... And The Sky Turned Black

Published 2022-09-13
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore

... And The Sky Turned Black · Eldrvak

... And The Sky Turned Black

℗ 2022 Eldrvak

Released on: 2022-09-10

Auto-generated by YouTube.

All Comments (21)
  • @Eldrvak
    Hey guys, I was recently informed by a couple of you that pointed out there was an ad playing in the damn middle of the song. For these single uploads, I have no control over the ads like I do on my channel videos, just like I have no control over the description. Surprisingly, YouTube actually responded to me today and are working on it, hope to see a fix soon. Meanwhile, the one on my channel won't have the ad in the middle if you would like to listen there instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkfZWi-bVcU Thank you all for listening and the amazing comments and sorry that an ad appears there, I imagine it's very annoying. For future reference, try not to give the artists a hard time on these "Provided to YouTube by" videos, for we absolutely have no personal control over these.
  • @ayano2660
    Love this music, reminds me of witcher 3 when a epic boss appears or some dark or sad thing happens in skellige or any other area, i can see this playing in the back.
  • "As soldiers in dark armor emerged from the shadows, the corrupt leaders of society saw their deepest fears take physical form. The world would never be the same again."
  • @EdwinDQury
    Absolutely amazing. Feel like I’m in horse back riding through a forest with a war going on around me.
  • What an amazing song. I used it as the climax for our dnd sesion and it gave us the chills.
  • @iamk7567
    "This wasn't supposed to happen. Everything had gone right up until now. The ranger's bow and blade struck true. The knight's shield a stonewall. The mage's spells a force of nature. The cleric's medicine and prayer a bastion against the dark. No foe infallible. No ruin unexplorable. No treasure unreachable. No trial indomitable. Success was always guaranteed. They could be beaten, but never broken. Yet here they were. Beaten. Broken. Defeated. Laying across the cold stone floor, covered in their own blood for the first time. The evil they unleashed in their own arrogance and greed for more treasure had not only defeated them, but humiliated them. The ranger's bow and blade broken. The knight's shield shattered. The mage's spells run dry. The cleric's medicine gone and prayers unanswered. The defaced heroes rise from the ground. For all their misfortune, they were still alive. An insult to injury. They were not even important enough to kill. The knight takes a step and falls to a knee, coughing blood. Perhaps more than a shield was broken. The cleric braces the knight across a shoulder. The mage bandages the ranger's headwound with a torn piece of clothing. The ruins heavy with an unnatural darkness. The four drag themselves from the jaws of death back into the world, their pride, spirits, and bodies broken, seeking another chance. For when they emerged, there find they were lucky. The land was scorched and burning. The sea was boiling. Screams of the dying filled the air...and the sky turned black..."
  • @Lun4L1ght
    there are only few comments because it`s a masterpiece, leaving people speechless
  • @jestice7596
    "In that moment, when I saw darkness being pulled like a veil over the open sky we'd always known, I knew nothing. I reacted like every beast, winged creature, and crawling thing. My world fell apart, and neither flight nor fear could save me. Life stared, one complete and horrified thing, as the sky went black and we were plunged into chaos."
  • @bestepicmusic
    This music takes you to another universe, to a fantasy world where nothing is impossible, where hope is so much stronger, a long ride to let your mind soar as high as possible.. Thank you so much for this...
  • That was the day the sky turned black. The mountains roared, the earth wailed and the sky turned black. The trees burned, the people screamed and the sky turned black. The desserts turned to glass,the ocean froze over and the sky turned black. The monsters returned, the heroes fought and the sky turned black.
  • @paradisegained1791
    His words rumbled the roots of the mountain, crashed through the sky like thunder until his goal was complete. They had never shown any kindness to him, why should he do the same. The sun was swallowed and the sky turned black. All would remember the day, an outcast became a god.
  • I'd give for something like this in Skyrim. This is stunning, there's an undertone of menace, but it's subtle, almost hypnotic, and I can't say enough good about it. My late father was a musician who always considered music an essential piece that could make or break a film/show/game, this would have been something he'd have approved of, hands down. Excellent work!
  • @Nebulisreconx
    "The World is asleep with it's head in its hands, unable to meet such disparate demands. Cries of frustration resound in it's head and strewn at its feet are the souls of the dead - Tearing the fractured divisions apart, the tandem destruction of brothers in arms, crying for reason with none to be found. Engulfed by the ominous deafening sound. Acting on impulse without any thought, ignoring the lessons our precursors taught; emotion dictates what our actions will be, with no room for logic and little for peace. Has it grown darker or am I slowly going blind? The day is fading all our fates are intertwined. Without the light of wisdom, what else can be done, but fumble blindly until at last our race is run? Shadows spread out like a river of ink, devouring the sky as the sun starts to sink - Counting the hours till it rises again, instead of relying on light from within. Permanent nightfall. A total eclipse. Darkness takes hold with its sinewy grip. We've begged for this outcome and now its arrived; cursing its name with our echoing cries." - Assemblage 23
  • @KrayG580
    Time after time they tried to break us. But we still stand here with a proclamation of confidence & faith. That we shall never be broken. The darkness of this world doesn’t know what it’s started. I feel it coming out the ground. Here I come.
  • The group of heroes stood at the entrance of the ancient tomb, their faces twisted in arrogant grins. They had heard the legends of the powerful evil sealed within, but they did not believe in the warnings of the wise men and sages, who had warned them not to open the tomb under any circumstances. With a flourish, the leader of the group opened the tomb, revealing a dark and foreboding chamber. Inside, they could see a shadowy figure, its form obscured by the darkness. But as the heroes approached, the figure began to take shape, revealing a monstrous being with twisted horns, razor-sharp claws, and eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly intelligence. The heroes stepped forward, weapons at the ready, but they were too late. The moment the tomb was opened, the evil was unleashed. It lunged forward, its power overwhelming the heroes in an instant. They fought bravely, but their weapons were no match for the ancient evil. Its body seemed to be made of shadows and darkness, absorbing the attacks and rendering them useless. One by one, the heroes fell, their screams echoing through the chamber as the evil devoured their souls. The last thing they saw was the sky turning black, as if the very light of the world was being consumed by the evil they had unleashed. The chamber shook as the evil let out an otherworldly roar, signaling its triumph. With the heroes defeated, the evil marched out of the tomb, its power growing with each step. Villages were burned to the ground and cities were overrun as the evil spread its terror across the land. It left a trail of death and destruction in its wake, as it fed on the fear and despair of the people. The sky remained black and the world was plunged into an eternal darkness, as the evil marched on, growing stronger with each soul it consumed. The people trembled in fear, for there was no one left to stop the ancient evil that had been unleashed upon them. The wise men and sages had been right, the evil was too powerful to be contained and now it was free to reign over the land, devouring all in its path.
  • Glad that my yt recommendation brought me to this master piece. Hope to find some more tunes like this.
    I have been listening this masterpiece for months now, it is amazing. This piece also got me into more "spiritual" styled songs. So you not only made a beautiful song, but also expanded my music taste, thank you:)
  • Beautiful. Thank you. "Standing here, before the embers, where once my home stood, I set it in stone. A way forward. With no where to turn back to. Not for vengeance. Not for justice. For me. For those that might face the same fear. For us I march."
  • @oblivion1924
    Only 6 comments? Truly there isn't enough people singing this... well, this song's praise down here, so I will. This is truly a masterpiece. My favorite part is around the one minute mark where all those strings instruments kick in. Thanks for this song! I will be using this in my dnd campaign now. Thanks.
  • @yesyes2736
    "Fear set in, followed by terror, and lastly, despair. the day of agony was upon us, the day the moon blotted out the sun and justice left our threshold, we have entered the terrifying realm, the sky, our symbol of life, longevity and hope, no longer has any warmth to offer, the sun, our source of substance, has forsaken us, for the sky..... HAS TURNED BLACK