210,000 CODERS lost jobs as NVIDIA released NEW coding language.

Published 2024-03-21

All Comments (21)
  • @zayag3543
    This sounds really convincing if you don't know programming on a deep level. You use a programming language but what you're making is more like a schematic. It's like saying people won't need to know maths because we can just ask for answers. No that won't work because English is not specific enough. To describe a system and its functions you need to express it in a way that removes ambiguity. So you'll always need programmers
  • @EpicSlug
    NVIDIA is not "worth more than canada"... You are comparing NVIDIA's market cap (total value) to the Canadian GDP. Which is how much their economy outputs in a SINGLE YEAR. The equal comparison would be to compare NVIDIA's annual revenue to Canada's annual GDP.
  • @clivemajor2389
    The tech layoffs were more to do with over hiring while the world was hit by Covid and huge demand for tech. Now there is not the same demand, and employees were laid off. Along with various economics issues, and drop in share prices.
  • @sagnumb
    is much easier to develop an Ai to replace a CEO, than to replace a Coder.
  • @liberty-matrix
    "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Prof. Al Bartlett
  • @sylvainbodji1124
    i wonder how many companies will be willing to let the entire responsability of their code base in the hands of another company. What if NVIDIA says, "sorry your account does not comply with our standards , therefore you can no longer use it to edit or fix bugs in you app written with our online app"
  • @mater5930
    Whoever let their employees go because of some tech bro hyp, deserve the struggles that will follow.
  • @DrRobotnik76
    This is how the computers they hired at NASA must’ve felt getting replaced by a computer lol
  • @KarasCyborg
    Good luck debugging that. Also, a game or photo is nice, but useless unless you can build around it some way of monetizing all of it. Usually games are multi player, there are credit card processing, takes tens of thousands of man hours and testing. How are you going to deal with customer service issues when the software takes their money and isn't giving them access?
  • @calvink.4511
    I still think natural language is too ambiguous to replace coding. The word "fuck" can mean so many things. You can't have that in coding.
  • @morphtek
    in a gold rush only the shovel seller makes becomes rich
  • @chieftron
    I went from doing System Engineering and Network Engineering for 13 years to teaching myself how to program and started my own business, and after 4 years of programming went into "cloud" computing and learned kubernetes, after 3 years of that, open source llm's became available, 1.5 years later and here we are with open source llm's that are almost as good as gpt4 and some better in certain areas. Knowing how to program is still critical to know because that's how the llm's will improve until they become self recuring learning agents. Then programmers will need to transfer from programming, to prompt engineering.
  • @MaybeLoveHate
    Hopefully one day it will get good enough to move things forward, but right now Nvidia and OpenAI are hiring developers like crazy lol
  • The amount of bullcrap to sell a new large language model... AI is as contaminating as NFTs
  • @Ynerson9003
    So what are people supposed to do to make money? It’s not just programmers that will be replaced. I couldn’t imagine paying a financial advisor or analyst, or accountant, lawyer and eventually doctors
  • @randomforest_dev
    This will be a monopoly. Also, I wonder it is efficient to run the whole LLM just for a simple application (if the LLMs serve as application we want to create). It is like shooting an ant with a rocket.
  • I still see adverts saying there is a shortage of coders. I'm getting mixed messages here. After this maybe i should start growing potatoes.
  • That dream that an artifact will reach a level of intelligence so that it can program itself according to our directives has been a consistent dream since antiquity. The truth is that humans remain the prime mover, and will continue to do so for long time yet. We are consistent at putting the cart before the horse throughout history.
  • @jhoravi1
    Once upon a time, there was an Accountant. When calculators arrived, the Accountant was still there. When spreadsheets emerged, the Accountant was still there. When specialized accounting software appeared, the Accountant remained. Long live the Accountant!
  • Real Software development is neither about coding nor building a snake game. It's very different and those who work on real software dev knows that. NVIDIA is selling its product by claiming "coding" is obsolete.