Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine

Published 2009-03-17
From the album Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place (2003)

All Comments (21)
  • @cupcake5200
    This song is absolutely perfect. No words. No singing. Just your thoughts, your own story and memories.
  • This is both the saddest and yet most optimistic thing I've ever listened to at the same time.
  • @hewilson100
    I held my dad’s hand yesterday as he left this world. This song came on my iTunes today while I was driving and it just....was perfect. I love you, daddy.
  • @breejohn
    All of these comments really open your eyes. Everyone perceives things in different ways. One song produces so many emotions.
  • This comment section is the most beautiful sharing of emotions I have ever experienced
  • @Darkvegetable12
    I’ve never cried this much in my life. This song helped me let out months of failure, sadness and loneliness. Everyone should know that you’re not alone. Keep going, that pressure will create a diamond.
  • @Maryam0369
    RIP my love. Until we meet again. This is for you. Everything's for you
  • @escrows
    11 years later and I still find myself loving this song so much in 2021.. Crazy how big of a part of my life EITS was.
  • @munchy4prez
    This song is so sad, yet so uplifting. It has such a feeling of finality, like something you've held near and dear to your heart is coming to a bitter, depressing end that is somehow still hopeful. Personally, it reminds me that nothing lasts forever, and while we can always feel a sense of sadness and longing as we look back on everything we once knew, dwelling on the changes that have taken place or will take place some time in the future, we can also look back on that period of time and all the memories we made with a fond smile. This song elicits emotion from both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in the between. It's a perfect representation of how up and down life is. It'll take us for a ride, the most intense ride we will ever know as human beings. We'll feel the lows of grief, of anger, of depression. We'll feel the highs of love, inspiration, and pure unexplainable joy. We'll feel the neutral, the exhaustion, the detachment, and the melancholy. That's what this song is to me. It is the defining track to life. I'm not saying it's the greatest song ever made, or even my favorite song, but it's the only song I've ever listened to that has made me feel so much in the span of eight minutes and seventeen seconds.
  • @nnsiio
    The best feeling ever is realizing you're not sad anymore over something you thought you'd never get over.
  • @hospitalitea
    Whenever my depression and anxiety starts to catch up to me I listen to this.
  • @danbarsotti6107
    This song has lived in my head for years. It’s a staple when I have to align myself and feel.
  • Find that scared little boy or girl that lives inside your heart and hold them close. Look that child in the eyes and tell them that it's going to be alright. We've made it this far and we'll make it through more. It's what we do. We survive.
  • @GyanAddict
    It doesn't say "The Earth is a lively and happy place". As an optimist would say. It says "The Earth is NOT a cold dead place". As a suicidal person coming back from the ledge would say. Because some memory flashed before his eyes at the last moment, or maybe he found a small but meaningful purpose to live a bit longer. Maybe the sunset sky was too beautiful that day.
  • This song brings me back to high school football career. I was pretty dam good and the memories I had are second to none. I miss the fresh cut grass and those long two-a-days getting ready for the season. The feeling you get knowing your one of the kings of school and everybody supported you. I miss those Friday night lights and the bands playing and the crowd going crazy. I miss holding my friends hands while playing the Alma Mater after the game. Going up to my mom and sister’s and my brother And my dad when he was able to go, and hugging them. Now I cannot complain. I’m in the Army and have my wife and baby boy that looks forward to seeing me when I come home and it is the greatest feeling ever. God bless y’all.
  • @sakkhogun1334
    It is one of the most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard
  • @logans2103
    This was played at my father's funeral. This was one of the few movies we'd sit and watch together.
  • @dannyboy91
    Not listened to this song in years, but have such great memories of it. Being 18, not a care in the world, my whole life ahead of me. Good times
  • @modioperis
    This song...Not to often you hear a song that invokes a feeling of sadness and hope so well.