Building a new world of software

Published 2024-04-25

All Comments (5)
  • @a4e69636b
    Manifold sounds interesting. It reminds me of SWIG. Hope to hear more about it.
  • @rvdende
    One idea I had was to have a distributed, p2p library of functions with a namespace where every function must be uniquely named and versioned. Imagine npm or github, but on a blockchain. So the entire operating system would pull from this shared filesystem of functions as the building blocks to boot. I know they are doing something similar with blockchains with "smart contracts" but these only operate on the state of the chain.. somewhat limited to moving numbers, but not actually booting on hardware or a vm where you have apps and UI defined only by code that is commited to this blockchain.. the goal would be to have a library of code that could expand, self fund and incentivize further development and instead of coders reimplementing functions the parameter input types to functions would provide you a list of possible matches of functions others have already coded. These could be versioned, and "voted" upon or forked if needed, but there would be a history of all code ever written for the system. Not sure if this is rambling, but I think its an interesting aspect to explore.