Russia faces international condemnation for strike on Ukraine's largest children's hospital

Published 2024-07-08

All Comments (21)
  • @kayskreed
    Condemnation isn't enough. The US needs to lift its restrictions on the usage of weapons if such attacks are to be prevented in the future. Ukraine currently has no means of preventing such attacks due to handicaps placed upon it. The question is: Does the US and NATO want Ukraine to survive this war or not? Be honest
  • @MD-4mee
    How can this go on? India and China stop supporting this. You will be next.
  • Absolutely despicable ! How is Russia still on the Security Council ? Makes a mockery of it all
  • @petje2435
    He is free to attack, but you're not allowed to respond. IT IS SICKENING, I don't get it.
  • @pgr3290
    Modi hugging Putin today after this attack. Absolutely disgusting. India needs to check itself for enabling this kind of butchery
  • @troop73oo
    And he is a so called ā€˜Strong Manā€™? I donā€™t think so.
  • @31Blaize
    Russia doing the same things it has done for years. Time to let Ukraine fight without its hands tied behind its back, and past time that Russia is brought to justice.
  • @garyleahy2524
    Well said Mr. Goncharenko. Where is the security that was guaranteed in the Budapest memorandum?
  • @halko1
    These are the values of Russia and everyone who supports Putin.
  • what sort of invertebrate Modi must be for not immediately condemming Putin and leaving Moscow after this?
  • Why is Russia still a member of the United Nations Security Council - because it is a nuclear power - REALLY - ???????????šŸ˜¢
  • @tanektan9113
    NATO needs to wake up & stop Pootin.. He will never stop with Ukraine.
  • @center__mass
    how have they not been removed grom the UN security council ffs