101 Beginner Tips and Tricks for Project Zomboid

Published 2022-11-19

All Comments (21)
  • @kudor4077
    102 tip: When you're driving through the forest and have an axe on you you can click on cut down option to see on which tiles are trees and easily avoid crashes. Just hover your mouse over a tree and you will see green dots in some area near your mouse indicating trees.
  • @GamerWolvenna
    Another tip: pressing Q while sneaking will whisper-shout. It has a much smaller range than a normal shout and can be useful for pulling one zombie at a time away from a group so you can deal with them more easily.
  • @xanatar3009
    Tip #2: Drinking water DIRECTLY from a lake/river won't kill you. If you put the water in a bottle and try to drink from that, it will kill you.
  • @Dragewarrior
    For the Police Station/Armory doors: if you dont have the key, if you have a screwdriver/hammer, you can dissasemble it instead of breaking it down. Probably faster too.
  • @xanatar3009
    Tip #71: The trait "Brave" is a good substitute for Desensitised as you will only ever panic in hordes of 30+ zombies. It's cheaper on points and allows you to pick a better occupation.
  • @oIPsychotixIo
    A note/extra tip when finding Annotated Maps: Certain symbols mean certain things. Most of the they will point to a survivor house or a cache of very good loot, a note saying "Tools stored here" is usually crowbars, hammers, screwdrivers and sledgehammers etc etc. BE CAREFUL When you find an annotated map that has something like "Old paranoid veteran used to live here" and the location is marked with a Skull & Crossbones, this will generate a house with very good loot but the house in TRAPPED with explosives.
  • @thecypher7607
    A tip I learned the hard way but made me love the game more. The combat system shares the same "Common sense realism" as everything else. You can potentially dodge/duck zombie attacks as well as bullets if your character is getting shot at. A well timed panic slam of the crouch button has saved my neck several times from a sneaky zombie that attacked from behind.
  • @mtdewramen
    I pretty much agree with all of it, except vitamins. They are easily taken while sneaking around, and if you intend on maxing out every little bit of the day, they are actually extremely handy if you have any last minute combat to finish up. Being tired also affects your stamina regeneration too. Then again, this was titled "beginner tips". Many people have difficulty surviving even the first day starting out. Keep up the great work, love the content!
  • @xanatar3009
    Tip #55: Outdoorsman is still extremely good value - but the chance of catching a cold/getting sick from the weather has been changed to 10% instead of 0%. This basically means you'd have to be running around naked like a lunatic in -20C to get sick, but it is possible now. (Makes sense as it was completely busted before)
  • @Wolvenmoth
    Story Time; back in time, when the models were still 2d and not even the mall had been added yet the lonely farm house that is refer too at around 6:50 used to be the most distant and isolated place in the map, and in the project Zomboidm ap project is still refer to as "The Farm to the West". Yes that place that now stands as close to the center of the map as it can be without mods used to be the most distant place.
  • @toyfreaks
    Even after 1000+ hours in PZ, I still picked up 7 things I did NOT know. Thank you!
  • @CatChat240p
    Tip 102: Always carry a screwdriver and hammer to disassemble any door that may be locked
  • @GreenieBoi9
    couple good tips I'd like to add to this are: Wall durability: Its been proven that if you build walls from lvl 1 and upgrade them by each increment, it Increases the durability by 50 or so points. Pair it with the handy trait and constructed walls will have more hp than building a base lvl 3 wall at the go. Plus I believe you can increases the durability a bit by making metal frames and constructing wood walls to get even more durability. Fyi, I always run with this in my sandbox games but there's a option in the character selection on the sandbox settings that gives you the option to increase the "Player built construction" health and setting it to max will also make walls and stuff alot more durable. Traits: My usual go too for negative traits is: slow healer: only sucks more if you got a broken leg or a severe laceration which takes days to heal slow reader: In sp, you have the speed up button, and is more noticeable with the higher skilled books that can take a whole day to read. Weak stomach: Its rlly simple, don't eat rotten/burnt food and boil your water. But be careful with foragable mushrooms and berries as this will kill you real fast. Prone to illness: To me it means how fast you turn when infected. Don't get bit and you'll be okay. Free points. Also correct me if I'm wrong btw. Pacifist: I think it just lowers the weapon exp you gain when using a weapon type against zombies and there's plenty of zombies out there to farm kills when your at that point In the game. Lemme know also if it affects damage but personally I didn't see any difference. For positives: Organized: I feel this is a trait alot of people don't pick as it increases every container and bag encumbrance by I think 15 or 30 percent, and it's rlly useful for long loot runs where you want to get everything you can get and it's useful for larger bags like the military bags where it's normally 28 or 29 encumbrance and with organized it goes to 35 or 36. Plus it makes storing stuff in your base alot more efficient and you need to build less crates for storage purposes. Handy: Gives +1 to carpentry and maintenence and boost experience while leveling those skills. Plus it gives a bonus hp to construction. Dexterous: Increases transfer speed and is good when bored and depressed but even still it still slows you down. plus it's good to have when you need to bring out that Shotgun and shells from ur bag to quickly clear a horde. outdoorsman: Same reasons as you said in the video. speed demon: it makes cars faster but can be a double edge sword. I'll let you find out why XD. wakeful: You sleep less and have more time through the day to do stuff. Just be prepared to be sleepy around 1 am in game and wake up mere 4 hours later. And I usually go with the burglar occupation just for the easy hotwire upon start up bonus. Crowbars may have decent damage but they can last a long ass time cuz it has a high durability making it a great early to late game weapon to have. When a couple months pass in game you can begin to see some interesting weapons stabbed in zombies chest like spears and katanas. Download the automechanics mod to make mechanics grinds alot easier as there's a option to automatically Uninstall and reinstall everything until the mod realizes you have done it to all parts and makes ur character go at a standstill. knifes and spears can hit zombies behind metal fences as they are used to stab zombies. The car that looks like a corvette in game is the fastest car in vanilla but has very little storage space and have a problem with finding parts to replace. A truck has more storage space in the trunk but isn't as fast as the sports cars but emergency vehicles are probably the go too cars as they have a alarm, they're pretty quick and the parts are pretty easy to aquire. you can reclaim spears to get back the weapon used to make a weponised spear and they come back with the durability used to make them. Only the spear itself breaks after use. The katana one of the best weapons in the game and is of two long blade weapons. It can almost one shot zombies with no skill but suffers from low durability. If your gonna use one, have some maintenance levels first. Baseball bats can be upgraded into spiked bats for more damage but comes at a durability cost. I think that's all for now...
  • @vicki4849
    I have NEVER found a gun in the schools....which is as it should be.
  • If you can find a hammer and screwdriver it's always quicker to disassemble a locked door than to smash through. The exception is when there's a zombie on the other side. If you can't find the hammer and screwdriver, axes and meat cleavers are the best choices for brute forcing your way through.
  • @HeWhoIsFated
    Regarding Tip No.5 You can actually check when you will perform the instant-kill or when it will be a regular attack by looking at your character's offhand. When you're in range and eligible for an instant-kill, your character will raise his/her offhand to about chest level in karate chop pose, instead of having it down by his/her thigh and curled. Its a very minor cue, and I don't recommend trying to look for it while fighting zombies because the window to see can be the gap between perfect health and being scratched/lacerated/bit. Take a closer look when he goes to shove the chestnut afro zombie with the purple shirt in the video, and watch how his character's off hand immediately raises before it switches to the shove animation. That little distinct hand raise is the cue to left click and kill the zombie. Hope this helps!
  • Smoker can be free points, I'd recommend the mod that lets you use stoves and car lighters for times when you can't find lighters or matches.
  • with the mod that make traits more clear in what they do, outdoorsman is really underrated as it also reduce the chance to get a cold by 90% and reduce the chance to get a scratch from trees bushes and other flora stuff by 99% that's really good secondly marshridge is a good place if you need a book as the postal office backroom as a shit ton of books, you are nearly guaranteed to find the books you want, even in insanely rare settings it still has a lot of books
  • I feel like 89 is one the most important tips. Ive lost 6-7 characters to it and I think something important to note is that you can still get sick from the bodies OUTSIDE of your base/home too if they are close enough.
  • I love this list! Thanks so much! I wanted to add one possible one too -- Water dispensers can be picked up and brought back to your base for some small clean water storage. They can be refilled too with boiled water. You can also refill them from a sink that's been plumbed with an above rain barrel, so your rain barrel can refill again. I've done this during rain storms to collect the most water possible.