Friday Night Funkin - WeekEnd 1 All New Cutscenes

Publicado 2024-04-30

Todos los comentarios (13)
  • I love the ending cutscene so much. Shows that despite everything: school shooting, fighting robots, threatening to kill eachother, Pico and Darnell are gonna stay bros.
  • @Cool2Smart
    i cant get over how smoothly they animated pico eating and drinking in the first cutscene its so funny to me
  • @extralettuceee
    seeing the cutscenes in full motion is so weird they look like they were traced for a fan-animation
  • @Furanzou
    I think some of these were not entirely animated by PA but I might be wrong
  • @KairhyFilms
    1:26 pov: when you get told your going out but it ends up going to walmart
  • @deletedTestimony
    honestly the best part for me is the Ultrasonic Sound remix comin out my speakah