Hello Kylo: The Last Jedi Review/Rant (Spoilers!!!)

Published 2017-12-17
This is therapy, but it's also true. Added a little HelloGreedo parody as well.

All Comments (5)
  • I went to try to find you for mouth I'm so happy that your making best rant video ever
  • @fuzzygurl23
    Aboute Reylo: I honestly hated that idea since TFA. When Rey literally shut the door at Kylo Ren near the end, I was thinking: "Finally!" After everything that happened to her from standing up to Kylo about his BS from the beginning to her slowly but suddenly believing that Kylo can be redeemed even though EVERYONE FROM J.J ABRAMS TO EVEN LUKE SKYWALKER WHO SAID TO REY THAT SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO CHANGE AT ALL AND KYLO KILLING HAN SOLO PLUS NEARLY KILLING FINN, TLOHL!! I was nearly so ready to curse when Rey looks at him seemingly gazes at Kylo and saying Ben's name until snoke reveals his mind manipulation towards her in the throne room and Kylo making her know the so-called truth about who her parents/family really are when she fell into the pool of DARKNESS by probbing her to say it before stating that they sold her off and never love her at all, DESPITE WHAT SHE AND WE SAW IN TFA! WE ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THEY ARE REALLY HER BIRTH PARENTS ON THAT SHIP LEAVING HER OR NOT IN THE FIRST FREAKING PLACE!!!
    Althought I now see him however as more of an emotional manipulator who's literally seeks to tear Rey away for his truly Evil & unstable motivations from the real truth, the folks who really care for her like Han, Chewie, BB-8, Leia, Luke despite his nasty behaviour towards her, Poe and Finn (her OTL) plus her birth parents by making her say that they're "nobodies" who never love her but he "doesn't see her that way" and as an opprtunist seeking to climb the ladder by first going with Snoke's plan before striking him down & lying to Hux about it.
    And it still irks & confuses me sometimes that people ship him & Rey together for the sake of the balance between Light & Dark despite clearly showing that this kind of relationship is purely about emotional manipulation preying on our inner & outer turmoil. It can have a negative influence on both young kids & teens, especially girls
    Yet feminists (NOT ALL OF THEM) want to end any kind of violence (physical, emotional & spiritual) against women in relationships...
    Sorry for this long rant but this is honestly how I feel about it.
    Btw Dude, I strongly agree with u about the forced romance between Finn & Rose. Poe and Rey have offically confirmed NOT to be a couple at all. Link: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-9-rey-poe-romance-daisy-ridley-ix/
  • The film is a Matrix Sequels rip off! "I knew as my apprentice grew stronger in the the darkness, his equal in the light would rise." Snoke said this. Kylo Ren is an evil Neo and Rey is a good Agent Smith. This explains why she is so powerful. As Kylo gets more powerfull in the dark, her power grows too. Just like Agent Smith reacting to Neo in the Matrix; his power balances Neo's. It's a fucking rip off and a bad one at that.