Reacting to one-star reviews of Wuthering Heights

Published 2024-06-26

All Comments (21)
  • @spinstercatlady
    20 years ago I had to spend 6 months in jail for something that is now no longer illegal 🍃 As you can imagine, it got pretty boring lol and the "library" was 2 shelves of beat up old classics and religious books mainly. This was where I first picked up Wuthering Heights, and fell in love. Not only did the atmospheric writing take me out of the hell I was surviving, but I could relate to the tumultuous relationships Bronte wrote so well. The other girls who were in there were curious, and we ended up passing the book around and embarking on a journey of classic literature. Talk about a captive audience of readers 😅 We went on to read Jane Eyre, Rebecca, as well as some Dickens (and some VC Andrews thrown in for good measure 😂), but the Bronte novels were far and away the favs. These books helped turn what was one of the worst times of my life into something less terrible, and created a love for classics in me that I have to this day.
  • @EvieM1
    “Read Jane Eyre instead.” - Because a partner keeping their mentally ill secret wife in the attic and attempting bigamy, is the model for a healthy loving relationship?
  • @shuwei9420
    The 👹MICHAEL 👹 keeps taking me out ahaha!
  • @enormousgoose
    now i want a video from you reacting to 5 star reviews of jane eyre lol
  • @GentleReader01
    I am repeatedly collapsing in helpless laughter. It started with MICHAEL! and then never lets up. Thank you so much, Willow. It’s not the case that their love redeems them, but that they redeem their love for valuable prizes which they can fling at each other.
  • @spinstercatlady
    "I have dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind" is one of my all time fav quotes - just stunning!
  • @Adeodatus100
    Having spent time among the miserable buggers, I always thought WH was just a pretty accurate tale of the everyday lives of Yorkshire farming folk.
  • @joerutherford79
    Your laugh at the absurd French review is hilarious and it’s brightened my day. Thanks for that.,
  • this video is a classic 😊 laughing to tears here, you have a great sense for irony. when we read it in university I remember classmates hated everything about cathy while having crushes on heathcliff: hating her makes nonsensical not to hate him, but a quarter of century ago misogyny was not a topic to be discussed so I guess there may be a slight hope for humanity.
  • @rachel1021
    I burst out laughing when you went "MICHAEL!" 😂 I got so oddly excited while watching this that I flapped my hands. autistic joy ftw When I took a French class in high school there was a copy of Wuthering Heights and despite having no idea what it was about, I felt drawn to it and would constantly stare at it. Sadly I never worked up the courage to take it (it was in a box with other books). So when I saw a copy with the black background and red rose in Target I made my mom buy it for me. Hope you liked reading my little anecdote. 😊 Also, I need to repeat my previous comment: Wuthering Heights is a beautiful book. Anyone who disagrees is entitled to their wrong opinion. 🖤❤️
  • I read Wuthering Heights for the first time a couple of months ago and loved every page.
  • @maika0395
    Thanks for actually talking in depths about why these 1 star reviews often miss the point/ don't even make an effort to understand the context or themes of the book. With this trend on booktube I've been disappointed recently because it's often just an emotional response like "wooow, how can you hate my favorite book???" without considering some potential relevant criticism. Also, you "scared" me with the first MICHAEL as my name sounds a bit similar 😂😂
  • @mjearnshaw
    Thank you for this wonderful video! The 'I know it's a classic but...' start to so many of these reviews usually annoys me so much but you were making me choke with laughter.
  • @ayseal
    I would love to see more of these one-star review videos; it was really entertaining. I was questioning if they read another book but got the name mixed:)