The THREE questions the BBC NEVER asks the Palestinians (sub: DE, ES, FR, IT)

Published 2023-11-21

All Comments (21)
  • @TheBlackIdentety
    As a Brit I am extremely ashamed of the BBC's repulsive narrative.
  • @NOADIDI010
    I'm an Israeli who was evicted from my home in the Gaza envelope after 10/7. I was interviewed by the BBC radio after the attack. The broadcasters wer'e very nice and understanding, we talked for almost an hour and they cried when I told them about the atrocities. I told them I was concerned about the way this topic is being adressed in the media and that it causes people to not beileve Israel, they comforted me that people around the world do beileve and support us. It was very unfortunate to listen to the interview and see they only left in questions about whether I sympathize with the poor children of Gaza being hurt.
  • As a Scottish woman who grew up trusting the BBC, we had a very rude awakening in the last 10 years about the BBC propaganda machine. I have sought my news elsewhere since then. I am so sorry for the BBC portrayal of the war - please know as a Scottish Christian that you have my support and my prayers! I stand with Israel!
  • @rdf5356
    I'm a Brit. I make an active effort to avoid the BBC. They used to be a very high quality broadcaster but they have become very biased on a number of issues. Their general quality has also gone down terribly in the last 10 years.
  • @classhound2036
    As an Englishman I can tell you that many of us are ashamed of the BBC. It is not what is was and we want it defunded.
  • I am British and I find the BBC coverage of this conflict disgusting and have now begun to boycott it and stopped paying my TV licence. BBC is meant to be impartial but hasn't been on many issues for a long time.
  • @VolkerDittmar
    I'm from Germany and I agree 100 %. The situation here isn't nearly as bad, but still, bad enough. Especially, we Germans should support Israel with everything we can. Sadly, this is not always the case. Thanks for your great videos!
  • Canadian Israeli here...each of us can make a difference by educating our own circle of acquaintances ...ignorance of the masses is very dangerous to overcome. Thumbs up to you.
  • @ShaktaKash
    BBC should be held accountable for spreading lies, misinformation, supporting and publicly justifying the terrorism and more.
  • @PhuketPhuket
    Im British and I avoid the BBC for a long time,
  • @davidlevine1203
    Excellent Job, Oren. I was in London on October 7 and was shocked to see sympathetic coverage of what Hamas did in Israel. Unfortunately, less than 24 hours BBC reverted to its usual pattern of Palestinians=victims - Israelis = aggressors. Keep up the good work!
  • @hoggsdog
    I am English living in Melbourne Australia. The BBC has moved so far to the left of politics I no longer watch them. The ABC in Australia is not far behind I am afraid. I stand with Israel. Oren, I thank you for all your posts
  • @to2055
    I am from Germany and I have discussions with people around me almost every day who forgot who the aggressor is. This anti-Israel propaganda in mainstream media is shocking and disgusting. But on the other hand, I know many people who think like me and stand with Israel. All the best.
  • @firequeen7872
    Hello, I am watching from New Zealand 🇳🇿thank you so much for helping me to understand everything better, I’m very grateful to you. May god bless you and your people 🙏❤️
  • @GTyoutube
    Your level of understanding about the region is excellent, I have learnt so much from your videos. I would love to see you interviewed by Piers Morgan, your ability to articulate what is happening in the region currently and historically through facts would shine a very useful light on events.
  • @breathe3146
    As a Brit I can confirm I never get my information from the BBC
  • @lizs7827
    As a Brit, I am very embarrassed by the incredibly biased and unfair coverage by the BBC. You speak the absolute truth. Thank you for for speaking out with these thoughtful videos. Our thoughts and prayers are with Israel.