I'm 23 and have never had a girlfriend...

Published 2023-11-09
Recently I've just felt my heart broken, feel like I'll always be alone but I know I gotta just keep on improving as a person and see if things get better eventually.
Thanks for watching and the support, love you guys.
Insta: @mari_7x27

All Comments (21)
  • @Sketchy_2
    i'm 25 and virgin and man nothing feels worse than when all of my friends get gfs and talk about their dating lives with me, while I still haven't gotten a date once šŸ™ƒ
  • @RoaringJaguar
    Iā€™m 25, turning 26 soon, and Iā€™ve never experienced love. Youā€™re not alone ā¤
  • @RutinLaun
    damn bruh. its just kinda crazy how nobody is talking about the forbidden e-book that is called crushanygirl
  • @airfox_aorus
    Worst feeling, ur family asks about it all the time. It hurts.
  • @ginakelley749
    I'm a grandmother. Let me tell you, young man, youre on the right track! However most girls these days are superficial. Finding your soulmate isn't easy anymore, but don't give up hope and pray on it. I never did. Probably missed him by 100 years! You are very handsome and have a good heart, guard it well. I will pray for you, my Dear!
  • Hey don't worry about it man. I'm 27 and never had a girlfriend either. The worst part is my friends and relatives all think I'm too good-looking to not have a girlfriend. But because I'm kind of socially awkward and shy, I was never able to get one.
  • @o.da1233
    24 after 3 months. I just gave up at this point. I think some people destined to live alone forever. I'm one of them.
  • I just turned 24 and never had a girlfriend as well. I don't know anymore at this point. It's hard not to want to give up. I do so much, I'm a great guy (better than most I feel), and I'm still alone. What's crazy is that there's always people them on the internet who will shit on you and minimize you and look for every fault in you to gaslight you. At this point, I'm not sure I want to continue with life. I guess I have my passions and my job but I can't live the rest of my life for those.
  • @JFDrake94
    You have a lot of balls to speak of these personal things. It's admirable. You've actually given me the idea of doing it myself here on YouTube.
  • @firebeard7
    I'm the same age as you bro and I can totally relate. We are NOT weirdos, we are perfectly normal. We've been taught about a world that is completely different from reality. Discover your passion and go for it, enjoy the little things and strive for great things and if you find someone along the way, good on you, but you must learn to be confortable with being alone because relationships are mostly bs right now.
  • @nikitacooper4536
    So relatable. Connecting with people seems impossible so I always get crushes on this wholesome chatacters . They are so interesting and easy to connect mentally with even if it's one sided. Its somehow comforting to know someone else , like you , thinks the same way as me
  • @bkbstone
    You're handsome and well-spoken and articulate, your lady is out there somewhere. Keep living and improving yourself and following your dreams and desires.
  • @cybowman1295
    Hi Mari...my relationship story as a young man was so much like yours! I finally found a girl that I really was drawn to, and I got the "wobbles" for awhile n she almost gave up on me. One day I stepped out and took her out. ...we started getting together to have fun, walk on the beach and stuff. We got engaged. then married. I was 29! ...next August, we will have been married for 50 years. It does happen. My prayers are with you, friend!!
  • @leodavis9824
    Here's the truth and it might be a little harsh but you need it. In this day and age being 23 and single doesnā€™t surprise me. With all the tech everyone is socially awkward but that's another topic. You are super likable and attractive but you are gloomy. Just from what Iā€™ve witnessed in your few videos if things donā€™t come easily you tend to say they arenā€™t worth it. For instance, life and love. You are too self-conscious. You need to focus on whether or not you like the girl and not care if they like you because they all arenā€™t going to and thatā€™s fine. You are letting off a vibe and it's probably making the girls you interact with confused. They probably canā€™t tell you are interested. As a guy you have to put yourself out there and they will choose. The girl in school liked you. I donā€™t know if you still have a shot. Try asking them to study with you privately. Coffee, whatever. If they say yes, you're half way there. If they say no you wonā€™t die, it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re ugly or that life isn't worth it. You are making everything harder than it has to be. Get on it. You arenā€™t going to be young, fit and good looking forever. And if you show your sensitive side right away, they will run but you haven't got that far yet. Donā€™t tell them all your problems. Try to have a good time. SHIT YOU WANT TAKES WORK. It's a pain in the ass but that's the way it is. You have all the tools you just have to take them outta the box. Hope this helps.
  • @graphs1524
    23 year old guy here too and I relate to you bro. At this point I feel a kind of apathy towards the thought of me ever being a relationship or even talking to a woman but for some reason it brings me peace? Like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Having a relationship isnā€™t a requirement to enjoy life or to get fulfillment. I think weā€™re gonna be ok and I hope the best for all of you, whatever path you take.
  • @ninjakasman7120
    23 too bro. Good on you for having the balls to speak your mind. I feel somewhat the same about life right now and always have. I was recently the closest to ever having a girlfriend and did things for this girl I had never done in my life for anyone. She broke my heart yesterday bro. Move forward the time and place will present itself. Gods timing. PS I am 6ft 6, I work out am in shape, play football, am in a band and yet I am deep down extremely awkward when it comes to intimacy and opening myself up. Out in public I am confident but not when it comes down to meaningful relationships. I will strive to improve always. Keep your head up we in this together.
  • @Annabelle99356
    I have depression since 10 years, have been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder 3 years ago and also borderline personality disorder 2 years ago, I'm 25 and never had a boyfriend, got mercilessly bullied in school, physically and emotionally abused by my father, and never ever had any friends. We all are struggling in this life no matter how much people show you their vacation pictures, new car, house, perfect partner etc on social media. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Nobody has life figured out. Remember that. Stay resilient, focus on the good, stop comparing and keep going. You are stronger and braver than you think. You've got this.
  • i reached my 30 and i've never had any girlfriend either and still a virgin and not planning to lose it and gave up any hope of being in relationship a very long time ago, and to be honest i feel happy about it because i don't get to suffer any consequences by being with the wrong person, as i see a lot of stories on the news of people killing their spouses and divorces that end up with problems in courts and single divorcees with children to take care of
  • This is probably one of the most relatable videos I've ever seen! God bless you man! The girls these days are just not like how they were before. One day you'll find the one. I hope I do as well.
  • Really feel this man, 24 and have only had a couple of relationships but nothing lasts. Was lucky to get them off the ground to begin with. No matter how much Iā€™ve tried self improvement and holding myself accountable for my flaws, nothings ever good enough for anyone. I hope more ppl will empathize rather than point and laugh because thatā€™s just inhuman imo. Itā€™s very sad to see so many videos like this now but itā€™s just becoming a staple on every platform because of how alone so many ppl are, including myself. Im by no means normal and have had a lot of mental health issues develop over time that Iā€™m doing my best to tackle, so I can understand why there isnā€™t an appeal there. Itā€™s like deep affection is something that no one will ever show towards me and itā€™s so painful.