What Do We Actually Know about Transition Regret and Detransitioning? Dr. Paul Eddy

Published 2024-07-18
Dr. Paul Eddy is professor of biblical and theological studies at Bethel University and is on the pastoral executive team at Woodland Hills Church (Minneapolis). Paul is the author/editor of several books and articles, including Understanding Transgender Identities: Four Views. Paul also serverd as a research assistant at The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, where he produced the largest summary of research on transitioning, detransitioning, and transition regret, which is available for free: www.centerforfaith.com/resources?field_product_cat…. This paper is the background of our discussion.

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All Comments (8)
  • @DelicueMusic
    This is such an important conversation, and what upsets me is that YouTube incorrectly flagged it as "conversion therapy" in order to push it down the algorithm and demonetize. I'm doing what I can to support by sharing this video.
  • I read a research study in the 1980's that reported that patients' mental health did not improve as a result of medical transitioning. So, they concluded that government or insurance holders' money should not be used for transitioning since that treatment is not cost-effective.
  • @savvygood
    The ancient historical account of transsexuality were of particular interest to me.
  • @AdamUndefined
    When did Preston receive his medical degree and when did he examine President Biden in order to diagnose him with dementia?
  • @addisonwier7438
    A link to the paper mentioned in the description needs to be added.
  • It is really odd that y'all criticize convenience sampling—which certainly does have limitations—while still holding up rhe Littman study as worth anythign. Her whole sample was parents eho are upset thay their chidren are trans; talk about a non-representative sample!
  • From a 30s transwoman...I have never met an adult detransitioner. After 20+ years of dysphoria, the only thing anyone is going to regret is 1. a poor surgical result and 2. the time in their life they lost before transitioning