Live Soaking Worship Music - Julie True // Session 01

Published 2020-07-23
I am so excited to share this new season of recording live soaking worship music with you all.
It is my hope that you find this Youtube Channel as a place to soak in the presence of God, and to allow him to minister to your heart.

Please comment down below any prayer requests you have! I would love for the comment section to become a place where we can pray and lift each other up. Don't forget to click the "Get Reminder" button to join us when we start this session.

Years ago, God told me it was my purpose to infiltrate the earth with sounds of healing, and I believe that Youtube is a great addition to being able to reach people around the world. If you feel inclined, please share this with someone that you believe could benefit from it!

"May the Lord bless you and keep you;
make His face shine upon you,
be gracious to you;
Lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @julie_true
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All Comments (21)
  • Thank you everyone for joining this first soaking session! Please leave a comment with any prayer requests you may have and where you are listening from! Let's make this a place to build each other up! Blessings, Julie True Nashville, TN.
  • @rimakaram1313
  • @territafoya6968
    Today while soaking the Holy Spirit took me back to the trauma in my mothers womb. He also showed me that my son has the same trauma from being in my womb! I felt heaven invade as I cried out for healing for both my son and myself! God is bringing him back to me! Thank you for bringing heaven to earth!
  • @davidspence72
    I am crying and it is hard to type right now . Jesus cleansed 10 lepers but only one returned to fall at the feet of Jesus and worshiped . every time I look at my arms and see cancer I will remember that I am healed praise Jesus
  • Hello! Tonight the lord lead me to your video. I have been in the desert for years after my divorce and have struggled to hear his voice. While soaking (which I havent done in years and was the first time tonght) he spoke so clear to me...telling me he loves me and he wants me to worship him again. He gave me a hug and I felt his peace so strong. Something I havent felt in a very long time. I have been struggling with fear and anxiety. Please keep me in your prayers and God bless you for your gifts and this video. Looking forward to more!
  • @StephenNibo-ed7in
    My name is Stephen Nibo, a Reverend minister from Ghana West Africa. My heart goes out to you ma’am. This is such an inspiration. My prayer request is that I just got into ministry with so many uncertainties, being buffeted here and there with trying spiritual situations. I’m asking the Lord to pour out his Spirit on me while he guides me throughout my journey here on this earth and in ministry. May I fulfill his assignment here on this earth. God bless you Julie!
  • @Synder619
    Julie, as you play the LORD GOD heals deep trauma! HE has done this in my life! Thank you LORD!
  • @prithachristian
    Jesus i have decided to be child free. I feel like no one can fill your shoes Jesus. I know i wont regret it because you Jesus are in my decision heaking and hlping me ..if i do not marry and chise not to you will carry me across the river . Nothing compares to you lord.. i kove you Jesus. ..let my enemeis in the kord all scatter into desolation in Jesus name
  • Ms Julie I have been listening to you for sometime now. I meditate and 🙏🏽 👂to your music. I'm 32 years clean from homelessness and drugs. I promise to take care of God's children until he calls me home. I feel like they are slowly dragging me to the cross. They don't love me or care. Thank God I only look to the Hills from which my help comes from. It was Christians that set me up to lose my job. My enemies prepared a table for me. I invited Jesus to the table. I was afraid but calm on that day. I've done nothing wrong. I just know what they are doing is wrong and they want to get rid of me. Jesus please never leave my side🙏🏽
  • Peter said don't wash my feet. But Jesus insisted on washing his feet ... I receive your love Jesus, your care ... touch me .... wash me
  • @ulgashmeglo5506
    I will just say this I fell from the grace of God a long time ago and for over 20 yrs have hid myself away from life struggling to leave my house for any reason, suicide thoughts have been a constant thought but I am too much a coward to do it. But by some strange events I came to your videos and I am crying so hard I can hardly write. I dont know what shall become of me but your music has touched me in a way like never before so thank you
  • The most inspiring music I have ever heard, such a beautiful person and lovely voice. May everyone please pray for the soul of the United States of America and bring us back to the true living God and our Lord Jesus Christ and defeat the evil forces seeking to destroy us. Thank you Julie for showing this to the world.
  • Julie True is one of the finest and most sincere worship artists I have known
  • @6143able
    I fell on knees and wept before our Holy God, I prayed in the Spirit and worshiped in His presence. Continue singing your songs of healing and comfort dear Julie My name is Julia and I will be eighty years old in a couple of months and Your worship blessed my soul.❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @dorotheebolz2638
    Hallo ich bin Dorothee aus Deutschland. Ich bitte um Gebet für meine Familie, Kinder besonders, daß sie Jesus ihre Leben und die Liebe geben. Für Rettung so vieler Seelen, Freunde Nachbarn, schließlich alle Seelen. Jesus errette uns alle. Danke für Gebet und danke daß du Jesus in Liedern ehrst und uns nah bringst. Juli. Danke. Grüße aus Deutschland Gott segne Euch alle
  • @sharondirks4105
    From Ontario, Canada. Your music is so anointed. I’ve been soaking to your music for years.
  • Your songs were introduced to us by our pastor leader leading our intercessory group.
  • @maschrei100
    Such a blessing! Shalom in Yeshua from France/Germany
  • @Kliciouslykool
    It truly heals I’ve seen gods light for the first time
  • Deus abençoe a todos, aguentem firme pois o senhor Jesus Cristo tem cuidado de nós, sejamos luz, não cansem de fazer o bem, Deus é amor, orem sem cessar. Beijos em todos, oremos uns pelos outros.