Study Music, Concentration, Focus, Meditation, Memory, Work Music, Relaxing Music, Study, ☯2699

Published 2016-03-20
Study Music, Concentration, Focus, Meditation, Memory, Work Music, Relaxing Music, Study, ☯2699 - Are you looking for studying music, focus music or background music, embedded with alpha waves and binaural beats, to help with concentration, mindfulness, yoga, stress relief, homework and to improve your memory? Yellow Brick Cinema’s study music videos provide instrumental music for study to improve concentration and brain power. Would you like to try music to study? Our relaxing music for study, with its embedded binaural beats, will support your study sessions, helping you relax, work, study and focus your brain power. Indeed, this concentration music will keep your attention fully on your work and bring out your inner genius. Our work music can also be used as reading music, stress relief music, and focus music, allowing you to block out distractions and achieve stress relief. The binaural beats used in our calm music for studying make for excellent music for memory whilst working from home during quarantine. Yellow Brick Cinema’s study music, work music and music for memory improvement helps to minimise distractions and offers effective stress relief. Use our meditation music and Zen music for meditation to start each study or homework session and experience how this relaxing music helps calm your mind with alpha waves.

As a gift to you, download a FREE 10-minute meditation track to help you de-stress, stay positive and relax during these challenging times of quarantine. Ensure you are subscribed to our channel and then click this link to get your free track download:

Research shows that use of alpha waves and meditation music not only aids meditation, but also acts as music to study to, which helps unleash your work potential, helping memory and concentration, improving mindfulness and assisting to improve intelligence and brain power. This calm music for studying is also effective calming music and stress relief music during quarantine. It is often used in yoga as yoga music or background music to help you focus. Whether using our calm music as meditation music, Zen music or during your yoga session as yoga music, it can aid mindfulness and help you to relax. Make use of our calm music as studying music, Zen music, yoga music, reading music, concentration music or music for memory and reap the benefits.

In Spanish, our “musica para trabajar” or “trabajar” is also very popular and often used as background music and music for studying. Students use this relaxing music to do homework and find it boosts intelligence. It is also used as music for memory. Our calm music for studying is used worldwide as focus music and stress relief music so why not try our music to study more effectively and make the most of your intelligence.

Yellow Brick Cinema’s instrumental music for study is ideal music to listen to as ambient concentration music or as reading music when relaxing with a good book and needing focus. This music for studying is focus music composed to boost your brain. Our study music or brain music has been embedded with binaural beats to help your focus more easily.

Yellow Brick Cinema’s study music is particularly helpful to improve concentration. Studying requires you to work with prolonged concentration and so our music to study and concentrate helps shift your attention away from what’s going on around you so you can focus on your work. Our concentration music is instrumental music that helps stop your mind from wandering, thus increasing the impact of your study sessions. The effect of our studying music on increasing attention span, leads people to refer to our focus music as brain music or intelligence music.

Yellow Brick Cinema’s studying music can be used as meditation music to help bring focus to your mind. One of the most effective ways to boost concentration is to start a study session with a short meditation practice.

Visit the Yellow Brick Cinema homepage to find out more about our selection of Relaxing Music, Sleep Music and Meditation Music.

Be sure to visit and subscribe to Yellow Brick Cinema to enjoy our full selection of relaxing music. SUBSCRIBE:

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To listen to our other relaxing music, check out the playlists on our homepage:

Thanks for tuning in to Study Music! Introduce yourself to the Yellow Brick Cinema community in the comments below and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy! Love, Margie.


All Comments (21)
  • I’m excited to launch our brand new Yellow Brick Cinema iOS app! This app contains many of your favorite Yellow Brick Cinema music tracks. You can customize them with a choice of nature sounds, binaural beats and volume settings, all at the tap of a button. Check out the 40-second video to learn more and get a 7-day FREE trial of the app. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Love, Margie.
  • @Ruty.lia_
    Aku rekomendasiin, kalian dengar ini, sambil belajar, dan jika kalian mudah belajarnya, jangan lupa berdoa, karna allah telah memeberi kita petunjuk untuk mendengarkan lagu ini:)
  • @mahfudhidayat03
    Ini bukan musik pengiring belajar ya guys, tapi untuk penenang otak. Agar otak rileks dan bisa lebih fokus untuk konsentrasi. Jika kalian belajar sambil dengerin alunan ini bukan membuat cepet hafal mlah otak bikin cepet capek iya. Karna otak dipaksa bekerja untuk belajar tpi disisi lain ada gelombang yang dikirim dari telinga untuk otak menjadi rileks. So, jika mau mendengarkan sebaiknya belajar dulu, baru mendengarkan musik ini.
  • @attabore5040
    Yg masih dengerin musik ini di awal 2021 mana nih?
  • Listening to this after finally getting the news of being cancer free. Sending love and light to all who have made it here. 🙏🏻💜🌈
  • @geraldp553
    Lagu ini sangat membantu untuk menghafal dan yang komen dia tidur mendengar kan lagu ini sebaiknya istirahat yang cukup supaya tidak tidur saat belajar and yang dengerin 2020 mana like nya :v
  • @bungagrace968
    Aku demgar lagu ini sambil menhafal karna besok aku ulangan ips....semoga berhasil .....amin.....
  • Tiada perkataan yang lebih indah dan lebih bagus daripada AL-QUR'AN🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • Sebelum aku dengerin musik ini aku sering dengerin musik piano buat sambilan belajar alhasil ttp aja aku gak konsen dan akhirnya ikut terbawa sama alunan piano tapi setelah aku denger musik ini aku jadi bener" konsen belajar apalagi masalah ngehafal otak aku yang biasany klo belajar buntu bisa lancar sejak denger musik ini:)
  • Alhamdulilah bermanfaat sekali audio ini sangat memudah kan kita untuk belajar dan mengingat
  • @popjapan37
    Si está leyendo esto, su luz es muy necesaria en este mundo y espero que sepa que es especial y capaz de cosas increíbles. Te deseo mucho amor, salud y éxito 💕
  • @kangrepan7125
    Saya kira boongan. Ternyata beneran bikin cepat belajar dan konsentrasi. Saya putar video ini sambil ngerjakan PR. Mengerjakan PR jauh lebih mudah. Terima kasih Brainly.
  • Your music is a big help in focusing and concentrating most especially during deadlines. It helps in accomplishing a job real fast. Thanks for sharing this beneficial music. Godspeed!
  • @yanyan-tu1my
    Lebih cepat hafal ,karena lebih santai den lebih focus,semoga bisa menjawab soal ulangan Dengan benar aminnn..
  • @putripuput2252
    dengar in musiknya sambil menghafal Semoga berhasil amin
  • @lalapooo6199
    Aku dengarin lagi ini, smoga besokk lancar saat di tanya2 dosenn Aamiin,, smoga luluss mata kuliah yg sedng saya jalani dan bisa mengaplikasikan ilmunya Aamiin