What are the Ups and Downs of Being a Goth?

Published 2024-02-14
A special Professor M video on the positives and negatives of being in the Goth Subculture. A very special thank you to Lauren who inspired this video based on a comment that was the inspiration. Come learn the 15 plus and 6 minuses of the culture today and how awesome being a Goth in Gothdom really is.

All Comments (21)
  • @samuelpenn2973
    Dear Professor M., thank you for this video. These last few years I find myself hesitating sometimes to go on the internet because I know I'm going to see a lot of angry people. You made an effort to count our blessings for us. The facts are: yes, people will stare; and yes some darlings get carried away when they feel something they value is being threatened. At 56 I shrug my shoulders and leave the bickering to people who have the time and energy to spare. But sometimes I just don't want to be a witness because it's a show I've seen so many times before. The circus may be dark but, come on, folks, please do make it boring. So thank you for being a wise and positive influence.
  • @BEAKER6868
    my goth wardrobe is pretty solid. it consists of a long black leather trench coat, some pairs of tripp pants, and a BIG goth/dark alternative tshirt collection. i've got so many, and it's still growing.
  • @LauraCordes
    Happy Valentines Day, Professor M. πŸ–€ I love watching your channel, and this video is excellent. I have a story pertaining to your point about parents. I'm one of the lucky ones whose mom allowed me to express myself as a teenager. I wish every young person had such a loving, accepting parent as mine. She was always judged for being a single mom in a red state during the late 70s, and I think that only caused her to challenge societal norms and stigmas and appreciate everyone, no matter where they came from or how they dressed. I had a teacher who called her one day out of "concern" when young me, who had just discovered the goth subculture, for wearing so much black and reading Victorian literature: "I think your daughter has taken an interest in the occult! I strongly suggest you not allow this to continue!" I was a quiet, bookish young lady, who might have daydreamed a little too much but stayed out of trouble and enjoyed learning. "Mr. Blorb (not his real name), my daughter is a good student, and she shows me everything she reads, and I know what she wears when she goes to school, and there is nothing in the school dress code prohibiting students from wearing all black to school. I would appreciate it if you would keep your judgment of my daughter's wardrobe and focus on teaching instead of attempting to be a fashion critic. If you have any concerns regarding her performance in class or conduct on campus, please feel free to reach out to me again. Until then, please do not call me with any more of your ridiculous concerns". That was the last phone call she ever received from him. When I told her I had returned to the goth subculture after many years, she was delighted for me and said, "well, didn't Morticia Addams say 'darling, black is the happiest color'?" My mom isn't a goth, but I would say she might be goth adjacent. She'll be visiting me for her 81st birthday in a few months, and when I casually asked her if she might like to go to a goth night, she was so excited and told me that although she's never been to a goth club, she would love to see what it's like and that it looked fun. Having my mom in my life is such a blessing. For those of you whose parents don't love and accept you, for being gay, or being trans, or being goth, I love and accept you. I'll be your goth mom, if you want one. πŸ–€πŸ¦‡πŸ¦β€β¬›
  • I’m not feeling well today, so I’ll be back in a day or so with a response. Just a small one for now, due to loneliness and insecurity, I spent a very long time trying Not to be Goth, but I wasn’t happy. Anyhow, love your thoughts and I will further respond shortly πŸ’œ
  • You always know just what to say to brighten my day. Thank you Professor M for your words of kindness and wisdom πŸ–€πŸ–€
  • Yet again, another wonderful video πŸ¦‡ Happy Valentine’s Day πŸ–€
  • @Lynn-64
    Thankyou Professor M for this video. I found it so fasinating. I always love your videos, and i'm looking forward in your next video πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ–€
  • @Devastatia669
    Number 13 made me laugh. Unfortunately, I have seen three Goths all dressed the same... and I was one of them. Myself and two friends went to a Goth night and when we took our coats off, we were all wearing the same outfit. The only difference being boots, hair and make up. We're all plus size so were quite limited to where we could shop, it got the point that we had to call each other to make sure we weren't planning the same outfit again. After this, I started to learn basic dress making and customising techniques.
  • Dear Professor M, I resonate so heavily with everything that you said, & I think that I may have BEEN a Goth since my teenage years (with my fascination for Vampires, Vampirism, the Addams family, the Munsters, Elvira, the Occult, Sorcery, Divination etc) but just never realised it! As I rapidly approach my 50th birthday, I now do realise it! I'm not sure about musical tastes, as mine are VERY old (classical guitar, harpsichord, choral music, church organ) My biggest fear is NOT being accepted by, dare I say, Other Goths. In truth, I have never encountered any "in the flesh." I hope to, though.
  • @Nigredo1974
    Thank You Professor M. for the video. Love your skull with crown.!!
  • @jasemac5391
    I became Goth after watching Gothic King Cobra JFS in 2020 when the COVID virus hit us but I ended up with Goth Cough and had to quit it πŸ˜±πŸ§›πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  • At minute 18, exactly what I was thinking :)) you can make the clothes but you still have to buy the boots
  • I get asked If goths are satanists. My reply is personally I am a LeVayen Satanist but goths in general have different religious beliefs. I am Very fortunate to have work place that allows people to wear what They like. I work with people that have mental illnesses: depression, anxiety, BPD, bi-polar, etc. We encourage them to be themselves. The place I work is a place where people can come and feel a sense of community and being needed. Everything is run by the members: Cookin, cleaning, administrive work, hospitality with 10-11 staff members. My point is that We want others to be themselves, so the staff also get to be themselves. Fridays I usually go all out goth. I am also part of the biker community in Sweden. You mentioned How goths have respect for each other; I find the same in the biker commnity. I am so glad I found your youtube. I hope you have a good rest of your day.
  • @rscuris
    Ah music and the β€œdark arts”. What more is there!? Feeling much better-alive since finding my music again. Rita The Punk Diva. Great video as always and Goths the nicest group of people you will find
  • @Antdevamp
    Oh, I have met a few 'gatekeepers', I let them do it, and I tell my friends not to jump in. This would be really funny if I wasn't a gate guard for Deathguild SF since 96'. But please, tell me all about how great you think you are!
  • @EB1878
    Thank you Professor M for sharing these pros and cons (although in all my years being a Goth, the only cons I'd have to say are the stereotypical negative comments that sadly, tend to come with this vast subculture). Aside from that, I liked the positive #9, "think outside the box " I'd refer to this as "Think outside of the ⚰️ coffin," hehe... πŸ˜‚ You made an excellent point about being able to afford your goth wardrobe one piece at a time and build it up and also pointing out, "Is Goth expensive?" Actually, it depends on the Goth. Personally, I absolutely love ❀️ Tripp, nyc coats and jackets. Although I couldn't have bought these when brand new back in the day, I was in a position to scoop up several trench coats at a bargain on eBay. This is before the Tripp, nyc clothing from the 90's into the Y2K 2000's era tripled, in some cases, even quadrupled in price as of lately. Now a Tripp, nyc coat will set a person back anywhere from $200-$400 plus +++ depending on the seller and general demand, I'm guessing. My only guess as to why that happened is the younger generation wants these articles so badly, and yet when their strapped-for-cash parents cave and buy them the extremely expensive vintage Tripp, nyc clothing, the younger folks tear it up and destroy it. (Kinda of like what I'd do to a brand new pair of school jeans growing up. I used to cut holes in them so they'd fray and give a unique rock n' roll edge that not all kids wanted back in my day). It set me apart as a little trend setter and trail blazer, but I also got made fun of all throughout my school years. Eh, I had fun being me and wearing what I liked. 🀷😊 And there was somebody on the comments here, I believe Swedish Goth that added about the negative of being Goth and constantly being followed around in stores like a common criminal. Sadly, due to the unprecedented spike in shoplifting, everyone is subject to being followed in stores by employees and loss prevention, regardless of how anyone appears or by what they wear, and it's disheartening to read that Goths are still being targeted like this. True, we stand out like sore thumbs and draw unwanted suspicious looks our way when shopping. But if I were to see another Goth out shopping like me, I'd think, "Awesome! Finally, another Goth emerging to run typical errands." You were spot on about your friend's mother. I had that same experience happen to me several years ago when i stepped foot into a Muarice's store with some disposable income leftover, surprise, surprise, they told me to leave because I was a meager housekeeper wearing my used work shoes. I knew how it felt to be discriminated against, but it was all good. The other stores in the mall happily took my money and let me shop at my leisure. πŸ¦‡ As always, I truly enjoyed this video, and with an even more expanded Goth "add ons" like bubble gum Goth, Glitter Goth, it boggles me. I was new to the Goth scene around the Industrial Goth era of the 2000's, although I wasn't fond of the Industrial fashion, per se, I just described myself as "goth" in my younger days. 😊 Someone needs to create and publish a Goth compendium book to help outsiders better understand the various fashions and subgeneres of our fascinating goth subculture. Time consuming? Yes, absolutely since everything changes at breakneck speed Nowadays. Totally worth it though as it would help those new to the subculture, help educate us elder Goths so we can help out the younger Goths find those unique fashions that the modern fast fashion Goth retailers might not design or essentially have. P.S.- Happy Valentine's day, Professor M. πŸ–€πŸ€πŸ©ΆπŸ–€πŸ¦‡πŸ§›β€β™€οΈ πŸ‘‹
  • @Antdevamp
    I 'wish' I had the Goth Elder bit my age would call, but I bet I've done a total 1 total year of Goth culture. That still makes me a Baby Bat, technically. I enjoy everyone assuming otherwise.
  • @lina.lry8
    as a baby bat this video really helped