The SURPRISING HACK To Instantly Reduce Stress, ANXIETY & Depression | Claudia Hammond

Published 2022-11-16
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When was the last time someone was kind to you – or you did something kind for someone else? I’m sure you won’t have to think back far to find a few examples. And that’s because the world is a much kinder place than we might think.


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Claudia’s books:
The Keys to Kindness
The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age
Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception
Emotional Rollercoaster: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings

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All Comments (21)
  • @Yippaah
    Yesterday at the gym, when I was done, I said hello to a old man who was also done. It started a conversation which felt really nice. I am a social guy but I'm not feeling the best atm. This video sparked the social guy in me again and I'm gonna look out for more nice and kind gestures again
  • @chrisnam1603
    Kindness (from Belgium) is something more 'n more rare in our society, it's devostating. Like : 'how do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time' & 'random acts of kindness create waves of peace'... i miss it so so badly.
  • @janawall3306
    I know someone who does kind things all the time. That person gives good things, does great things. And this person is mocked, never reciprocated, even called names. Yet they continue on. Always hoping. In Atlanta, United States. The more kind people are peripheral people that surprise you by helping IF ASKED. But not wanting to be any closer, and usually one off.
  • An act of kindness is a form of empowerment . " I controlled the tone of this particular interaction to the best outcome possible " .... its alleviating that feeling of being at the whim of the world .
  • Really enjoyed this x we have no idea what people are going through and kindness costs nothing. All the daily news is so negative and people ass so stressed. We need to take care of ourselves, stress less and find the good in each day
  • @keepitreal1547
    Brilliant stuff. What always surprises me in such chat, is the unwillingness or being kinda frightened to speak with a stranger. We're supposed to be social beings & to me it's always been a daily normal thing to speak with strangers, in the act of giving, in bring friendly, in being just sociable & interested in others. No other animal has the ability of apathy of thought & ease of speech, we really ought to (as a collective) practice this much more often. We should never be afraid of it, as many are.
  • 51:19 - I totally agree! :trophy-yellow-smiling:If you don't look after yourself, you will experience burnout. You can give so much to everyone else, but don't forget to look after yourself. Always put yourself first. :learning:
  • @axonjogi
    I realize your not expecting this kind od comment but I want to tell you I love your hair doctor Chatterjee
  • @upstream1942
    My belief is that kindness between individuals has been among us since the beginning of time. It is probably necessary to keep a tribe together. So it is in our genes, and nature has seen to it that we feel good when we have been good to another human being, to make it prevail. We just have to recognize it. And we obviously need to be reminded. So thanks!
  • @harsha205
    Loved you two. Thanks. That's my act before day ends. 😊
  • @Susan-ol4ys
    Marvellous, what a joy to listen to thank you both❤
  • @gazels11
    Loved this. Thanks Dr. Chatterjee 🌹
  • @derrick8224
    Love your channel. Loyal listener. Thank you for all you do 😊
  • I have alleviated some stress in my life by not fixating on solving the riddle of life . I am going to die . I will find out then if we continue or I won't ever know anything again . I have not existed before and that has never caused me harm . It won't a second time .
  • U should also upload small clips which have moral of this video or main message hidden in this video because its very hard to understand these long videos specially for a rural indian like me
  • @janawall3306
    I lived in London with5 people. It was a Methodist house- we took care of an inner city church. I was kind tried to be good to all 5. They WANTED to hate me. They threw me out.
  • @heleneal8657
    "Be kind, rewind" as they used to write on the videotapes...