When you rent from a slumlord

Published 2017-09-25
Apologies for the vertical video, you don't have to mention the format just know I'm ashamed.

This took me by surprise, I didn't have my bed moved in yet so I was just sleeping on folded comforters and a sleeping bag. The flooding was in the hallway and a little over half of my room (more water as rain outside continued). I had other clips of this on a phone that is now MIA. Was able to get this off my google drive, so I've got that going for me I guess.

Ended up with some ruined bedding and speakers from the ordeal, plus not much sleep. Landlord never compensated me, but instead moved me to a different room down the hall (without signing a new lease) then rented my old room to someone else without fixing anything.

The water coming up from the floor was so disgusting and honestly who knows what was in it.

This is what happens when you rent from a slumlord. This guy was horrible, he would also just show up randomly and walk around the house. I was barely keeping my head above water with just moving to a new town and having a crap job, so I didn't have the mind to fight this and didn't understand quite how bad it was for a bit.

Please make sure that you review your renters rights specific to your state and city, it can save you a headache.

(p.s. Screw you, Tom)

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