Regardless Of Grades: Why Are Singaporeans So Obsessed With PSLE?

Published 2024-03-29
The move towards reducing Singapore’s emphasis on grades started over 25 years ago but in recent years, Singapore’s Education Ministry introduced a slew of aggressive changes in efforts to relieve student stress and to ‘spark joy’ in learning.

But to what extent have these measures shifted the needle in our pursuit of what’s considered ‘good grades’? Even as schools reduce their emphasis on exams and promote the joy of learning, the country’s booming tuition and enrichment industry continues to fuel an academic ‘arms race’ outside of school grounds.

This documentary investigates how our pursuit of grades is affecting our children, and we view it through the lens of families preparing for what’s considered the all-important Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE). Why is this the make-or-break exam for 12-year-olds? For the first time, we lift the lid on this national exam, with never-before-seen footage of how questions are set, and exam papers marked.

00:00 PSLE results day
02:17 Social experiment: The biggest source of stress for PSLE kids
09:00 Why do parents place so much importance on PSLE?
20:27 Booming tuition and academic enrichment industry
26:19 How is a PSLE paper set?
28:23 How to get better marks for PSLE?
35:44 Impact of Achievement Levels system on secondary school choices
36:10 Countdown to PSLE
43:54 How can parents make PSLE less stressful for kids?

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About the show: This documentary investigates how our pursuit for grades is affecting our children, and we view it through the lens of families preparing for what’s considered the all-important PSLE.
#psle #education #exam #students #result #grades


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All Comments (21)
  • @kyuning4461
    I really have to compliment CNA. It is the only local channel that still remained relevant over the years. The CNA insider series is really well done indeed.
  • @SohanMahajani
    The fact that teachers segregate children based on their intelligence in a classroom and that the teachers also read out the scores in front of the entire class is really depressing. No child should be placed under so much pressure and humiliation; it's inhumane.
  • @ichokefinals
    the most surprising part of the video is that some primary schools actually give their students chairs to sit on in the hall
  • @angsua4965
    14:49 the kid put a smile icon next to his ‘play’ time on his tight study schedule 😢 crazy to think that for some children, ‘playing / free time’ is a privilege
  • @fruitsandosss
    there needs to be a follow up documentary (with 80s and 90s kids) on whether a fixation on external validation early in life creates happy and fulfilled adults… do they eventually become soulless automaton zombies ✨✨~alienated from the self~ ✨✨… or are they too busy projecting intergenerational academic trauma on their own kids to have a sense of self
  • @KennethChooTV
    Diana Ser is the best person to host this as her child is also having PSLE. I think it is a good wake up call for MOE & Parents to relook into the way they handle the PSLE stress. It is a good documentary for parents to see themselves from another POV. The kids’ post PSLE feedback is very important.
  • @Ziiqing
    We went through PSLE ourselves too, so more or less we know how the stress can be on the next generation. I am not a parent myself but I wouldn't go crazy for my child's primary sch education. It definitely sets a foundation for our future but it does not mean the future will be set by your performance in just this exam. Rather than overemphasizing on academics I would want my child to build on his or her passion, studies will come next but a balance of play and work must be there. As adults we don't work everyday or all the time, so why should we expect kids to only study and sleep 🤣.
  • @cccyy376
    Its true. Less criticism, more encouragement. It will really make a long way. When we look back, we want the children to feel that they have gone through the tough times together WITH the parents and not feeling alone.
  • @bancrusher
    I'd rather kids have self-imposed stress, but because kids are unable to see the importance of education, parents end up causing stress for their children, yet I do not believe direct rewards are sustainable and ruins character, I think self-imposed stress takes you the long way in education marathon
  • @whoopee075
    In the span of their lifetime, PSLE is really just a minute part….. it’s sad that these children have to be put through this. I hope that emphasis should be put on what you can still achieve in spite of your PSLE results. (Personally I did not do well in my PSLE) My partner and I decided not to live in singapore anymore because we did not want our kids to have to go through this…
  • @Ivanheim1
    The most beautiful parent is the one who never sends her children to tuition. She is not stress at all and her kids looks happier! Facts.
  • @janemuses3031
    No wonder gen Z is the most unhappy cohort and stressed out too. I recall studying for my PSLE a month prior and it was stressful but nothing like the prep these kids go through. You'd think after all these years and access to global cultures that Asian parents would have a better understanding of what it really takes to succeed in life is not book smarts.
  • @rayngmelb
    While I don't hold a position to comment on Singapore's education system and culture, I appreciate their perspective. My child's educational journey in the West, characterized by a relaxed system and minimal tutoring, led to remarkable outcomes. Despite playing throughout primary and secondary school years, my child secured admission to one of our country's top universities, ranked within the global top 60. In a highly sought-after, technical course underscores his achievement. However, it raises an essential question: Is the rigor of Singapore's education system, driven by limited resources and a high student-to-resource ratio, worth the potential trade-off of a lost childhood? Western education prioritizes holistic development, critical thinking, and creativity—qualities increasingly vital in an AI-driven world with abundant information access. Educators emphasize understanding concepts over mere rote memorization, recognizing that talent and creativity cannot be manufactured. Education transcends mere numbers and accolades; it shapes hearts and minds. As parents, let's celebrate our children's growth and guide them wisely. Education isn't merely a destination; it's a constellation of moments that shape their futures.
  • @guang-wen
    This is absolutely insane to see kids so young feel the pressure of standardized tests and to prep so much. But you really can't argue with Singapore's results.
  • @chloesa4487
    I'm so captivated by Diana Ser's mannerism. Also, another great video by CNA Insider!
  • @nisarahmadho
    A very insightful episode. Full of wake up calls and parenting reflections. Well done CNA!
  • @bd1982
    i love how the children shared their honest opinion, i can feel the stress they going through. anyway congratulations to all, you did yourself proud and complete those examinations.
  • @janeloh6064
    Well done CNA team & Diana! In this era, we've robbed children off their joy and enrolled them to the rat race of chasing non-stop. Since when did we take learning for granted and turn it into a dread? We need to find the joy & appreciation of learning!!
  • @siminkuo7916
    The kids featured here are relatively well-spoken and their parents can afford tuition, assessment books etc. I wish they could also do a side feature on kids who who struggle in school - how PSLE was like for children like those in the "Don't Call Us Beaten" series (which was a favorite of mine). Their perspectives and experiences would likely be very different.