’s about challenging yourself. Great video 👍
  • @imduk1
    Hi great vid thanks for posting. I noticed that you have added an additional guy line to the front hood like has been done on the gt by hilleberg. Is this a recommended option for the nallo to improve the performance of the tent? What's been your experience in using this customisation?
  • @DemiGod..
    Had a nallo 2 , but for bad weather took the Tarra or Nammaj. Surprised how well your tent did. Have you tried pitching the rear into the wind?
  • @serjoschag.1711
    I gotta say I am myself pretty confident with my tents and my nammatj 2 can withstand quite some but what u re showing is pretty good ! Hardcore camping 😂
  • @septicwhelk3654
    Tunnel tents are no good for windy conditions ! The SQUINTERNET says so must be true lol , my favorite tent ever , better than the allak . I always pitch mine pointy end to the weather .
  • @tubulzr
    Some brutal weather camping with that almost horizontal 'I will soak you' rain. Those delta pegs are solid in boggy soil, otherwise double or even triple back staking pegs would have been needed. Splendid tent performance.
  • @jimbothescot4282
    fair play for sticking that out ooft, was there any wear to the tent you noticed after this? do you feel the hood guyline was essential? mine doesnt have one on may have to add one
  • @mawo3961
    Nice video. I have a Nallo3 but did not know the tie option directly from the front vent hood. Is that a standard design from Hilleberg or did you customize yourself?
  • @dazz1234
    Hi what mapping sotftware did you use to get that OS Map in 3D. CHeers 🙂
  • @Gunni1972
    I guess the question is: would a "black label"- Nallo have made a difference? That looked NASTY.
  • @rooksfoot1184
    Cant beat the ol plastic orange survival bag when u wanna sleep in a puddle .. fair play to you